Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

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Accueil > Balarac Guillaume

Guillaume Balarac

Guillaume Balarac

Professeur des universités
Téléphone :+33452828049 otherwise
 04.76 strange 8904 number.
Other : 5
Courriel : Guillaume.Balarac or 1903234638 no-reply(A) and
Bureau :Piole169.
Manager : 19
Équipe : MOST

Offres :

Doctorat chaire NETHUNS ANR / General Electric Hydro France

Doctorat ou Post-Doctorat avec Safran Tech

Post-Doctorat chaire NETHUNS (ANR / General Electric Hydro France), collaboration PLATON-INRIA

Activité de recherche

Dans un contexte où les contraintes énergétiques et environnementales sont croissantes, la conception et l’optimisation de systèmes mettant en jeu des fluides nous imposent une représentation plus fine des écoulements. Or, dans de nombreuses applications les écoulements sont turbulents, rendant ainsi délicates leur prédiction et leur analyse. Ces écoulements se caractérisent en effet par une apparence désordonnée où des mouvements secondaires tridimensionnels se développent sur une large gamme d’échelles et se superposent au mouvement moyen de l’écoulement. Le développement constant de la puissance des calculateurs permet désormais d’envisager la simulation numérique instationnaire comme un outil performant pour la prédiction de tels écoulements, donnant accès à une information spatio-temporelle riche pour l’analyse physique des écoulements.

Mes recherches ont ainsi pour vocation d’approfondir l’analyse de ces phénomènes complexes et de leurs conséquences, tout en développant les outils nécessaires à leur prédiction. Je développe ainsi des axes de recherche qui ont pour vocation de mieux prédire, comprendre et contrôler les écoulements turbulents et leurs conséquences. Il s’agit ainsi de couvrir un large spectre d’activités incluant le développement d’outils numériques (modèles et méthodes), l’analyse et le contrôle de phénomènes fondamentaux de la turbulence (instabilités, mélange, loi d’échelle...), jusqu’aux transferts vers des configurations représentatives de systèmes industriels (principalement dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables). Ainsi, les recherches menées sont pilotées par un intérêt scientifique commun qui porte sur la physique de la turbulence, que ce soit à petite échelle, avec le développement de modèles sous-maille pour les approches de type SGE (LES en anglais), ou à grande échelle, avec l’analyse et le contrôle d’écoulements.

Parcours professionnel

- 2021 -

- 2019

- 2017 - 2022

  • Membre junior de l’Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)

- 2015

  • Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) "Simulation instationnaire de la turbulence : prédiction, analyse, et contrôle d’écoulement"

- 2008 - 2021

- 2007 – 2008

- 2003 – 2006

  • Thèse de doctorat "Etude numérique de la dynamique tourbillonnaire et du mélange dans les jets coaxiaux turbulents" (directeurs de thèse : Pr. M. Lesieur et Pr. O. Métais), G-INP, LEGI.


Peer-reviewed Publications

Badalan, M., Ghigliotti, G., Roux, D., Maîtrejean, G., Achard, J. - L., Bottausci, F., et al. (2024). Simulation of non-Newtonian biopolymer extrusion and fall in the centrifugal microencapsulation process. AIChE Journal, 70(10).
Badalan, M., Adisson, L., Boldron, A., Achard, J. - L., Ghigliotti, G., Balarac, G., et al. (2023). A Soft Landing Approach for the Centrifugal Microgel Synthesis Process. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 351(G1), 83–102.
Berthelon, T., Sahut, G., Leparoux, J., Balarac, G., Lartigue, G., Bernard, M., et al. (2023). Toward the use of LES for industrial complex geometries. Part II: Reduce the time-to-solution by using a linearised implicit time advancement. Journal of Turbulence, 24(6-7), 311–329.
Fabbri, T., Balarac, G., Moureau, V., & Bénard, P. (2023). Design of a high fidelity Fluid-Structure Interaction solver using LES on unstructured grid. Computers and Fluids, 265, 105963.
Grenouilloux, A., Leparoux, J., Moureau, V., Balarac, G., Berthelon, T., Mercier, R., et al. (2023). Toward the use of LES for industrial complex geometries. Part I: automatic mesh definition. Journal of Turbulence, (6-7), 280–310.
Meynet, S., Barge, A., Moureau, V., Balarac, G., Lartigue, G., & Hadjadj, A. (2023). Roughness-Resolved Les Of Additive Manufacturing-Like Channel Flows. Journal of Turbomachinery, 145(8).
Véras, P., Métais, O., Balarac, G., Georges, D., Bombenger, A., & Ségoufin, C. (2023). Reconstruction of proper numerical inlet boundary conditions for draft tube flow simulations using machine learning. Computers and Fluids, 254(March), 105792.
Badalan, M., Bottausci, F., Ghigliotti, G., Achard, J. - L., & Balarac, G. (2022). Effects of process parameters on capsule size and shape in the centrifugal encapsulation technology: Parametric study dataset. Data in Brief, 41, 107851.
Badalan, M., Bottausci, F., Ghigliotti, G., Achard, J. - L., & Balarac, G. (2022). Three-dimensional phase diagram for the centrifugal calcium-alginate microcapsules production technology. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 635, 127907.
Badalan, M., Ghigliotti, G., Achard, J. - L., Bottausci, F., & Balarac, G. (2022). Physical Analysis of the Centrifugal Microencapsulation Process. Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 61(30), 10891–10914.
Balarac, G., Basile, F., Bénard, P., Bordeu, F., Chapelier, J. - B., Cirrottola, L., et al. (2022). Tetrahedral Remeshing in the Context of Large-Scale Numerical Simulation and High Performance Computing. MathematicS In Action, 11(1), 129–164.
Bozonnet, C., Matas, J. - P., Balarac, G., & Desjardins, O. (2022). Stability of an air–water mixing layer: focus on the confinement effect. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 933, 27.
Frezat, H., Le Sommer, J., Fablet, R., Balarac, G., & Lguensat, R. (2022). A posteriori learning for quasi-geostrophic turbulence parametrization. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, , 1–35.
Bozonnet, C., Desjardins, O., & Balarac, G. (2021). Traction open boundary condition for incompressible, turbulent, single- or multi-phase flows, and surface wave simulations. Journal of Computational Physics, 443, 110528.
Dagaut, J., Negretti, M. - E., Balarac, G., & Brun, C. (2021). Linear to turbulent Görtler instability transition. Physics of Fluids, 33(1), 014102.
Frezat, H., Balarac, G., Sommer, J. L., Fablet, R., & Lguensat, R. (2021). Physical invariance in neural networks for subgrid-scale scalar flux modeling. Physical Review Fluids, 6(2).
Gorbunova, A., Balarac, G., Canet, L., Eyink, G., & Rossetto, V. (2021). Spatio-temporal correlations in three-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic turbulence. Physics of Fluids, 33(4), 045114.
Gorbunova, A., Pagani, C., Balarac, G., Canet, L., & Rossetto, V. (2021). Eulerian spatiotemporal correlations in passive scalar turbulence. Physical Review Fluids, 6(12), 124606.
Mathieu, A., Chauchat, J., Bonamy, C., Balarac, G., & Hsu, T. - J. (2021). A finite-size correction model for two-fluid large-eddy simulation of particle-laden boundary layer flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 913.
Pertant, S., Bernard, M., Ghigliotti, G., & Balarac, G. (2021). A finite-volume method for simulating contact lines on unstructured meshes in a conservative level-set framework. Journal of Computational Physics, 444, 110582.
Sahut, G., Ghigliotti, G., Balarac, G., Bernard, M., Moureau, V., & Marty, P. (2021). Numerical simulation of boiling on unstructured grids. Journal of Computational Physics, , 110161.
Santoso, S., Lagaert, J. - B., Balarac, G., & Cottet, G. - H. (2021). An hybrid particle-grid method for the study of differential diffusion. Computers and Fluids, 227, 105018.
Véras, P., Balarac, G., Métais, O., Georges, D., Bombenger, A., & Ségoufin, C. (2021). Reconstruction of numerical inlet boundary conditions using machine learning: Application to the swirling flow inside a conical diffuser. Physics of Fluids, 33(8), 085132.
Bellec, M., Girard, A., Balarac, G., Bieder, U., Millet, F., & Luchier, N. (2020). Effect of turbulence on the wavefront of an ultra high intensity laser beam. Journal of Fluids Engineering, .
Bernard, M., Lartigue, G., Balarac, G., Moureau, V., & Puigt, G. (2020). A framework to perform high-order deconvolution for finite-volume method on simplicial meshes. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 92(11), 1551–1583.
Doussot, F., Balarac, G., Brammer, J., Laurant, Y., & Métais, O. (2020). RANS and LES Simulations at Partial Load in Francis Turbines: Three-Dimensional Topology and Dynamic Behaviour of Inter- Blade Vortices. International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 13.
Gorbunova, A., Balarac, G., Bourgoin, M., Canet, L., Mordant, N., & Rossetto, V. (2020). Analysis of the dissipative range of the energy spectrum in grid turbulence and in direct numerical simulations. Physical Review Fluids, 5(4).
Guillaud, N., Balarac, G., Goncalvès Da Silva, E., & Zanette, J. (2020). Large Eddy Simulations on Vertical Axis Hydrokinetic Turbines – Power coefficient analysis for various solidities. Renewable Energy, 147, 473–486.
Turi, F., Fortes Patella, R., & Balarac, G. (2019). Numerical Methodology to Predict and Analyze Cavitating Flows in a Kaplan Turbine. International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 12, 1882–9554.
Decaix, J., Dreyer, M., Balarac, G., Farhat, M., & Münch, C. (2018). RANS computations of a confined cavitating tip-leakage vortex. European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, .
Guillaud, N., Balarac, G., & Goncalvès Da Silva, E. (2018). Large Eddy Simulations on a pitching airfoil: Analysis of the reduced frequency influence. Computers and Fluids, 161, 1–13.
Odier, N., Balarac, G., & Corre, C. E. (2018). Numerical analysis of the flapping mechanism for a two-phase coaxial jet. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 106, 164–178.
Canet, L., Rossetto, V., Wschebor, N., & Balarac, G. (2017). Spatiotemporal velocity-velocity correlation function in fully developed turbulence. Physical Review E, 95, 023107.
Kunhappan, D., Harthong, B., Chareyre, B., Balarac, G., & Dumont, P. J. J. (2017). Numerical modeling of high aspect ratio flexible fibers in inertial flows. Physics of Fluids, 29(9), 093302.
Pushkarev, A., Balarac, G., & Bos, W. J. T. (2017). Reynolds and Prandtl number scaling of viscous heating in isotropic turbulence. Physical Review Fluids, 2(8), 084606.
Vollant, A., Balarac, G., & Corre, C. E. (2017). Subgrid-scale scalar flux modelling based on optimal estimation theory and machine-learning procedures. Journal of Turbulence, 18(9), 854–878.
Bénard, P., Balarac, G., Moureau, V., Dobrzynski, C., Lartigue, G., & D’angelo, Y. (2016). Mesh adaptation for large-eddy simulations in complex geometries. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 81(12), 719–740.
Jacquet, C., Fortes Patella, R., Balarac, L., & Houdeline, J. - B. (2016). CFD Investigation of Complex Phenomena in S-Shape Region of Reversible Pump-Turbine. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 49, 042010.
Kessar, M., Balarac, G., & Plunian, F. (2016). The effect of subgrid-scale models on grid-scale/subgrid-scale energy transfers in large-eddy simulation of incompressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. Physics of Plasmas, .
Vollant, A., Balarac, G., & Corre, C. E. (2016). A dynamic regularized gradient model of the subgrid-scale stress tensor for large-eddy simulation. Physics of Fluids, 28(2), 025114.
Wilhelm, S., Balarac, G., Métais, O., & Ségoufin, C. (2016). Analysis of Head Losses in a Turbine Draft Tube by Means of 3D Unsteady Simulations. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 97(4), 1255–1280.
Capuano, F., Coppola, G., Balarac, G., & De Luca, L. (2015). Energy preserving turbulent simulations at a reduced computational cost. Journal of Computational Physics, .
Decaix, J., Balarac, G., Dreyer, M., Farhat, M., & Münch, C. (2015). RANS and LES computations of the tip- leakage vortex for different gap widths. Journal of Turbulence, 16(4), 309–341.
Kessar, M., Plunian, F., Stepanov, R., & Balarac, G. (2015). Non-Kolmogorov cascade of helicity-driven turbulence. Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, .
Odier, N., Balarac, G., Corre, C. E., & Moureau, V. (2015). Numerical study of a flapping liquid sheet sheared by a high-speed stream. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 77, 2259.
Lagaert, J. - B., Balarac, G., & Cottet, G. - H. (2014). Hybrid spectral-particle method for the turbulent transport of a passive scalar. Journal of Computational Physics, 260, 127–142.
Stepanov, R., Plunian, F., Kessar, M., & Balarac, G. (2014). Systematic bias in the calculation of spectral density from a three-dimensional spatial grid. Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, , 053309.
Balarac, G., Le Sommer, J., Meunier, X., & Vollant, A. (2013). A dynamic regularized gradient model of the subgrid-scale scalar flux for large eddy simulations. Physics of Fluids, , 075107.
Brugière, O., Balarac, G., Corre, C. E., Métais, O., Flores, E., & Leroy, P. (2013). Numerical optimization of a Francis turbine’s guide vane axis location including inflow uncertainties. La Houille Blanche – Revue internationale de l’eau, .
Congedo, P. M., Balarac, G., Duprat, C., & Corre, C. E. (2013). Numerical prediction of turbulent flows using Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes and large-eddy simulation with uncertain inflow conditions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 72(3), 341–358.
Duchaine, F., Maheu, N., Moureau, V., Balarac, G., & Moreau, S. (2013). Large-Eddy Simulation and Conjugate Heat Transfer Around a Low-Mach Turbine Blade. Journal of Turbomachinery, .
Duprat, C., Balarac, G., Métais, O., Congedo, P. M., & Brugière, O. (2011). A wall-layer model for large-eddy simulations of turbulent flows with/out pressure gradient. Physics of Fluids, 23, 015101.
Fabre, Y., & Balarac, G. (2011). Development of a new dynamic procedure for the Clark model of the subgrid-scale scalar flux using the concept of optimal estimator. Physics of Fluids, 23, 115103.
Duprat, C., Balarac, G., Métais, O., & Laverne, T. (2010). Simulation des Grandes Echelles d’un Aspirateur de Centrale Hydraulique. Mechanics & Industry, 10(3).
Brun, C., Balarac, G., Da Silva, C. B., & Métais, O. (2008). Effects of molecular diffusion on the subgrid-scale modeling of passive scalars. Physics of Fluids, 20(2), 025102.
Balarac, G., Métais, O., & Lesieur, M. (2007). Mixing enhancement in coaxial jets through inflow forcing : a numerical study. Physics of Fluids, 19(7), 075102.
Balarac, G., Si-Ameur, M., Lesieur, M., & Métais, O. (2007). Direct numerical simulations of high velocity ratio coaxial jets: mixing properties and influence of upstream conditions. Journal of Turbulence, 8, 22.
Balarac, G., & Métais, O. (2005). The near field of coaxial jets: a numerical study. Physics of Fluids, 17, 65–102.
Balarac, G., & Si-Ameur, M. (2005). Mixing and coherent vortices in turbulent coaxial jets. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série IIb, Mécanique, 333(8).
Da Silva, C. B., Balarac, G., & Métais, O. (2003). Transition in high velocity ratio coaxial jets analyzed direct numerical simulations. Journal of Turbulence, 4(24).


Achard, J. - L., Balarac, G., Barre, S., & Maurice, G. (2018). Eolienne flottante à turbines jumelles à axe vertical et architecture optimisée. France.
Achard, J. - L., Balarac, G., Barre, S., & Maurice, G. (2018). Eolienne terrestre rabattable à axe vertical à grande rusticité et faible coût. France.
Achard, J. - L., Balarac, G., Barre, S., & Maurice, G. (2018). Système de transmission par lien souple pour l’entrainement d’une génératrice unique sur une éolienne flottante à turbines jumelles à axes verticaux. France.
Achard, J. - L., & Balarac, G. (2017). Centrale hydroélectrique flottante pour rivières peu profondes. France.

Conference Proceedings

Atmani, Y., Pecquery, F., Cailler, M., Moureau, V., Lartigue, G., Mercier, R., et al. (2021). Consistent scalar transport with front capturing methods: application to two-phase heat transfer. In ICLASS 2021, 15th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Guilbot, M., Barre, S., Balarac, G., Bonamy, C., & Guillaud, N. (2020). A numerical study of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine performances in twin-rotor configurations. (Vol. 1618, 052012). IOP Science.
Zeoli, S., Balarac, G., Bénard, P., Georis, G., Houtin-Mongrolle, F., & Bricteux, L. (2020). Large eddy simulation of wind turbine wakes using adaptative mesh refinement. In TORQUE conference 2020 (Vol. 1618, 062056). Delft, Netherlands.
Bellec, M., Bieder, U., Luchier, N., Moro, J. - P., Girard, A., & Balarac, G. (2019). Simulation des Grandes Échelles d’un écoulement d’air turbulent pour le refroidissement d’amplificateurs de lasers. In 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. Brest, France.
Bellec, M., Luchier, N., Balarac, G., Bieder, U., & Girard, A. (2019). Numerical study of the cryogenic cooling of amplifiers for high power lasers. In The 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT). Wicklow, Ireland.
Dagaut, J., Balarac, G., Negretti, M. - E., & Brun, C. (2019). Transition to turbulence in Görtler flows.Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of a Blasius boundary layer over a curved wall. In 17th European Turbulence Conference. Turin, Italy.
Sahut, G., Ghigliotti, G., Bégou, P., Marty, P., & Balarac, G. (2019). Numerical simulation of boiling on 3D unstructured grids. In ICMFHT’19 – 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer. Rome, Italy.
Achard, J. - L., Maurice, G., Balarac, G., & Barre, S. (2018). Une nouvelle Eolienne Flottante à Axe Vertical. Le projet OWLWIND. In GDR CNRS 3763 EMR (Energies Marines Renouvelables) ”Composants innovants et concepts en rupture pour la récupération des EMRs”. Lyon, France.
Sahut, G., Ghigliotti, G., Marty, P., & Balarac, G. (2018). Numerical Simulation of Boiling. In DTPF – Dispersed Two-Phase Flows. Toulouse, France.
Achard, J. - L., Maurice, G., Barre, S., & Balarac, G. (2017). Floating Vertical Axis Wind Turbine : OWLWIND Project. In 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment, CIEM. Bucharest, Romania.
Chakravarthy, R. V. K., Balarac, G., & Métais, O. (2017). Dynamics of coaxial swirling jets. In European Turbulence Conference 16. Stockholm, Sweden.
Jacquet, C., Fortes Patella, R., Balarac, L., & Houdeline, J. - B. (2017). Hybrid RANS/LES approach: an accurate methodology to predict S-shape region of reversible pump-turbines. In SimHydro. Nice, France.
Maurice, G., Barre, S., Balarac, G., & Achard, J. - L. (2017). Sur l’influence des trainées parasites dans le design des éoliennes à axe vertical. In 23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. Lille, France.
Pushkarev, A., Balarac, G., & Bos, W. J. T. (2017). Scaling of temperature fluctuations generated by frictional viscous heating. In European Turbulence Conference 16. Stockholm, Sweden.
Pushkarev, A., Bénard, P., Lartigue, G., Moureau, V., & Balarac, G. (2017). Numerical approach for simulation of moving bodies by using the dynamic mesh adaptation method within ALE technique. In Eccomas Msf 2017. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Guillaud, N., Balarac, G., Goncalvès Da Silva, E., & Zanette, J. (2016). Large eddy simulations on vertical axis hydrokinetic turbines and flow phenomena analysis. In 28th Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, IAHR 2016. Grenoble, France.
Jacquet, C., Balarac, L., Houdeline, J. - B., & Torquato Da Silva, E. (2016). CFD investigation of complex phenomena in s-shape region of reversible pump-turbine. In CILAMCE 2016, XXXVII Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering. Brasilia, Brazil.
Kunhappan, D., Dumont, P. J. J., Harthong, B., Balarac, G., & Chareyre, B. (2016). Numerical modelling of cellulose micro/nanofibril suspensions. In 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Montreal, Canada.
Sikora, A., Balarac, G., Lagaert, J. - B., & Cottet, G. - H. (2016). Differential diffusion for high Schmidt and Reynolds numbers : a numerical study. In 11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference. Seville, Spain.
Wilhelm, S., Balarac, G., Métais, O., & Ségoufin, C. (2016). Head Losses Prediction and Analysis in a Bulb Turbine Draft Tube under different operating conditions using Unsteady Simulations. In 28th Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, IAHR. Grenoble, France.
Balarac, G., Bénard, P., Lartigue, G., Moureau, V., & Dobrzynski, C. (2015). Mesh adaptation for large-eddy simulations in complex geometries. In Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation 10. Limassol, Cyprus.
Decaix, J., Balarac, G., Dreyer, M., Farhat, M., & Münch, C. (2015). Influence of the tip gap size on the development of the tip-leakage vortex using Large Eddy Simulations. In European Turbulence Conference 15. Delft, Netherlands.
Guillaud, N., Balarac, G., & Goncalvès Da Silva, E. (2015). LES on a pitching airfoil : analysis of the aerodynamic coefficients unsteadiness. In 4th International Conference on Turbulence and Interactions. Cargèse, France.
Wilhelm, S., Balarac, G., Métais, O., & Ségoufin, C. (2015). Analysis of head losses in a turbine draft tube by means of 3D unsteady simulations. In Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer 8. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Capuano, F., Coppola, G., Balarac, G., Bae, H. J., & De Luca, L. (2014). A low-cost time-advancing strategy for energy-preserving turbulent simulations. In proceedings of the CTR Summer Program. Stanford, United States.
Capuano, F., Coppola, G., De Luca, L., & Balarac, G. (2014). A low-cost RK time advancing strategy for energy-preserving turbulent simulations. In 67th. Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physical Society. San Francsisco, United States.
Kessar, M., Balarac, G., & Plunian, F. (2014). Evaluation of turbulence models for Large Eddy Simulations of MHD turbulence. In 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Odier, N., Balarac, G., & Corre, C. E. (2014). Numerical simulations of a liquid sheet surrounded by a fast stream: interaction between phase interface dynamics and coherents vortices. In 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Vollant, A., Balarac, G., & Corre, C. E. (2014). Optimal subgrid scale model for passive scalar based on artificial neural network. In 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference.. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Vollant, A., Balarac, G., Geraci, G., & Corre, C. E. (2014). Optimal estimator and artificial neural network as efficient tools for the subgrid-scale scalar flux modeling. In Proceedings of the Summer Program. Stanford, United States.
Balarac, G., Cottet, G. - H., Etancelin, J. - M., Lagaert, J. - B., Pérignon, F., & Picard, C. (2013). Multi-scale problems, high performance computing and hybrid numerical methods. In M. Wakayama, & et al. (Eds.), The Impact of Applications on Mathematics (pp. 245–255). Mathematics for Industry (MFI), 1. Fukuoka, Japan: Springer.
Balarac, G., Le Sommer, J., & Vollant, A. (2012). Subgrid-scale modeling of SGS scalar flux: a regularization of the gradient model. In Proceedings of the Summer Program 2012 (pp. 97–107). Stanford, United States.
Brugière, O., Balarac, G., Corre, C. E., Métais, O., Flores, E., & Leroy, P. (2012). Numerical optimization of a Francis turbine’s guide vane axis location including inflow uncertainties. In SimHydro 2012 : Nouvelles frontières de la simulation (Vol. 99, pp. 1–8). Sophia-Antipolis, France.
Brugière, O., Balarac, G., Corre, C. E., Métais, O., Flores, E., & Leroy, P. (2012). Numerical prediction of a draft tube flow taking into account uncertain inlet conditions. In 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (pp. 1–8). Pékin, China.
Lagaert, J. - B., Balarac, G., Cottet, G. - H., & Bégou, P. (2012). Particle method: an efficient tool for direct numerical simulations of a high Schmidt number passive scalar in turbulent flow. In Summer Program 2012. Center of Turbulence Research (pp. 167–176). Stanford, United States.
Vollant, A., Balarac, G., & Corre, C. E. (2012). Passive scalar LES using an optimal estimator as SGS model. In 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference. Rome, Italy.
Congedo, P. M., Balarac, G., Corre, C. E., & Duprat, C. (2011). Effects of inlet uncertainties on prediction of turbulent flows using RANS and LES simulations. In Aiaa 2011-3869. Aiaa 2011-3869. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, United States.
Balarac, G., Kosovichev, A., Brugière, O., Wray, A., & Mansour, N. (2010). Modeling of the subgrid-scale term of the filtered magnetic field transport equation. In Proceedings of the Summer Program 2010. Stanford, United States: Stanford University.
Congedo, P. M., Brugière, O., Balarac, G., Métais, O., & Duprat, C. (2010). A wall model for LES of turbulent flows with/out pressure gradient. In ERCOFTAC Workshop Direct and Large Eddy Simulation 8. Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Duprat, C., Balarac, G., Métais, O., & Laverne, T. (2010). Large-eddy simulation calculation from experimental measurement. In proceedings of the 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems. Czech Republic.
Duprat, C., Tridon, S., Balarac, G., Barre, S., Métais, O., Ségoufin, C., et al. (2010). Numerical Simulation of Swirling Flow in Complex Hydroturbine Draft Tube using Large Eddy Simulation. In -. Portugal.
Balarac, G., Duprat, C., & Métais, O. (2009). LES of a high Reynolds number swirling flow in a conical diffuser. In -. Germany.
Cottet, G. - H., Balarac, G., & Coquerelle, M. (2009). Subgrid particle resolution for the turbulent transport of a passive scalar. In B. Eckhardt (Ed.), Springer Proceedings in Physics (pp. 779–782). Advances in Turbulence XII Proceedings of the 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, September 7-10, 2009, Marburg, 132. Marbourg, Germany: Springer.
Duprat, C., Balarac, G., & Métais, O. (2009). Simulation des grandes échelles dans un aspirateur de centrale hydraulique. In A. F. de Mécanique (Ed.), Congrès français de mécanique. Congrès français de mécanique. Marseille, France: AFM, Maison de la Mécanique, 39/41 rue Louis Blanc - 92400 Courbevoie.
Duprat, C., Balarac, G., & Métais, O. (2009). Wall boundary conditions in large-eddy simulation for high Reynolds number flow with pressure gradient. In -. Germany.
Duprat, C., Balarac, G., Métais, O., Tridon, S., Barre, S., Ciocan, G. D., et al. (2009). Large-eddy simulation of draft tube flow and validation from experimental measurements. In proceedings of the 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems. Czech Republic.
Kaul, C. M., Raman, V., Balarac, G., & Pitsch, H. (2009). A Posteriori analysis of numerical errors in computing scalar variance. In Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations workshop. Italy.
Kaul, C. M., Raman, V., Balarac, G., & Pitsch, H. (2009). Numerical errors in scalar variance models for large eddy simulation. In Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena VI. South Korea.
Brun, C., Balarac, G., Da Silva, C. B., Petrovan Boiarciuc, M., & Métais, O. (2008). Subgrid-Scale modeling of scalars for large-eddy simulations of transitional flows. In 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements. Limassol, Crète, Greece.
Balarac, G., Si-Ameur, M., Lesieur, M., & Métais, O. (2005). Direct numerical simulations of coaxial jets mixing properties. In The proceeding of the 4th Turbulent shear flow phenomena. WILLIAMSBURG, United States.
Balarac, G., Si-Ameur, M., Lesieur, M., & Métais, O. (2005). Mélange dans les jets coaxiaux : simulations instationnaires. In Actes Colloque d’Aérodynamique appliquée. TOULOUSE, France.
Balarac, G., Si-Ameur, M., Métais, O., & Lesieur, M. (2005). Large-eddy simulation of coaxial jets : coherent structures and mixing properties. In Direct and large-eddy simulation VI (pp. 277–284). Poitiers, France.
Balarac, G., & Métais, O. (2004). Coherent vortices in coaxial jets. In C. I. M. N. E. /B. Publishers (Ed.), The proceeding of the ETC 10 (pp. 149–152). TRONDHEIM, Norway: Anderson and P.A. Krogstad (eds).

Ph.D. Theses

Balarac, G. (2006). Etude numérique de la dynamique tourbillonnaire et du mélange dans les jets coaxiaux turbulents. Ph.D. thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble - INPG, .

Book Contributions

Jacquet, C., Fortes Patella, R., Balarac, L., & Houdeline, J. - B. (2018). Hybrid RANS/LES approach: an accurate methodology to predict S-shape region of reversible pump-turbines. In Advances in Hydroinformatics – SimHydro 2017 (Vol. Chapter 68, pp. 947–963). Springer.
Decaix, J., Balarac, G., & Münch, C. (2015). Rans Computations of a Cavitating Tip Vortex. In Advances in Hydroinformatics.