Peer-reviewed Publications
Badalan, M., Ghigliotti, G., Roux, D., Maîtrejean, G., Achard, J. - L., Bottausci, F., et al. (2024). Simulation of non-Newtonian biopolymer extrusion and fall in the centrifugal microencapsulation process. AIChE Journal, 70(10).
Badalan, M., Adisson, L., Boldron, A., Achard, J. - L., Ghigliotti, G., Balarac, G., et al. (2023). A Soft Landing Approach for the Centrifugal Microgel Synthesis Process. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 351(G1), 83–102.
Berthelon, T., Sahut, G., Leparoux, J., Balarac, G., Lartigue, G., Bernard, M., et al. (2023). Toward the use of LES for industrial complex geometries. Part II: Reduce the time-to-solution by using a linearised implicit time advancement. Journal of Turbulence, 24(6-7), 311–329.
Fabbri, T., Balarac, G., Moureau, V., & Bénard, P. (2023). Design of a high fidelity Fluid-Structure Interaction solver using LES on unstructured grid. Computers and Fluids, 265, 105963.
Grenouilloux, A., Leparoux, J., Moureau, V., Balarac, G., Berthelon, T., Mercier, R., et al. (2023). Toward the use of LES for industrial complex geometries. Part I: automatic mesh definition. Journal of Turbulence, (6-7), 280–310.
Meynet, S., Barge, A., Moureau, V., Balarac, G., Lartigue, G., & Hadjadj, A. (2023). Roughness-Resolved Les Of Additive Manufacturing-Like Channel Flows. Journal of Turbomachinery, 145(8).
Véras, P., Métais, O., Balarac, G., Georges, D., Bombenger, A., & Ségoufin, C. (2023). Reconstruction of proper numerical inlet boundary conditions for draft tube flow simulations using machine learning. Computers and Fluids, 254(March), 105792.
Badalan, M., Bottausci, F., Ghigliotti, G., Achard, J. - L., & Balarac, G. (2022). Effects of process parameters on capsule size and shape in the centrifugal encapsulation technology: Parametric study dataset. Data in Brief, 41, 107851.
Badalan, M., Bottausci, F., Ghigliotti, G., Achard, J. - L., & Balarac, G. (2022). Three-dimensional phase diagram for the centrifugal calcium-alginate microcapsules production technology. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 635, 127907.
Badalan, M., Ghigliotti, G., Achard, J. - L., Bottausci, F., & Balarac, G. (2022). Physical Analysis of the Centrifugal Microencapsulation Process. Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 61(30), 10891–10914.
Balarac, G., Basile, F., Bénard, P., Bordeu, F., Chapelier, J. - B., Cirrottola, L., et al. (2022). Tetrahedral Remeshing in the Context of Large-Scale Numerical Simulation and High Performance Computing. MathematicS In Action, 11(1), 129–164.
Bozonnet, C., Matas, J. - P., Balarac, G., & Desjardins, O. (2022). Stability of an air–water mixing layer: focus on the confinement effect. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 933, 27.
Frezat, H., Le Sommer, J., Fablet, R., Balarac, G., & Lguensat, R. (2022). A posteriori learning for quasi-geostrophic turbulence parametrization. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, , 1–35.
Bozonnet, C., Desjardins, O., & Balarac, G. (2021). Traction open boundary condition for incompressible, turbulent, single- or multi-phase flows, and surface wave simulations. Journal of Computational Physics, 443, 110528.
Dagaut, J., Negretti, M. - E., Balarac, G., & Brun, C. (2021). Linear to turbulent Görtler instability transition. Physics of Fluids, 33(1), 014102.
Frezat, H., Balarac, G., Sommer, J. L., Fablet, R., & Lguensat, R. (2021). Physical invariance in neural networks for subgrid-scale scalar flux modeling. Physical Review Fluids, 6(2).
Gorbunova, A., Balarac, G., Canet, L., Eyink, G., & Rossetto, V. (2021). Spatio-temporal correlations in three-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic turbulence. Physics of Fluids, 33(4), 045114.
Gorbunova, A., Pagani, C., Balarac, G., Canet, L., & Rossetto, V. (2021). Eulerian spatiotemporal correlations in passive scalar turbulence. Physical Review Fluids, 6(12), 124606.
Mathieu, A., Chauchat, J., Bonamy, C., Balarac, G., & Hsu, T. - J. (2021). A finite-size correction model for two-fluid large-eddy simulation of particle-laden boundary layer flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 913.
Pertant, S., Bernard, M., Ghigliotti, G., & Balarac, G. (2021). A finite-volume method for simulating contact lines on unstructured meshes in a conservative level-set framework. Journal of Computational Physics, 444, 110582.
Sahut, G., Ghigliotti, G., Balarac, G., Bernard, M., Moureau, V., & Marty, P. (2021). Numerical simulation of boiling on unstructured grids. Journal of Computational Physics, , 110161.
Santoso, S., Lagaert, J. - B., Balarac, G., & Cottet, G. - H. (2021). An hybrid particle-grid method for the study of differential diffusion. Computers and Fluids, 227, 105018.
Véras, P., Balarac, G., Métais, O., Georges, D., Bombenger, A., & Ségoufin, C. (2021). Reconstruction of numerical inlet boundary conditions using machine learning: Application to the swirling flow inside a conical diffuser. Physics of Fluids, 33(8), 085132.
Bellec, M., Girard, A., Balarac, G., Bieder, U., Millet, F., & Luchier, N. (2020). Effect of turbulence on the wavefront of an ultra high intensity laser beam. Journal of Fluids Engineering, .
Bernard, M., Lartigue, G., Balarac, G., Moureau, V., & Puigt, G. (2020). A framework to perform high-order deconvolution for finite-volume method on simplicial meshes. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 92(11), 1551–1583.
Doussot, F., Balarac, G., Brammer, J., Laurant, Y., & Métais, O. (2020). RANS and LES Simulations at Partial Load in Francis Turbines: Three-Dimensional Topology and Dynamic Behaviour of Inter- Blade Vortices. International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 13.
Gorbunova, A., Balarac, G., Bourgoin, M., Canet, L., Mordant, N., & Rossetto, V. (2020). Analysis of the dissipative range of the energy spectrum in grid turbulence and in direct numerical simulations. Physical Review Fluids, 5(4).
Guillaud, N., Balarac, G., Goncalvès Da Silva, E., & Zanette, J. (2020). Large Eddy Simulations on Vertical Axis Hydrokinetic Turbines – Power coefficient analysis for various solidities. Renewable Energy, 147, 473–486.
Turi, F., Fortes Patella, R., & Balarac, G. (2019). Numerical Methodology to Predict and Analyze Cavitating Flows in a Kaplan Turbine. International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 12, 1882–9554.
Decaix, J., Dreyer, M., Balarac, G., Farhat, M., & Münch, C. (2018). RANS computations of a confined cavitating tip-leakage vortex. European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, .
Guillaud, N., Balarac, G., & Goncalvès Da Silva, E. (2018). Large Eddy Simulations on a pitching airfoil: Analysis of the reduced frequency influence. Computers and Fluids, 161, 1–13.
Odier, N., Balarac, G., & Corre, C. E. (2018). Numerical analysis of the flapping mechanism for a two-phase coaxial jet. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 106, 164–178.
Canet, L., Rossetto, V., Wschebor, N., & Balarac, G. (2017). Spatiotemporal velocity-velocity correlation function in fully developed turbulence. Physical Review E, 95, 023107.
Kunhappan, D., Harthong, B., Chareyre, B., Balarac, G., & Dumont, P. J. J. (2017). Numerical modeling of high aspect ratio flexible fibers in inertial flows. Physics of Fluids, 29(9), 093302.
Pushkarev, A., Balarac, G., & Bos, W. J. T. (2017). Reynolds and Prandtl number scaling of viscous heating in isotropic turbulence. Physical Review Fluids, 2(8), 084606.
Vollant, A., Balarac, G., & Corre, C. E. (2017). Subgrid-scale scalar flux modelling based on optimal estimation theory and machine-learning procedures. Journal of Turbulence, 18(9), 854–878.
Bénard, P., Balarac, G., Moureau, V., Dobrzynski, C., Lartigue, G., & D’angelo, Y. (2016). Mesh adaptation for large-eddy simulations in complex geometries. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 81(12), 719–740.
Jacquet, C., Fortes Patella, R., Balarac, L., & Houdeline, J. - B. (2016). CFD Investigation of Complex Phenomena in S-Shape Region of Reversible Pump-Turbine. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 49, 042010.
Kessar, M., Balarac, G., & Plunian, F. (2016). The effect of subgrid-scale models on grid-scale/subgrid-scale energy transfers in large-eddy simulation of incompressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. Physics of Plasmas, .
Vollant, A., Balarac, G., & Corre, C. E. (2016). A dynamic regularized gradient model of the subgrid-scale stress tensor for large-eddy simulation. Physics of Fluids, 28(2), 025114.
Wilhelm, S., Balarac, G., Métais, O., & Ségoufin, C. (2016). Analysis of Head Losses in a Turbine Draft Tube by Means of 3D Unsteady Simulations. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 97(4), 1255–1280.
Capuano, F., Coppola, G., Balarac, G., & De Luca, L. (2015). Energy preserving turbulent simulations at a reduced computational cost. Journal of Computational Physics, .
Decaix, J., Balarac, G., Dreyer, M., Farhat, M., & Münch, C. (2015). RANS and LES computations of the tip- leakage vortex for different gap widths. Journal of Turbulence, 16(4), 309–341.
Kessar, M., Plunian, F., Stepanov, R., & Balarac, G. (2015). Non-Kolmogorov cascade of helicity-driven turbulence. Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, .
Odier, N., Balarac, G., Corre, C. E., & Moureau, V. (2015). Numerical study of a flapping liquid sheet sheared by a high-speed stream. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 77, 2259.
Lagaert, J. - B., Balarac, G., & Cottet, G. - H. (2014). Hybrid spectral-particle method for the turbulent transport of a passive scalar. Journal of Computational Physics, 260, 127–142.
Stepanov, R., Plunian, F., Kessar, M., & Balarac, G. (2014). Systematic bias in the calculation of spectral density from a three-dimensional spatial grid. Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, , 053309.
Balarac, G., Le Sommer, J., Meunier, X., & Vollant, A. (2013). A dynamic regularized gradient model of the subgrid-scale scalar flux for large eddy simulations. Physics of Fluids, , 075107.
Brugière, O., Balarac, G., Corre, C. E., Métais, O., Flores, E., & Leroy, P. (2013). Numerical optimization of a Francis turbine’s guide vane axis location including inflow uncertainties. La Houille Blanche – Revue internationale de l’eau, .
Congedo, P. M., Balarac, G., Duprat, C., & Corre, C. E. (2013). Numerical prediction of turbulent flows using Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes and large-eddy simulation with uncertain inflow conditions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 72(3), 341–358.
Duchaine, F., Maheu, N., Moureau, V., Balarac, G., & Moreau, S. (2013). Large-Eddy Simulation and Conjugate Heat Transfer Around a Low-Mach Turbine Blade. Journal of Turbomachinery, .
Duprat, C., Balarac, G., Métais, O., Congedo, P. M., & Brugière, O. (2011). A wall-layer model for large-eddy simulations of turbulent flows with/out pressure gradient. Physics of Fluids, 23, 015101.
Fabre, Y., & Balarac, G. (2011). Development of a new dynamic procedure for the Clark model of the subgrid-scale scalar flux using the concept of optimal estimator. Physics of Fluids, 23, 115103.
Duprat, C., Balarac, G., Métais, O., & Laverne, T. (2010). Simulation des Grandes Echelles d’un Aspirateur de Centrale Hydraulique. Mechanics & Industry, 10(3).
Brun, C., Balarac, G., Da Silva, C. B., & Métais, O. (2008). Effects of molecular diffusion on the subgrid-scale modeling of passive scalars. Physics of Fluids, 20(2), 025102.
Balarac, G., Métais, O., & Lesieur, M. (2007). Mixing enhancement in coaxial jets through inflow forcing : a numerical study. Physics of Fluids, 19(7), 075102.
Balarac, G., Si-Ameur, M., Lesieur, M., & Métais, O. (2007). Direct numerical simulations of high velocity ratio coaxial jets: mixing properties and influence of upstream conditions. Journal of Turbulence, 8, 22.
Balarac, G., & Métais, O. (2005). The near field of coaxial jets: a numerical study. Physics of Fluids, 17, 65–102.
Balarac, G., & Si-Ameur, M. (2005). Mixing and coherent vortices in turbulent coaxial jets. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série IIb, Mécanique, 333(8).
Da Silva, C. B., Balarac, G., & Métais, O. (2003). Transition in high velocity ratio coaxial jets analyzed direct numerical simulations. Journal of Turbulence, 4(24).