Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

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Philippe Sechet

Philippe Sechet

Maître de conférences
Téléphone :+33495586484 otherwise
 04.76 strange 6451 number.
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Courriel : philippe.sechet or 1512887556 no-reply(A) and
Bureau :Piole158.
Manager : 72
Équipe : EDT



Némery, J., Castebrunet, H. H., Montoya-Coronado, V. A., Thuong, T., Michel, A., Lipeme Kouyi, G., et al. (2022). Modeling urban waters using TONIC model in large metropolitan areas: comparison between Lyon (France) and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).
Mbaye, S., Pignon, F., & Séchet, P. (2008). couplage hydrodynamique-biomasse dans les procédés de dépollution : approche locale des mécanismes de croissance et d’adhésion/détachement de micro-organismes sur substrat solide.
Guillet, A., Béteau, J. - F., & Séchet, P. (2006). Industrial Processes and Environmental Management Program : a double competence curriculum, International Conference on Engineering Education on Sustainable Development.
Guillet, A., & Séchet, P. (2003). Cours de remise à niveau sous forme personnalisée et asynchrone.

Peer-reviewed Publications

Nemati, A., Lukić, B., Tengattini, A., Briffaut, M., & Séchet, P. (2024). Towards in-situ water quantification via neutron imaging: insights from NeXT-Grenoble. Measurement Science and Technology, 35(7), 075405.
Jossic, L., Séchet, P., Magnin, A., Hojeij, A., & Hattou, S. (2023). Bubbles morphology, frequency and rising velocity in yield stress fluid under downward gas injection. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 16, 100527.
Nemati, A., Lukić, B., Tengattini, A., Gupta, R., Briffaut, M., & Séchet, P. (2023). Rapid In Situ Neutron Tomography and X-ray Imaging of Vapor Condensation in Fractured Sandstone. Transport in Porous Media, 150(2), 327–357.
Hojeij, A., Jossic, L., Séchet, P., Magnin, A., & Hattou, S. (2022). Agitation of yield stress fluids by gas injection. AIChE Journal, 68(4).
Hojeij, A., Jossic, L., Séchet, P., Bonamy, C., Magnin, A., & Hattou, S. (2021). Experimental study and numerical modeling of mixing by air injection in yield stress fluids using the OpenFOAM software. AIChE Journal, 68(2).
Ivankovic, T., Rolland Du Roscoat, S., Geindreau, C., Séchet, P., Huang, Z., & Martins, J. M. F. (2016). Development and evaluation of an experimental protocol for 3-D visualization and characterization of the structure of bacterial biofilms in porous media using laboratory X-ray tomography. Biofouling, 32(10), 1235–1244.
Mota, A. M. O., Ferreira, A., Vicente, A. A., Séchet, P., Martins, J. M. F., Teixeira, J. A., et al. (2015). Customization of an optical probe device and validation of a signal processing procedure to study gas–liquid–solid flows. Application to a three-phase internal-loop gas-lift Bioreactor. Chemical Engineering Science, 138, 814–826.
Rolland Du Roscoat, S., Martins, J. M. F., Séchet, P., Vince, E., Latil, P., & Geindreau, C. (2014). Application of synchrotron X-ray microtomography for visualizing bacterial biofilms 3D microstructure in porous media. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 111(6), 1265–1271.
Mbaye, S., Séchet, P., Martins, J. M. F., & Pignon, F. (2013). Influence of hydrodynamics on the growth kinetics of glass-adhering Pseudomonas putida cells through a parallel plate flow chamber. Biomicrofluidic, 7, 054105.
Karrabi, S. M., Séchet, P., Morra, C., Cartellier, A. H., Geindreau, C., & Martins, J. M. F. (2011). Investigation of hydrodynamic/biomass growth coupling in a pilot scale granular bioreactor at low pore Reynolds number. Chemical Engineering Science, 66(8), 1765–1782.
Vejražka, J., Večeř, M., Orvalho, S., Séchet, P., Ruzicka, M. C., & Cartellier, A. H. (2010). Measurement accuracy of a mono-fiber optical probe in a bubbly flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 36(7), 533–548.
Cartellier, A. H., Andreotti, M., & Séchet, P. (2009). Induced agitation in homogeneous bubbly flows at moderate particle Reynolds number. Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 80, 065301.
Mena, P. C., Rocha, F. A., Teixeira, J. A., Séchet, P., & Cartellier, A. H. (2008). Measurement of gas phase characteristics using a monofibre optical probe in a three-phase flow. Chemical Engineering Science, 63(16), 4100–4115.
Bordas, M. - L., Cartellier, A. H., Séchet, P., & Boyer, C. (2006). Bubbly flow through fixed beds: micro-scale experiments in the dilute regime and modelling. AIChE Journal, 52(11), 3722–3743.
Bordas, M. - L., Cartellier, A. H., Séchet, P., & Boyer, C. (2006). Bubbly flow through fixed beds: Microscale experiments in the dilute regime and modeling. AIChE Journal, 52(11), 3722–3743.
Séchet, P., & Leguennec, B. (1999). Bursting phenomenon and incipient motion of solid particles in bed-load transport. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 37(5), 683–696.
Séchet, P., & Leguennec, B. (1999). The rôle of near wall turbulent structures on sediment transport. Water Research, 33(17), 3646–3656.

Conference Proceedings

Pham, H. L., Séchet, P., & Huang, Z. (2017). A modified model for the prediction of permeability reduction in saturated porous media. In 4th Congrès International de Géotechnique – Ouvrages -Structures. CIGOS 2017 (pp. 991–999). Proceedings of the 4th Congrès International de Géotechnique – Ouvrages -Structures. CIGOS 2017. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol 8. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Springer.
Medeiros, A. C. D. A. P., Huang, Z., Séchet, P., Pignon, F., & Martins, J. M. F. (2014). Etude expérimentale de la formation des biofilms sous conditions hydrodynamiques contrôlées. In 49ème congrès annuel du Groupe Français de Rhéologie – Rhéologie et approches multiphysiques couplées. Grenoble, France.
Huang, Z., Mbaye, S., Medeiros, A. C. D. A. P., Séchet, P., Pignon, F., & Martins, J. M. F. (2013). Experimental study of bacterial biofilm and structure under variable shear stresses. In Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés Numéro 104 – 2013, Ed. SFGP. Lyon, France.
Mota, A. M. O., Vicente, A. A., Teixeira, J. A., Séchet, P., & Cartellier, A. H. (2011). Measurement of local gas-phase properties using an optical probe in a three-phase systems. In Gas-liquid and Gas-liquid-solid reactor engineering congress. Braga, Portugal.
Séchet, P., Cartellier, A. H., Bordas, M. - L., & Boyer, C. (2010). Bubbly flow through fixed beds contactors. Experiments and modelling in the dense regime. In 7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF2010). Tampa, United States.
Séchet, P., Cartellier, A. H., Bordas, M. - L., & Boyer, C. (2009). Experimental investigation of bubbly flows through granular packed beds in the dilute and dense regime. 1d- and 2d- modelling. In 47th European Two-Phase Flow Meeting. Bled, Slovenia.
Andreotti, M., Séchet, P., & Cartellier, A. H. (2007). Agitation induite en écoulements à Bulles. In 5ièmes Journées Francophones sur les Réacteurs Gaz-Liquide et Gaz-Liquide-Solide. Carry le Rouet, France.
Andreotti, M., Séchet, P., & Cartellier, A. H. (2007). Bubble induced agitation in uniform flows at intermediate particle Reynolds numbers. In Proc. 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow. Leipzig, Germany.
Andreotti, M., Séchet, P., & Cartellier, A. H. (2007). Simulation of the microstructure and of the induced agitation in a dispersed flow using the hybrid model. In Proc. 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow. Leipzig, Germany.
Bordas, M. - L., Cartellier, A. H., & Séchet, P. (2007). Bubbly flows through fixed beds contactors: experimental investigation in the dilute regime and modelling. In 11e congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés. St Etienne, France.
Bordas, M. - L., Cartellier, A. H., & Séchet, P. (2007). Experimental Investigation of Bubbly Flows through Granular Packed Bed in the Dilute and Dense Regime: 1D and 2D Modelling. In Proc. ICMF 2007. Leipzig, Germany.
Bordas, M. - L., Cartellier, A. H., Séchet, P., & Boyer, C. (2007). Ecoulements diphasiques en milieux granulaires (régime à bulles dispersé) : expériences et modélisation. In Proc. 5ièmes Journées Francophones sur les Réacteurs Gaz-Liquide et Gaz-Liquide-Solide. Carry le Rouet, France.
Bordas, M. - L., Séchet, P., Cartellier, A. H., & Boyer, C. (2007). Ecoulements diphasiques liquide-gaz en régime à bulles dans les lits fixes : étude expérimentale et modélisations mono- et bi- dimensionnelles. In 5e journée francophone sur les réacteurs gaz-liquide et gaz-liquide-solide. Carry le Rouet, France.
Bordas, M. - L., Séchet, P., Cartellier, A. H., & Boyer, C. (2007). Ecoulements diphasiques liquide-gaz en régime à bulles dans les lits fixes : étude expérimentale et modélisations mono- et bi-dimensionnelles. In 5es journées francophones sur les réacteurs Gaz-Liquide et Gaz-Liquide-Solide. Récents Progrés en Génie des Procédés, (95). Carry-le-Rouet, France: Sfgp.
Bordas, M. - L., Séchet, P., Cartellier, A. H., & Boyer, C. (2007). Ecoulements diphasiques liquide-gaz en régime à bulles dans les lits fixes : étude expérimentale et modélisations mono- et bi-dimensionnelles. In A. F. de Mécanique (Ed.), Congrès Français de Mécanique. Congrès Français de Mécanique. Grenoble, France: AFM, Maison de la Mécanique, 39/41 rue Louis Blanc - 92400 CourbevoieAssociation Française de Mécanique.
Karrabi, S. M., Morra, C., Séchet, P., Geindreau, C., Martins, J. M. F., & Cartellier, A. H. (2007). Influence des interactions biomasse/hydrodynamique sur la croissance d’un biofilm bactérien dans un biofiltre granbulaire : modélisation et validation expérimentale. In CFM 2007 – 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. Grenoble, France.
Karrabi, S. M., Morra, C., Séchet, P., Geindreau, C., Martins, J. M. F., & Cartellier, A. H. (2007). Influence des interactions biomasse/hydrodynamique sur la croissance d’un biofilm bactérien dans un biofiltre granulaire. In Congrès Français de Mécanique. Grenoble, France.
Karrabi, S. M., Séchet, P., Morra, C., Geindreau, C., Martins, J. M. F., & Cartellier, A. H. (2007). The effect of biofilm growth on hydrodynamic properties of bioreactors. In European Congress of Chemical Engineering. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Séchet, P., Cartellier, A. H., Bordas, M. - L., & Boyer, C. (2007). Experimental investigation of bubbly flows through granular packed beds in the dilute and dense regime.1D- and 2D- modeling. In Proc. 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow. Leipzig, Germany.
Večeř, M., Vejražka, J., Orvalho, S., Ruzicka, M. C., Drahos, J., Cartellier, A. H., et al. (2007). Interaction of bubble surface with tip of optical probe. In Abstracts. Symposium EUROMECH 493 ”Interface Dynamics, Stability and Fragmentation”. Grenoble, France.
Karrabi, S. M., Morra, C., Séchet, P., Florensa, I., Geindreau, C., Martins, J. M. F., et al. (2006). Experimental investigation of biofilm growth and hydrodynamic/biomass interaction in a granular bioreactor. In Chisa 2006 (Vol. Isbn 80-86059-45-6, 11). PRAHA, Czech Republic.
Karrabi, S. M., Morra, C., Séchet, P., Florensa, I., Geindreau, C., Martins, J. M. F., et al. (2006). Influence des interactions biomasse/hydrodynamique sur la croissance d’un biofilm bactérien dans un biofiltre granulaire de traitement d’effluents industriels, : modélisation et validation expérimentale. In Colloque ” Biodépollution et Environnement : Savoir et Savoir-faire ”, Institut Pasteur. Paris, France.
Séchet, P. (2006). Strömungsverhalten des oloïds : ModelLierung und experimente (modelling of an Oloid(c) impeller : numerical simulation and experiments. In Strömungsverhalten des oloïds : ModelLierung und experimente (modelling of an Oloid(c) impeller : numerical simulation and experiments. Switzerland.
Anthony, P., Geindreau, C., Séchet, P., & Martins, J. M. F. (2005). Biofilm growth in porous media : derivation of a macroscopic model from the physics at the pore scale vai homogeneization. In ) Biofilm growth in porous media : derivation of a macroscopic model from the physics at the pore scale vai homogeneization. (171). Spain.
Cartellier, A. H., & Séchet, P. (2004). Agitation and Microstructure in non-dilute homogeneous bubbly flows, CD proc. In CD Proc. 5th ICMF (8). Yokohama, Japan: S. Hosokawa Editors.
Bordas, M. - L., Cartellier, A. H., Séchet, P., & Boyer, C. (2003). Eulerian two-fluid modelling applied to bubbly flows in fixed. In CODEGERA, 1ères rencontres scientifiques. Grenoble, France.
Bordas, M. - L., Séchet, P., Cartellier, A. H., & Boyer, C. (2003). One-dimensionnal steady bubbly flow in packed beds: Eulerian two-fluid model and its closures in the dense regime. In 5th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference. Toulouse, France.
Cartellier, A. H., & Séchet, P. (2003). Application des techniques laser à la métrologie en Mécanique des Fluides. In Colloque ARATEM 2003. Chambéry, France.
Bordas, M. - L., Cartellier, A. H., & Séchet, P. (2002). A one-dimensional two-fluid model for bubbly flows in fixed beds. In 2002 ASME Joint Us-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (Vol. CD Rom Proc. Paper FEDSM2002-31382 -.2 pages). Montréal, Canada.
Bordas, M. - L., Cartellier, A. H., Séchet, P., & Boyer, C. (2002). Experimental characterization of the dynamic of bubbles flowing in fixed beds. In 15th Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering – CHISA (2). Praha, Czech Republic.
Ho, T., Séchet, P., & Cartellier, A. H. (2002). Sensitivity analysis of the transverse distribution of bubbles in laminar flows in the limit of small particle Reynolds number. In 15th Int. Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (3). praha, Czech Republic.
Béteau, J. - F., Guillet, A., Mondjian, P., Delpech, F., Séchet, P., & Cartellier, A. H. (2001). Lit fluidisé anaérobie pour la dégradation de matière organique en solution. In Journée Scientifique du CODEGEPRA. Saint Etienne, France.
Bordas, M. - L., Séchet, P., Cartellier, A. H., & Boyer, C. (2001). Experimental investigation of the bubble size in two-phase flows through fixed beds contactors. In Proc. 3rd European Congress on Chemical Engineering (Chemical Engineering – A Key Technology Serving Mankind (1). Nurenberg, Germany.

Book Contributions

Bordas, M. - L., Cartellier, A. H., & Séchet, P. (2002). A one-dimensional two-fluid model for cocurrent bubbly flows in fixed beds. In beds (Proc.2nd BIOT Conference on Poromechanics, August 26 – 28 / Grenoble, France). In : Poromechanics II., A.A. Balkema Publ. (pp. 127–133). A.A. Balkema Publ.
Bordas, M. - L., Cartellier, A. H., & Séchet, P. (2002). A one-dimensional two-fluid model for cocurrent bubbly flows in fixed beds (Proc.2nd BIOT Conference on Poromechanics, August 26 – 28/Grenoble-France). In Poromechanics II (133). Abstract Proc. 2nd BIOT Conference on Poromechanics.