Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

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Accueil > Brun Christophe

Christophe Brun

Christophe Brun

Maître de conférences
Téléphone :+33460234758 otherwise
 04.76 strange 8768 number.
Other : 4
Courriel : Christophe.Brun or 1215074602 no-reply(A) and
Bureau :Piole207.
Manager : 79
Équipe : MEIGE



Brun, C., Bessem, W., Dublanche, A., Lagauzère, M., & Pioz-Marchand, S. (2024). Turbulent boundary layer measurements near the surface below the jet maximum in a katabatic wind along alpine slope. In EMS Annual Meeting. Barcelona, Spain.
Charrondière, C., Hopfinger, E. J., Brun, C., Cohard, J. - M., & Sicart, J. - E. (2024). Evidence of strong wave turbulence and of Bolgiano temperature spectra in katabatic winds on steep slopes. Physics of Fluids, 36.
Lagauzère, M., & Brun, C. (2024). Choix du matériel et interface de pilotage pour le déplacement in-situ de sonde de vitesse 3D. In Journée des réseaux AquiView-AlpesView. Pessac (33), France.


Brun, C. (2022). Data from the field experiment on katabatic winds on a steep slope (Grand Colon, French Alps), February 2019. Zenodo.
Charrondière, C., Brun, C., Cohard, J. - M., Sicart, J. - E., Obligado, M., Biron, R., et al. (2022). Katabatic Winds over Steep Slopes: Overview of a Field Experiment Designed to Investigate Slope-Normal Velocity and Near-Surface Turbulence. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 182(1), 29–54.
Charrondière, C., Brun, C., Hopfinger, E. J., Cohard, J. - M., & Sicart, J. - E. (2022). Mean flow structure of katabatic winds and turbulent mixing properties. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 941, 11.
Corentin, B., Negretti, M. - E., & Brun, C. (2022). Etude de l’instabilité de Görtler dans une couche limite sur paroi concave. Umr 5519 Legi.


Dagaut, J., Negretti, M. - E., Balarac, G., & Brun, C. (2021). Linear to turbulent Görtler instability transition. Physics of Fluids, 33(1), 014102.
Obligado, M., Brun, C., Silvestrini, J. H., & Schettini, E. (2021). Dissipation Scalings in the Turbulent Boundary Layer at Moderate Reθ. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, .
Obligado, M., Cal, R. B., & Brun, C. (2021). Wind turbine wake influence on the mixing of relative humidity quantified through wind tunnel experiments. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 13(2), 023308.


Charrondière, C., Brun, C., Sicart, J. - E., Cohard, J. - M., Biron, R., & Blein, S. (2020). Buoyancy Effects in the Turbulence Kinetic Energy Budget and Reynolds Stress Budget for a Katabatic Jet over a Steep Alpine Slope. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 177(1), 97–122.


Blein, S., Brun, C., & Cohard, J. - M. (2019). Turbulence spectral-characteristics of pure katabatic flow over a steep Alpine slope. In EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienne, Austria.
Charrondière, C., Brun, C., Sicart, J. - E., & Cohard, J. - M. (2019). Buoyancy effect of katabatic flows on turbulence above a steep alpine slope. In 35th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology 2019. Riva del Garda, Italy.
Dagaut, J., Balarac, G., Negretti, M. - E., & Brun, C. (2019). Transition to turbulence in Görtler flows.Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of a Blasius boundary layer over a curved wall. In 17th European Turbulence Conference. Turin, Italy.


Brun, C. (2017). Large-Eddy Simulation of a katabatic jet along a convexly curved slope: 2. Evidence of Görtler vortices. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122(10), 5190–5210.
Brun, C., Blein, S., & Chollet, J. - P. (2017). Large-Eddy Simulation of a Katabatic Jet along a Convexly Curved Slope. Part I: Statistical Results. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 74(12), 4047–4073.


Paci, A., Staquet, C., Allard, J., Barral, H., Canut, G., Cohard, J. - M., et al. (2016). La campagne Passy-2015 : dynamique atmosphérique et qualité de l’air dans la vallée de l’Arve. Pollution Atmosphérique : climat, santé, société, .


Staquet, C., Paci, A., Allard, J., Arduini, G., Barral, H., Barret, M., et al. (2015). The Passy project: Objectives, underlying scientific questions and preliminary numerical modelling of the Passy Alpine valley. In 33rd International Conference on Alpine Meteorology ICAM 2015. Innsbruck, Austria.


Barral, H., Genthon, C., Trouvilliez, A., Brun, C., & Amory, C. (2014). Blowing snow in coastal Adelie Land, Antarctica: three atmospheric-moisture issues. The Cryosphere, 8(5), 1905–1919.
Barral, H., Vignon, E., Bazile, E., Traullé, O., Gallée, H., Genthon, C., et al. (2014). Summer Diurnal Cycle At Dome C On The Antartic Plateau. In 21st Symposium on Boundary Layer and Turbulence. Leeds, United Kingdom.
Brun, C., Blein, S., Barral, H., & Genthon, C. (2014). Turbulence anisotropy in katabatic flows. From Antarctica plateau to alpine slopes. In EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienne, Austria.


Blein, S., & Brun, C. (2013). Large Eddy Simulation at high resolution for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer on an alpine slope overlooking Grenoble. In 32th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology. Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.
Brun, C., Barral, H., & Genthon, C. (2013). Generation of a local turbulent katabatic flow along a slope in Antarctica. In 32th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology 2013. Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.


Barral, H., Genthon, C., Six, D., Gallée, H., & Brun, C. (2012). The atmospheric boundary layer at Dome C on the Antarctic plateau. In European Geoscience Union. Vienne, Austria.


Blein, S., Brun, C., & Chollet, J. - P. (2011). Role of the Görtler instability on the turbulent mixing in a katabatic flow along a curved slope for stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer. In International Conference on Alpine Meteorology. Aviemore, Ecosse, United Kingdom.
Minguez, M., Brun, C., Pasquetti, R., & Serre, E. (2011). Experimental and high-order LES analysis of the flow in near-wall region of a square cylinder. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 32(3), 558–566.


Brun, C., & Chollet, J. - P. (2010). LES of Scalar transport in a turbulent katabatic flow along a curved slope in the context of stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer. In European Geoscience Union. Vienne, Austria.
Brun, C., Blein, S., & Chollet, J. - P. (2010). Role of the Görtler instability on the turbulent mixing in a katabati c flow along a curved slope for stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer. In 15 th International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing,. Paris, France.


Brun, C., & Chollet, J. - P. (2009). Large Eddy Simulation of katabatic flow along a slope model. In 27eme Congrès Français de Mécanique. Marseille, France.
Brun, C., & Chollet, J. - P. (2009). Large Eddy Simulations of the turbulent katabatic flow developing along a hyperbolic tangent slope in stable atmospheric boundary layer. In Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena. Seoul, South Korea.
Brun, C., & Chollet, J. - P. (2009). Simulation and modeling of the turbulent katabatic flow along a slope for stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer. In European Geoscience Union. Vienne, Austria.
Brun, C., Petrovan Boiarciuc, M., & Manhart, M. (2009). LES of the turbulent compressible flow spatially developing in a plane channel. In A. F. de Mécanique (Ed.), Congrès français de mécanique. Congrès français de mécanique. Marseille, France: AFM, Maison de la Mécanique, 39/41 rue Louis Blanc - 92400 Courbevoie.


Brun, C., & Goossens, T. (2008). 3D coherent vortices in the turbulent near wake of a square cylinder. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 336(4), 363–369.
Brun, C., Aubrun, S., Goossens, T., & Ravier, P. (2008). Coherent structures and their frequency signature in the separated shear layer on the sides of a square cylinder. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 81, 97–114.
Brun, C., Balarac, G., Da Silva, C. B., & Métais, O. (2008). Effects of molecular diffusion on the subgrid-scale modeling of passive scalars. Physics of Fluids, 20(2), 025102.
Brun, C., Balarac, G., Da Silva, C. B., Petrovan Boiarciuc, M., & Métais, O. (2008). Subgrid-Scale modeling of scalars for large-eddy simulations of transitional flows. In 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements. Limassol, Crète, Greece.
Brun, C., Boiarciuc, M., Haberkorn, M., & Comte, P. (2008). Large Eddy Simulation of compressible channel flow. Arguments in favour of universality of compressible turbulent wall bounded flows. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 22(2), 189–212.
Manhart, M., Peller, N., & Brun, C. (2008). A priori tests on DNS of channel flow with periodic hill constrictions and DNS of separating boundary layer. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 22(4), 243–260.


Brun, C., & Aubrun, S. (2007). Etude expérimentale et numérique des structures de Kelvin-Helmholtz se développant dans les couches cisaillées décollées autour d’un cylindre à section carrée à 500 $\le$ Re $\le$ 200000. In A. F. de Mécanique (Ed.), CFM 2007 – 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. Congrès Français de Mécanique. Grenoble, France: AFM, Maison de la Mécanique, 39/41 rue Louis Blanc - 92400 Courbevoie.
Brun, C., Petrovan Boiarciuc, M., & Devinant, P. (2007). Simulation numérique de l’effet de gradient de pression adverse sur le décollement de couche limite turbulente compressible en canal. In CFM 2007 – 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. Grenoble, France.
Peller, N., Manhart, M., Petrovan Boiarciuc, M., & Brun, C. (2007). Examination of near-wall scaling for turbulent boundary layers with adverse pressure gradient. In 5th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows Phenomena. Munich, Germany.
Petrovan Boiarciuc, M., Brun, C., & Manhart, M. (2007). Near-Wall modelling of compressible turbulent boundary layers with seperation. In 11 th European Turbulence Conference. porto, Portugal.


Brun, C., Friedrich, R., & Da Silva, C. B. (2006). A non-linear SGS model based on the spatial velocity increment. Application to LES of fully developed pipe flow and round turbulent jet. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 20(1), 1–21.


Brun, C., Tenchine, D., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2004). Role of the shear layer instability in the near wake behaviour of two side by side circular cylinders. Experiments in Fluids, 36, 334–343.
Goossens, T., Brun, C., Doris, L., & Hureau, J. (2004). Kelvin-Helmholtz structures in the separated shear layer on the top of a square cylinder: experimental and numerical investigation. In 10 th European Turbulence Conference, EUROMECH. Trondheim, Norway.


Brun, C., Haberkorn, M., & Comte, P. (2003). Compressibility effects in fully developed channel flow up to Mach 5. In 5th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference. Toulouse, France.


Brun, C., & Friedrich, R. (2001). Modeling the test SGS tensor Tij: An issue in the dynamic approach. Physics of Fluids, 13(8), 2373–2385.
Brun, C., & Friedrich, R. (2001). Modeling the test SGS tensor Tij: An issue in the dynamic approach. Physics of Fluids, 13(8), 2373–2385.


Brun, C., & Picut, M. (1997). Velocity measurements in the wake of a pair of cylinders in high interaction configuration. In 11th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows. Grenoble, France.
Urbin, G., Brun, C., & Métais, O. (1997). Large Eddy Simulations of free-dimensional spatially evolving round jets. In 11th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows. grenoble, France.