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Bertossi, R., Caney, N., Gruss, J. - A., Dijon, J., Fournier, A., & Marty, P. (2015). Influence of carbon nanotubes on deionized water pool boiling performances. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 61, 187–193.
De Rango, P., Nachev, S., Fruchart, D., Marty, P., & Miraglia, S. (2015). Le stockage solide de l’hydrogène au service des énergies renouvelables. In Matériaux 2015. Madhia, Tunisia.
Nachev, S., De Rango, P., Fruchart, D., Skryabina, N., & Marty, P. (2015). Correlation between microstructural and mechanical behavior of nanostructured MgH2 upon hydrogen cycling. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 645(Suppl. 1), 434.
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Caney, N., Gruss, J. - A., Bertossi, R., Poncelet, O., & Marty, P. (2014). Boiling enhancement using switchable polymer coatings. In EUROTHERM seminar 101. Krakov, Poland.
De Rango, P., Nachev, S., Delhomme, B., Fruchart, D., & Marty, P. (2014). Evolution of the physico-chemical properties of nanostructured MgH2 composites upon hydriding cycle. In International Conference on Hydrogen Storage, Embrittlement and Applications (Hy-SEA 2014). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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De Rango, P., Nachev, S., Fruchart, D., Skryabina, N., & Marty, P. (2014). Evolution of nanostructured MgH2 composites upon hydrogen cycles. In Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy (MCARE 2014). Claerwater, Florida, United States.
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Rebzani, N., Clavel, E., Marty, P., Presser, N., Morin, A., & Boussoltane, K. (2014). Influence de la géométrie du conducteur sur la température dans un poste sous enveloppe métallique. In Sge 2014 (5). Cachan, France.
Rebzani, N., Marty, P., & Clavel, E. (2014). Influence of the conductor design on the temperature field in a high voltage gas insulated switchgear. In Iscas 2014. Melbourne, Australia.
De Rango, P., Garrier, S., Delhomme, B., Marty, P., Fruchart, D., & Miraglia, S. (2013). A new MgH2 tank concept using a phase change material to store the heat of reaction. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(23), 9766–9771.
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Longeon, M., Soupart-Caron, A., Fourmigue, J. - F., Bruch, A., & Marty, P. (2013). Experimental and numerical study of annular PCM storage in the presence of natural convection. Applied Energy, 112, 175–184.
Marty, P., De Rango, P., Delhomme, B., & Garrier, S. (2013). Various tools for optimizing large scale magnesium hydride storage. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 580, 324.
Nachev, S., De Rango, P., Delhomme, B., Planté, D., Zawilski, B., Longa, F., et al. (2013). In situ dilatometry measurements of MgH2 compacted disks. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 580, 183.
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Phan, H. T., Bertossi, R., Caney, N., Marty, P., & Colasson, S. (2012). A model to predict the effect of surface wettability on critical heat flux. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 39, 1500–1504.
Phan, H. T., Caney, N., Marty, P., Colasson, S., & Gavillet, J. (2012). Flow Boiling of Water on Nanocoated Surfaces in a Microchannel. Journal of Heat Transfer, 134(2), 1–6.
Garrier, S., Chaise, A., De Rango, P., Marty, P., Fruchart, D., & Miraglia, S. (2011). MgH2 intermediate scale tank tests under various experimental conditions. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36(16), 9719–9726.
Le Pierrès, N., N’tsoukpoe, K. E., Luo, L., Marty, P., Mangin, D., Marvillet, C., et al. (2011). Procédé de stockage de chaleur solaire intersaisonnier par absorption LiBr-H2O. In A. F. de Mécanique (Ed.), CFM 2011 – 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. Congrès français de mécanique. Besançon, France: AFM, Maison de la Mécanique, 39/41 rue Louis Blanc - 92400 Courbevoie.
Le Pierrès, N., N’tsoukpoe, K. E., Luo, L., Marty, P., Mangin, D., Marvillet, C., et al. (2011). Design and experimentation of a prototype of long term solar heat storage by LiBr/H2O absorption. Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, 101.
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Caney, N., Madrid Lozano, F., & Marty, P. (2007). Etude du coefficient d’échange et méthodes de mesure en ébullition dans les micro-canaux. In Congrès Français de Thermique. Ile des Embiez, France.
Caney, N., Maréchal, A., & Marty, P. (2007). A new geometry for PEMFC fuel cells cooling. Mechanics & Industry, 8(6), 545–549.
Caney, N., Marty, P., & Bigot, J. (2007). Friction losses and heat transfer of single-phase flow in a mini-channel. Applied Thermal Engineering, 27, 1715–1721.
Chaise, A., Marty, P., De Rango, P., & Fruchart, D. (2007). Modélisation de l’absorption et de la désorption de l’hydrogène dans un réservoir à hydrure de magnésium activé. Mechanics & Industry, 8(3), 545–549.
De Rango, P., Chaise, A., Charbonnier, J., Fruchart, D., Jehan, M., Marty, P., et al. (2007). Nanostructured magnesium hydride for pilot tank development. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 446-447, 52–57.
Madrid Lozano, F., Caney, N., & Marty, P. (2007). Study of a Vertical Boiling Flow in Rectangular Mini-Channels. Heat Transfer Engineering, 28(8-9), 753–760.
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Hermosilla-Lara, G., Momen, G., Marty, P., Le Neindre, B., & Hassouni, K. (2006). Hydrogen storage by adsorption on activated carbon: investigation of the thermal effects during the charging process. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, .
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Marty, P., Fourmigue, J. - F., De Rango, P., Fruchart, D., & Charbonnier, J. (2006). Numerical Simulation Of Heat And Mass Transfer During The Absorption Of Hydrogen In A Magnesium Hydride. Energy Conversion and Management, 47(20), 3632–3643.
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Charbonnier, J., Miraglia, S., De Rango, P., Skryabina, N., Fruchart, D., Rivoirard, S., et al. (2005). Optimisation of MgH2 +5at.% V ball milled microstructured powders properties for pilot tank perspectives. In 12th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (ISMANAM). Paris, France.
Fruchart, D., Charbonnier, J., De Rango, P., Jehan, M., Marty, P., Miraglia, S., et al. (2005). Activated MgH2 Powders: Principles of D-Metal Activation Process, Mass Production at Factory Scale, Design and Numerical Simulation of a Tutorial Tank. In 12th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (ISMANAM). Paris, France.
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Hermosilla-Lara, G., Momen, G., Marty, P., & Hassouni, K. (2005). Hydrogen storage by adsorption on activated carbon: experimental and numerical study. In European Hydrogen Energy Conference. Saragosse, Spain.
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Marty, P. (2004). Flow and temperature fields in an excited impinging jet. In GAMM Conference. Dresden, Germany.
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Bessaïh, R., Kadja, M., Eckert, K., & Marty, P. (2003). Numerical and analytical study of rotating flow in an enclosed cylinder under an axial magnetic field. Acta Mechanica, 164, 175–188.
Marty, P., Bontemps, A., Le Person, S., & Ayela, F. (2003). Thermique & Microtechnologie. Elsevier.
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Michel, F., Tochon, P., & Marty, P. (2003). Numériques et comparaisons expérimentales de l’écoulement et des transferts de chaleur dans les ailettes des échangeurs thermiques compacts. In Conférence SFT (pp. 163–168). Grenoble, France.
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Reboussin, Y., Fourmigue, J. - F., & Marty, P. (2003). Comportement thermo-aéraulique des régénérateurs de four de verrerie :Approches numériques et comparaisons expérimentales. In Conférence SFT (pp. 341–346). Grenoble, France.
Thonon, B., & Marty, P. (2003). Micro Thermal Systems In France: From Knowledge To Technological Development. In ASME 2003 1st International Conference on Microchannels and Minichannels. Rochester, United States.
Vejražka, J., Marty, P., & Sobolik, V. (2003). Measurement of temperature field using thermochromic liquid crystals. In Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA’02. Praha, Czech Republic.
Vejražka, J., Marty, P., Tihon, J., & Sobolik, V. (2003). Response of an impinging jet to periodic flow excitation. In Euromech 2003. Toulouse, France.
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Vejražka, J., & Marty, P. (2002). Measurement of Heat transfer coefficient by thermochromic liquid crystals. In 29th Conference of Slovak Society of Chemistry Engineering. Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia.
Vejražka, J., Marty, P., & Sobolik, V. (2002). Heat transfer experiments in a submerged impinging round jet using liquid crystal thermometry. Int. J. of Heat and Technology, 20(1), 45–50.
Vejražka, J., Marty, P., & Tihon, J. (2002). Experimental study of vortex structures in a pulsating impinging jet. In 15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 02. Praha, Czech Republic.
Vejražka, J., Marty, P., & Tihon, J. (2002). Réponse d’un jet turbulent impactant excité périodiquement. In Congrès Français de Thermique, SFT 2002 (pp. 145–150). Vittel, France.
Marty, P. (2001). Le Refroidissement par Jets Fluides : Bilan des Recherches et Applications Récentes. In 10es Journées Internationales de Thermique (pp. 193–200). Grenoble, France.
Marty, P. (2001). Refroidissement de parois par jets impactants : bilan des connaissances et applications. In 10ème Journées Int. de Thermique. Tunis, Tunisia.
Marty, P. (2001). Transferts de chaleur et de masse dans les jets impactants. Actes de la Journée Thématique de la Société française de thermique.
Vejražka, J., Marty, P., & Sobolik, V. (2001). Heat transfer experiments in a submerged impinging round jet using liquid crystal thermometry. In 5th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Thessaloniki, Greece.
Vejražka, J., Marty, P., & Sobolik, V. (2001). Une nouvelle méthode de mesure de température par cristaux liquides appliquée aux jets impactants. In Journée thématique SFT. Nantes, France.
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