Curriculum Vitae

Personnal information


Post-doctoral researcher at Ljk (University of Grenoble) and LEGI (Grenoble INP)




LEGI, Domaine Universitaire, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France



Scientific Résumé

2011 - 2012

Postdoctoral research - LEGI/ LJK, Grenoble INP

ANR SCALE. Position at the laboratories LEGI (mecanics) and LJK (applied mathematics) in Grenoble, adviser : G.H. Cottet (LJK), G. Balarac (LEGI) et C. Picard (LJK). Subject : developp parallel implementation for particular method and coupling them with spectral schemes (or finite-volume schemes on unstructured mesh). The purpose is to simulate the advection of a (non-diffusive) scalar by a turbulent flow. Finer mesh are used to discretize the scalar and thus the cfl of classical scheme restrict too much the time step.

2008 - 2011

Phd thesis - University of Bordeaux, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux/INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest

Modeling tumor growth: Parameter estimation (recovery of the vasculature) and model devoted to gliomas (brain tumor) and numerical simulations of these models.


Thierry Colin and Olivier Saut

Summer Programs

Summer 2012

Center Of Turbulence - Stanford

Member of the ”Algorithm “project (a four week research session founding by the CTR): Particle method: an efficient tool for direct numerical simulations of high Schmidt number passive scalar in turbulent flow. Collaboration with G. Balarac (LEGI, Grenoble, France) and GH. Cottet (LJK, Grenoble, France).

Summer 2009


Member of the ”Stroke“project (a five week research session): modeling inflammatory process during a stroke. Supervised by G. Chapuisat (Aix-Marseille 3 University) and MA. Dronne. (Lyon 1 University).


2011 - 2012

Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble 1)

Initiation to Matlab and implementation of basics numerical method to solve EDO and simple EDP.

2008 - 2011

Matmeca (IPB, engineering school ENSEIRB-MATMECA)

Initiation to programming in Fortran , introduction to Ordinary Equations and on finite-volume method in order to solve advection-diffusion problem.

2007 - 2008


Khôlles at Lycée La Martinière Monplaisir à Lyon


2008 - 2011

Phd Thesis, IMB/Inria MC2, Bordeaux

Phd : Tumor growth model: Doctorat, mention Très Honorable à l’université Bordeaux 1, sous la direction de Thierry Colin et d’Olivier Saut, au sein de l’équipe INRIA MC2 et de l’Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux.

Monitorat, Université Bordeaux1

Teaching in engeneering school Matmeca (64h per years).

2004 - 2008

”Elève normalien“ at ”Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon“

2007 - 2008

Master on applied Mathematics (”Advanced mathematics“), specialization in EDP and scientific computation. Master degrees in the Lyon 1 University, ENS Lyon and Ecole Centrale Lyon.

2006 - 2007

Agrégation de mathématiques

Agrégé de Mathématiques, option Calcul Scientifique.

Research activities - keywords


Parallel computing with MPI library. Implementation in C++ and Fortran of numerical method in order to simulate complex flow and complex system.

Numerical method

Finite-volume method on cartesian mesh with level-set method, remeshed particles method coupled with pseudo-spectral method or finite-volume methods on unstructured grid.

Bio- mathematics

Modeling tumor growth:
Model devoted to specific tumor, parameter estimation on tumor growth models.

Inverse problem

Parameter estimation with adjoint based method and optimal design.



Native language


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