Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

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Séminaires 2024

The past and future seminars are displayed on the following calendar (also accessible online and for calendar integration).

Once available, the titles and abstracts of the talks are listed below.

For people outside of LEGI, you can register on the mailing list for announcements of future seminars on the link below :


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Mardi 24 Septembre 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Philippe Claudin, PMMH

Emerging sand dunes : from bed instability to patches
I will discuss in this presentation the physical processes at the origin of the emergence of sand dunes, from the coupling of wind flow, (...)

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Mardi 17 Septembre 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Pedro Romero-Gomez, Andritz Hydro GmbH

Hydraulic turbines enhanced for fish survivability : from science to engineering to the market
While hydropower is the most mature and reliable of all existing renewables, hydraulic turbines are (...)

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Mardi 10 Septembre 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Naoto Yokoyama, Osaka University

Local energy-flux vectors and nonlocal resonant interactions in stratified turbulence
Energy flux in the wavenumber space plays a crucial role in the cascade theory of turbulence. In anisotropic (...)

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Mardi 9 Juillet 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Olivier Marchand, LadHyX

Aerodynamics of porous screens and application to aerosol collection by textile
Textiles are often used to capture airborne droplets, for example for fog harvesting. Recently, we have shown (...)

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Mardi 2 Juillet 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Wesley Agoua, LMFA

Travel between 2D ad 3D turbulent flows
We investigate two-dimensional (2D) incompressible turbulence with three velocity components. Such systems can be called 2D3C flows. Two main classes are (...)

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Mardi 25 Juin 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Michael Montgomery, NPS

Tropical cyclone fundamentals : The rotating-convection paradigm
Understanding how tropical cyclones form, intensify, mature and decay requires first and foremost a conceptual model. Without (...)

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Mardi 18 Juin 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Maelys Magnier, LHyMar

Experimental study of the tidal current and the wave effects on the vortex dynamics caused by a seabed obstacle for tidal turbine development
In the current context of climate change and (...)

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Mardi 11 Juin 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Veronique Roig, IMFT

Transport of oxygen in the wake of a high-Re bubble rising in a thin-gap cell
I will present new experimental results concerning mass transfer at the interface of an isolated bubble rising in a (...)

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Mardi 4 Juin 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Marco Marengo, University of Pavia

Exploring Surface Wettability Effects on Boiling and Nucleation Phenomena
Starting in 2005, our research has delved into the critical influence of surface wettability on boiling and nucleation (...)

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Mardi 28 Mai 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Filippo Coletti, ETHZ

Particles floating on turbulent water
Every year, millions of tons of plastics enter the ocean. Devising effective strategies to mitigate such pollution requires the quantitative understanding (...)

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