Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

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The past and future seminars are displayed on the following calendar (also accessible online and for calendar integration).

Once available, the titles and abstracts of the talks are listed below.

For people outside of LEGI, you can register on the mailing list for announcements of future seminars on the link below :


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Mardi 25 Février 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Okba Mostefaoui, LMFA

Study of the transport of model plastic microparticles in an experimental open channel bifurcation apparentus
Many end-of-life plastic products escape treatment and recovery channels and end (...)

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Mardi 4 Février 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Bruno Ventejou, LIPhy

A hydrodynamic toy model for fish locomotion
The social interaction of fish has been mainly studied in 2D without hydrodynamic interactions [1,2] or with hydrodynamic interactions in the limit (...)

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Mardi 28 Janvier 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Karen Mulleners, EPFL

Shaping up to explore and exploit unsteady fluid-structure interactions
Nature is full of thin, flexible objects that bend, flutter, or flap in the wind or the water such as leaves of trees and (...)

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Mardi 14 Janvier 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Bertrand Mercier, LEGI

Rayleigh scattering for compressible flow diagnostics, principles and application to the study of jet noise
During take-off, the exhaust jet from a turbojet engine contributes significantly to (...)

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Mardi 17 Décembre 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Albane Thery, UPenn

Not Just Going with the Flow : Swimming and Contamination in Complex Fluids
Microorganisms often navigate non-Newtonian fluids with suspended particles and polymers, such as mucus or soil. The (...)

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Mardi 10 Décembre 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Emmanuel Mignot, LMFA

Computing pollutant dispersion in an urban flood flow
The risks associated with flooding in urban areas are numerous and well studied in the literature. They mainly cover the risks for people, (...)

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Jeudi 28 Novembre 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Vincent Labarre, LadHyX

On the kinetics of stratified flows : wave dynamics and mean flow formation
Waves are ubiquitous in geophysical and industrial flows. Their study is necessary because they impact the dynamics (...)

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Mardi 26 Novembre 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Benjamin Apffel, EPFL

Investigating surprising phenomena at a liquid interface
During this seminar, I will present several surprising phenomena that can occur at a liquid interface under suitable experimental (...)

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Mardi 12 Novembre 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Alexis Jamois, LMFA

Acoustic absorption of 3D printed samples at normal incidence1and as a duct liner
In recent years, it has become possible to produce acoustic absorbers with geometries that were previously (...)

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Mardi 5 Novembre 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Alfredo Soldati, TU Wien

Preferential orientation and rotation of microfibers and their connection with small-scale turbulence dynamics
The straining and rotation associated with small-scale turbulent dynamics are (...)

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