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Jan-Bert Flor

Jan-Bert Flor

Directeur de recherche
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Équipe : MEIGE

Voir en ligne : Jan-Bert Flor WebPage



Khoubani, A., Mohanan, A. V., Augier, P., & Flór, J. - B. (2023). Vertical convection regimes in a rectangular cavity: Prandtl and aspect ratio dependance.


Eames, I., & Flór, J. - B. (2022). Spread of infectious agents through the air in complex spaces. Interface Focus, 12(2).
Flór, J. - B., Shmakova, N., Sommeria, J., & Voisin, B. (2022). Focusing of internal waves generated by an oscillating torus. In IXth International Symposium on Stratified Flows. Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Shmakova, N., Voisin, B., Sommeria, J., & Flor, J. - B. (2022). Effects of viscosity on internal wave focusing by an oscillating torus. In EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna, Austria.


Shmakova, N., Voisin, B., Sommeria, J., & Flór, J. - B. (2021). Internal and inertia-gravity wave focusing at large Stokes numbers. Physical Review Fluids, 6(11), 114804.


Flór, J. - B., Jougla, T., Thysen, J. - H., & Van Bunder, T. (2019). Wave and vortex generation at baroclinic unstable fronts. In Witgaf2019. Cargese, France.
Flór, J. - B., Shmakova, N., Ermanyuk, E. V., & Chevillard, L. (2019). Focusing of waves in stratified and/or rotating fluids. In New Challenges in Turbulence Research V. Les Houches, France.
Shmakova, N., & Flór, J. - B. (2019). Nonlinear aspects of focusing internal waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 862.
Shmakova, N., Ermanyuk, E. V., Voisin, B., & Flór, J. - B. (2019). Internal wave focusing by a horizontally oscillating torus: nonlinear aspects. In WITGAF 2019: Waves, Instabilities and Turbulence in Geophysical and Astrophysical Flows. Cargèse, France.


Flór, J. - B., Hirschberg, L., Oostenrijk, B., & Van Heijst, G. J. F. (2018). Onset of centrifugal instability at a rotating cylinder in a stratified fluid. Physics of Fluids, 30(8).
Jougla, T., Thysen, J. - H., & Flór, J. - B. (2018). On the interaction between fronts and vortices. In EGU, Vienne, NP6.2: Recent developments in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Waves, Turbulence, Transport and Intermittency (Vol. 20, 15435). Vienne, Austria.
Wirth, A., & Flór, J. - B. (2018). Pressure drag of two-layer shallow-water flow at an inclined oceanic ridge, independent of velocity.


Ermanyuk, E. V., Shmakova, N., & Flór, J. - B. (2017). Internal wave focusing by a horizontally oscillating torus. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 813, 695–715.
Negretti, M. - E., Flór, J. - B., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2017). Development of gravity currents on rapidly changing slopes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 833, 70–97.
Shmakova, N., Ermanyuk, E. V., & Flór, J. - B. (2017). Generation of higher harmonic internal waves by oscillating spheroids. Physical Review Fluids, 2(11), 695–715.


Caudwell, T., Flór, J. - B., & Negretti, M. - E. (2016). Convection at an isothermal wall in an enclosure and establishment of stratification. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (799), 448–475.
Negretti, M. - E., Flór, J. - B., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2016). On gravity currents over changing topography. In VIIIth International Symposium on Stratified Flows. San Diego, United States.
Shmakova, N., Flór, J. - B., Voisin, B., Sommeria, J., & Viboud, S. (2016). High Stokes number wave focusing by a circular ridge: Internal, inertial and inertia-gravity waves. In VIIIth International Symposium on Stratified Flows. San Diego, United States.
Shmakova, N., Viboud, S., Sommeria, J., Voisin, B., & Flór, J. - B. (2016). High Stokes number wave focusing by a circular ridge: Internal, inertial and inertia-gravity waves. In Emil Hopfinger Colloquium 2016. Grenoble, France.


Flór, J. - B., Hirschberg, L., Oostenrijk, B., & Van Heijst, G. J. F. (2015). Instability onset of the boundary layer on a rotating cylinder in a stratified fluid. In 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Boston, United States.
Shmakova, N., Ermanyuk, E. V., Voisin, B., & Flór, J. - B. (2015). Geometric focusing of internal waves: Experimental study. In 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Boston, United States.
Shmakova, N., Ermanyuk, E. V., Voisin, B., & Flór, J. - B. (2015). Geometric focusing of internal waves: experiments versus theory. In NewWave: New Challenges in Internal Wave Dynamics. Lyon, France.
Voisin, B., Ermanyuk, E. V., Shmakova, N., & Flór, J. - B. (2015). Geometric focusing of internal waves: linear theory. In NewWave: New Challenges in Internal Wave Dynamics. Lyon, France.
Voisin, B., Ermanyuk, E. V., Shmakova, N., & Flór, J. - B. (2015). Internal wave focusing by annular forcing: theory. In 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Boston, United States.


Scolan, H., Verzicco, R., & Flór, J. - B. (2014). Frontal Instabilities at Density–Shear Interfaces in Rotating Two-Layer Stratified Fluids. In T. von Larcher, & P. D. Williams (Eds.), Modeling Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows: Insights from Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Simulations. Geophysical Monograph Series. American Geophysical Union.
Voisin, B., Ermanyuk, E. V., Shmakova, N., & Flór, J. - B. (2014). Internal wave focusing from oscillating tori. In Nonlinear Effects in Internal Waves Conference. Ithaca, United States.


Duran-Matute, M., Flór, J. - B., Godeferd, F., & Jause-Labert, C. (2013). Turbulence, inertial waves and vortex column formation in a rotating fluid. In 14th European Turbulence Conference, ETC 2013. Lyon, France.
Duran-Matute, M., Flór, J. - B., Godeferd, F. S., & Jause-Labert, C. (2013). Turbulence and columnar vortex formation through inertial-wave focusing. Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 87, 041001.
Flór, J. - B., Scolan, H., & Verzicco, R. (2013). Ondes et instabilités de fronts en milieu tournant et stratifié. In Symposium OGOA. Lyon, France.
Sommeria, J., Bordes, G., Flór, J. - B., & Gostiaux, L. (2013). Generation of vortex lens from turbulence collapse in a stratified fluid. In EGU General Assembly 2013 (Vol. 15, 12961). Vienne, Austria.
Voisin, B., Ermanyuk, E. V., Shmakova, N., & Flór, J. - B. (2013). Focalisation linéaire d’ondes internes par un tore oscillant. In Symposium OGOA. Lyon, France.


Eames, I., & Flór, J. - B. (2011). New developments in understanding interfacial processes in turbulent flows. New developments in understanding interfacial processes in turbulent flows, 369(1937).
Ermanyuk, E. V., Flór, J. - B., & Voisin, B. (2011). Spatial structure of first and higher harmonic internal waves from a horizontally oscillating sphere. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 671, 364–383.
Flór, J. - B., Scolan, H., & Gula, J. (2011). Frontal instabilities and waves in a differentially rotating fluid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 685(october), 532–542.
Lawrie, A., Duran-Matute, M., Scott, J., Godeferd, F., Flór, J., Cambon, C., et al. (2011). The axisymmetric jet in a rotating reference frame. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 318(3), 032048.
Voisin, B., Ermanyuk, E. V., & Flór, J. - B. (2011). Internal wave generation by oscillation of a sphere, with application to internal tides. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 666, 308–357.


Ermanyuk, E. V., Flór, J. - B., & Voisin, B. (2010). First and second harmonic internal waves from a horizontally oscillating sphere. In Wave Phenomena 4: Waves in Fluids from the Microscopic to the Planetary Scale. Edmonton, Canada.
Ermanyuk, E. V., Flór, J. - B., & Voisin, B. (2010). High–precision LIF measurements of three–dimensional density perturbations. In 15th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (1599). Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Usb. Lisbon, Portugal.
Ermanyuk, E. V., Voisin, B., & Flór, J. - B. (2010). СТРУКТУРА БАРОКЛИННЫХ ПРИЛИВОВ В ОКРЕСТНОСТИ ПОДВОДНЫХ ГОР. In 7th International Conference ”Lavrentyev Readings on Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics”. Novosibirsk, Russia.
Flór, J. - B. (2010). Fronts, Waves and Vortices in Geophysical Flows. Lecture Notes in Physics, 805. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


Ermanyuk, E. V., Flór, J. - B., & Voisin, B. (2009). Internal wave radiation by a horizontally oscillating sphere in a uniformly stratified fluid. In 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (1216). Actes du 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Cd. Marseille, France.
Ermanyuk, E. V., Flór, J. - B., & Voisin, B. (2009). Internal wave structure emitted by a horizontally oscillating sphere. In 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Minneapolis, United States.
Ermanyuk, E. V., Flór, J. - B., & Voisin, B. (2009). Internal-wave radiation by a horizontally oscillating body in a uniformly stratified fluid. In EGU General Assembly 2009. Vienna, Austria.


Ermanyuk, E. V., Flór, J. - B., & Voisin, B. (2008). Three dimensional internal-wave radiation by a horizontally oscillating body in a uniformly stratified fluid. In 61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. San Antonio, United States.
Ermanyuk, E. V., Gavrilov, N. V., Flór, J. - B., & Voisin, B. (2008). 2D and 3D problems of internal wave radiation by oscillating bodies: theory and experiments. In 3rd All-Russian Conference with Foreign Participants ”Free Boundary Problems: Theory, Experiment and Applications”. Biisk, Russia.
Ermanyuk, E. V., Gavrilov, N. V., Flór, J. - B., & Voisin, B. (2008). 2D and 3D problems of internal-wave radiation by a body oscillating in a uniformly stratified fluid. In 23rd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (pp. 45–48). Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies. Jeju, South Korea.
Flór, J. - B., Hopfinger, E. J., & Guyez, E. (2008). Interfacial Mixing by Horizontal Vortices and Shear Turbulence. In F. A., N. J., O. H., & W. E. (Eds.), Progress in Industrial Mathematics.


Eames, I., Landeryou, M., & Flór, J. - B. (2007). Inviscid coupling between point symmetric bodies and singular distributions of vorticity. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 589, 33–56.
Flór, J. - B. (2007). Frontal instability, inertia-gravity wave radiation and vortex formation. In CFM Stratified flow symposium. Grenoble, France.
Guyez, E., Flór, J. - B., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2007). Mixing by coherent vortices in a two-layer stratified fluid. In Cfm2007. Grenoble, France.
Guyez, E., Flór, J. - B., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2007). Turbulent mixing at a stable density interface: the buoyancy flux-gradient relation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 577, 127–136.


Cariteau, B., & Flór, J. - B. (2006). An experimental investigation on elliptical instability of a strongly asymmetric vortex pair in a stable density stratification. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 13(6), 641–649.
Flór, J. - B. (2006). Unstable fronts in differentially rotating stratified fluids. In ISSF International Symposium on Stratified Fluid (6). Perth, Australia.
Fruh, W. - G., Redondo, J. M., & Flór, J. - B. (2006). Turbulent transport in geosciences. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, Special issue, 56(13). Copernicus Publications.
Guyez, E., Flór, J. - B., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2006). Mixing across a density interface in a Taylor-Couette flow. In ISSF international Symposium on Stratified Fluid. Perth, Australia.


Cariteau, B., & Flór, J. - B. (2005). Étude de la stabilité d’un vortex en fluide faiblement stratifié. In 17e Congrès Français de Mécanique. Troyes, France.
Flór, J. - B., & Boyer, D. L. (2005). Topics in Rotating and Stratified Fluids. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 40(1-2).
Flór, J. - B., & Cariteau, B. (2005). Instability of a columnar vortex in a stratified fluid. In Egu 2005. Vienna, Australia.
Guyez, E., & Flór, J. - B. (2005). Mélange d’un fluide bicouche en écoulement Taylor-Couette. In 17e Congrès Français de Mécanique. Troyes, France.
Moulin, F. Y., & Flór, J. - B. (2005). Experimental study on wave breaking and mixing properties in the periphery of an intense vortex. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 40(1-2), 115–130.


Cariteau, B., Flór, J. - B., & Dritschel, D. (2004). Vortex interactions in rotating stratified fluids. In Euromech 448. Paris, France.
Eames, I., Gilbertson, M., Flór, J. - B., & Roig, V. (2004). Lagrangian aspects of multiphase and multibody flows. In IUTAM symposium on Computational Approaches to Disperse Multiphase Flow (10). Illinois, United States.
Ermanyuk, E. V., & Flór, J. - B. (2004). Taylor-Couette flow in a two-layer stratified fluid: instabilities and mixing. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 1-2, 57–69.
Flór, J. - B., Bush, J. W. M., & Ungarish, M. (2004). An experimental study on the spin-up of a stratified fluid. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 98, 277–296.
Guyez, E., & Flór, J. - B. (2004). Mixing of a two-layer fluid by a Taylor-Couette flow. In 1st General Assembly. Nice, France.
Moulin, F. Y., & Flór, J. - B. (2004). Interactions of planar waves with a baroclinic vortex in a rotating stratified fluid. In Xxi Ictam. Warsaw, Poland.
Moulin, F. Y., & Flór, J. - B. (2004). On the spin-up by a rotating disk in a rotating stratified fluid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 516, 155–180.
Moulin, F. Y., & Flór, J. - B. (2004). Wave-vortex interaction in a rotating stratified fluid: WKB simulations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 563, 199–222.


Cariteau, B., & Flór, J. - B. (2003). Instability of a columnar vortex in a stratified fluid. In APS Division of Fluid Dynamics 56. East Rutherford, United States.
Ermanyuk, E. V., & Flór, J. - B. (2003). Taylor-couette flow in a stratified fluid with pycnocline : flow structures and mixing. In Fluxes and Structures in Fluids (2). St Petersburg, Russia.
Ermanyuk, E. V., Flór, J. - B., & Janiaud, B. (2003). Taylor-couette flow in a stratified fluid with pycnocline: flow structures and mixing. Fluxes and Structures in Fluids. In Iugg2003. Sapporo, Japan.
Flór, J. - B. (2003). Dynamics of Monopolar Vortices on a Topographic Beta Plane.
Flór, J. - B. (2003). Dynamics of Monopolar Vortices on a Topographic Beta Plane. In Physical Mathematics Seminar. Boston, United States.
Flór, J. - B. (2003). Spin-up from rest of a stratified fluid. In Ecole d’été Geophysical Turbulence. La Londe, France.
Flór, J. - B., & Bush, J. W. M. (2003). Spin-up from rest in a stratified fluid. Fluxes and Structures in Fluids. In Iugg2003. Sapporo, Japan.
Flór, J. - B., & Moulin, F. Y. (2003). On the spin-up by a rotating disk in a rotating stratified fluid. In 56th Annual Meeting APS, DFD. East Rutherford, United States.
Flór, J. - B., & Moulin, F. Y. (2003). Wave-vortex interactions in a rotating stratified fluid and induced mixing. In APS, DFD 56th Annual Meeting. East Rutherford, United States.
Moulin, F. Y., & Flór, J. - B. (2003). Wave-vortex interactions in a rotating stratified fluid and transport through a dynamical barrier. Fluxes and Structures in Fluids. In Iugg2003. Sapporo, Japan.


Cariteau, B., & Flór, J. - B. (2002). Experimental study on the stability of a columnar vortex in a stratified fluid. In European Geophysical Society. 27 general assembly. Nice, France.
Eames, I., & Flór, J. - B. (2002). The dynamics of monopolar vortices on a topographic beta plane. In Joint British Mathematical and Applied Mathematical Colloquium. Warwick, United Kingdom.
Flór, J. - B. (2002). Dynamics of monopolar vortex structures on the β-plane.
Flór, J. - B., & Eames, I. (2002). Dynamics of monopolar vortices on a topographic beta-plane. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 456, 353–376.
Flór, J. - B., Bush, J. W. M., & Ungarish, M. (2002). Spin-up from rest in a stratified fluid APS. In Division of Fluid Dynamics 55th Annual Meeting. Dallas, United States.
Flór, J. - B., Bush, J. W. M., & Ungarish, M. (2002). Spin-up from rest in a stratified fluid: core flows. In European Geophysical Society. 27 General Assembly. Nice, France.
Flór, J. - B., Ungarish, M., & Bush, J. (2002). Spin-up from rest in a stratified fluid: boundary flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 472, 51–82.
Flór, J. - B., Ungarish, M., & Bush, J. W. M. (2002). Spin-up from rest in a stratified fluid: boundary flows. In European Geophysical General Assembly. Nice, France.
Moulin, F. Y., & Flór, J. - B. (2002). Experimental observations of wave-vortex interactions in a stratified rotating fluid. In European Geophysical Society. Nice, France.
Moulin, F. Y., & Flór, J. - B. (2002). Experimental study on the mixing induced by inertia-gravity wave breaking on the dynamical barrier of a vortex. In European Geophysical Society. 27 general assembly. Nice, France.


Flór, J. - B., & Moulin, F. Y. (2001). Experimental study on vortex-wave interaction in a rotating stratified fluid. In European geophysical society. 26th General assembly. Nice, France.
Flór, J. - B., & Moulin, F. Y. (2001). Experimental study on wave-vortex interaction in a rotating stratified fluid. In Wave phenomena III. Edmonton, Canada.
Flór, J. - B., Ungarish, M., & Bush, J. W. M. (2001). Spin-up from rest in a stratified fluid: boundary flows. In Hydraulics Symposium. Tempe, United States.


Eames, I., & Flór, J. - B. (1998). Fluid transport by dipolar vortices. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 28(2), 93–105.


Flór, J. - B., & Van Heijst, G. J. F. (1996). Stable and unstable monopolar vortices in a stratified fluid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 311(-1).


Verzicco, R., Flór, J. - B., Van Heijst, G. J. F., & Orlandi, P. (1995). Numerical and experimental study of the interaction between a vortex dipole and a circular cylinder. Experiments in Fluids, 18(3), 153–163.


Flór, J. - B., Fernando, H. J., & Van Heijst, G. J. F. (1994). The evolution of an isolated turbulent region in a two-layer fluid. Physics of Fluids, 6(1), 287–296.


Flór, J. - B., Govers, W. S. S., Van Heijst, G. J. F., & Van Sluis, R. (1993). Formation of a Tripolar Vortex in a Stratified Fluid.


Lichter, S., Flór, J. - B., & Van Heijst, G. J. F. (1992). Modelling the separation and eddy formation of coastal currents in a stratified tank. Experiments in Fluids, 13(1), 11–16.


Van Heijst, G. J. F., & Flór, J. - B. (1990). Colliding Dipolar Vortices in a Stratified Fluid. Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993), 2(9), 1526.
Van Heijst, G. J. F., & Flór, J. - B. (1990). Colliding Dipolar Vortices in a Stratified Fluid. Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993), 2(9), 1526.


Van Heijst, G. J. F., & Flór, J. - B. (1989). Dipole formation and collisions in a stratified fluid. Nature, 340(6230), 212–215.