Paquier, A. - É., Oudart, T., Le Bouteiller, C., Meulé, S., Larroudé, P., & Dalrymple, R. (2021). 3D numerical simulation of seagrass movement under waves and currents with GPUSPH. International Journal of Sediment Research, 36(6), 711–722.
Clary, V., Oudart, T., Larroudé, P., Sommeria, J., & Maître, T. (2020). An optimally-controlled RANS Actuator force model for efficient computations of tidal turbine arrays. Ocean Engineering, 212, 107677.
Clary, V., Oudart, T., Maître, T., Sommeria, J., Larroudé, P., Rodriguez, M., et al. (2018). A simple 3D river/tidal turbine model for farm calculations-Comparison with experiments.
Clary, V., Oudart, T., Maître, T., Sommeria, J., Zeidan, W., Morocho, L. A., et al. (2018). A simple 3D river/tidal turbine model for farm computation – Comparison with experiments. In Sixth International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts (ICEC-2018),. Caen, France.
Oudart, T., Larroudé, P., Paquier, A. - É., Meulé, S., Le Bouteiller, C., & Rouanet, E. (2018). Numerical approach for Flow/Vegetation interaction with 3D SPH Model. In Sixth International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts (ICEC-2018). Caen, France.
Paquier, A. - É., Meulé, S., Anthony, E. J., Larroudé, P., & Bernard, G. (2018). Wind-Induced Hydrodynamic Interactions With Aquatic Vegetation in a Fetch-Limited Setting: Implications for Coastal Sedimentation and Protection. Estuaries and Coasts, 42(3), 688–707.
Larroudé, P. (2017). De l’espace au littoral.
Pourzangbar, A., Losada, M. A., Saber, A., Ahari, L. R., Larroudé, P., Vaezi, M., et al. (2017). Prediction of non-breaking wave induced scour depth at the trunk section of breakwaters using Genetic Programming and Artificial Neural Networks. Coastal Engineering, 121, 107–118.
Larroudé, P., Daou, M. - P., Cartier, A., & Héquette, A. (2015). Sediment transport formulae for coastal morphodynamic simulation: calculated sediment flux against in situ data. In M. Maanan, & M. Robin (Eds.), Coastal Sediment Fluxes. Coastal research library. Springer.
Larroudé, P., Oudart, T., Daou, M. - P., Robin, N., & Certain, R. (2014). Three simple indicators of vulnerability to climate change on a Mediterranean beach: A modeling approach. Ocean Engineering, , 76.
Oudart, T., Jaymond, A., Larroudé, P., Paquier, A. - É., Meulé, S., & Anthony, E. J. (2014). Simulate the wind-wave attenuation on sea-grass meadow in Berre lagoon with Tomawac and SPH 3D. In XXIst Telemac & Mascaret, User Club. Grenoble, France.
Oudart, T., Larroudé, P., Cartier, A., & Héquette, A. (2014). Numerical simulation versus in-situ sedimentary flux on sandy beaches as a function of the breaker parameter. In XXIst Telemac & Mascaret, User Club. Grenoble, France.
Idier, D., Castelle, B., Poumadère, M., Balouin, Y., Bertoldo, R. B., Bouchette, F., et al. (2013). Vulnerability of sandy coasts to climate variability. Climate Research, 57(1), 19–44.
Oudart, T., Larroudé, P., & Bouchette, F. (2013). Two numerical approaches: 2D and 3D SPH model to simulate extreme waves over a barrier island. Journal of Coastal Research, , 65.
Cartier, A., Larroudé, P., & Héquette, A. (2012). Comparison of sediment transport formulae with in-situ sedimentary flux on North Sea beaches and with morpho-evolution data on a Mediterranean beach. In 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (pp. 792–801). Santander, Spain.
Guerinel, B., Bouchette, F., Lobry, O., Astruc, D., Azerad, P., Brambilla, E., et al. (2012). Monitoring temps reel haute resolution d’un littoral: MAGOBS (Villeneuve-les-Maguelone, Golfe du Lion, France). Revue Paralia, XII emes Journées Nationales Génie Cotier - Génie(Cherbourg, 12-14 juin 2012), 595–602.
Oudart, T., & Larroudé, P. (2012). SPH model to simulate movement of grass meadow of Posidonia under waves. In Proceedings of 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (pp. 802–813). Santander, Spain.
Daou, M. - P., Larroudé, P., Cartier, A., & Héquette, A. (2011). Comparison of sediment transport formulae with simulation of several storms on a Mediterranean beach and with in-situ sedimentary flux on a North Sea beach. In XVIIIth Telemac & Mascaret User Club (pp. 28–34). Chatou, France.
Genoux, C., Poulleau, L., Pochetat, T., & Larroudé, P. (2011). Comparison of sediment transport formulae during a flood wave in the river: an application of Telemac teaching. In Proceeding of the XVIIIth Telemac & Mascaret User Club (pp. 8–15). Chatou, France.
Idier, D., Boulahya, F., Brivois, O., Castelle, B., Larroudé, P., Romieu, E., et al. (2011). Sensitivity of beach morphodynamics to climate variability. Application to truc vert beach (France). In Coastal Sediments 2011. Miami, United States.
Larroudé, P. (2011). Simulation for climate change and indicator of vulnerability on four French sandy beaches. In Proceeding of the XVIIIth Telemac & Mascaret User Club (pp. 132–136). Chatou, France.
Larroudé, P., & Brivois, O. (2011). Numerical simulation for indicator of vulnerability to climate change on four French beaches. In Proceedings 5th SCACR 2011 – International Short Conference on Applied Coastal Research: Honouring Prof. Robert A. Dalrymple (pp. 206–213). Germany.
Larroudé, P., Daou, M. - P., Robin, N., & Certain, R. (2011). Sediment mobility as an indicator of vulnerability to climate change on a Mediterranean beach: a modelling approach with several sediment transport formulae. In Emec 9. Baltimore, United States.
Larroudé, P., & Maanan, M. (2010). Coastal area hydrodynamic and morphodynamic numerical modelling. In M. Maanan, & M. Robin (Eds.), Geomatic Solutions For Coastal Environments (pp. 215–228). Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Maspataud, A., Idier, D., Larroudé, P., Sabatier, F., Ruz, M. - H., Charles, E., et al. (2010). L’apport de modèles numériques pour l’étude morphodynamique d’un système dune-plage macrotidal sous l’effet des tempêtes : plage de la dune Dewulf, Est de Dunkerque, France. In C. F. du Littoral (Ed.), XIèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil (pp. 353–360). Les Sables d’Olonne, France: Editions Paralia CFL.
Falqués, A., Dodd, N., Garnier, R., Ribas, F., Machardy, L. C., Larroudé, P., et al. (2008). Rhythmic surf zone bars and morphodynamic self organization. Coastal Engineering, 55, 622–641.
Kroon, A., Larson, M., Möller, I., Yokoki, H., Rozynski, G., Cox, J., et al. (2008). Statistical analysis of coastal morphological data sets over seasonal to decadal time scales. Coastal Engineering, 55, 581–600.
Larroudé, P. (2008). Methodology of seasonal morphological modelisation for nourishment strategies on a Mediterranean beach. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 57(1-5), 47–52.
Larroudé, P. (2008). Vulnerability to climatic changes on Mediterranean beaches: a modelling approach. In EMECS-8 International Conference Harmonizing River Catchment and Estuary. Shanghai, China.
Larroudé, P. (2007). Long-term simulation with 2DH and 3D models for nourishment on Mediterranean beaches. In Proceedings Of The 5th Iahr Symposium On River, Coastal And Estuarine Morphodynamics, Enschede, The Netherlands, 17–21 September 2007. Twente, Netherlands.
Larroudé, P. (2007). Simulations morphodynamiques long terme pour la protection du littoral. In CFM 2007 – 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. Grenoble, France.
Maanan, M., Larroudé, P., & Robin, M. (2007). Mise en évidence de l’envasement d’une baie par modélisation hydrosédimentaire : cas de la baie de Bourgneuf. In 11e Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Caen, Livre des résumés, Publ. ASF (358). Caen, France.
Larroudé, P., Barusseau, J. - P., & Certain, R. (2006). Methodology of Seasonal morphological modelisation for nourishment strategies on a Mediterranean beach. In International Conference EMECS 7. Caen, France.
Larroudé, P., Camenen, B., & Larson, M. (2005). Morphological Modelling to Determine Strategies for Placement of Beach Nourishment – Application to a Mediterranean Beach Using a New Sediment Transport Formula. In Inter. Conf. Coastal Dynamic. Barcelona, Spain.
Larroudé, P., & Camenen, B. (2004). 2DH and Multi1DH morphological model for medium term evolution of large scale features and nourishment in the nearshore region: Application to Trucvert and corniche beach (france) and La barrosa beach (spain). In 29th International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2004). Lisbone, Portugal: J. McKee Smith.
Larroudé, P., Camenen, B., & Larson, M. (2004). Modelling the evolution of a Mediterranean beach to optimize norishment strategies: a numerical approach with a new general sediment transport formula. In Marid. Twente, New Zealand.
Camenen, B., & Larroudé, P. (2003). Comparison of sediment transport formulae for a coastal environment. Coastal Engineering, 48, 111–132.
Camenen, B., & Larroudé, P. (2003). Un modèle morphologique côtier pour la création de barres rythmiques. Revue Française de Génie Civil, 7, 1099–1116.
Larroudé, P., & Camenen, B. (2003). Modélisation de la formation des barres sableuses. Océanis : Série de documents océanographiques, 29(1-2), 89–108.
Camenen, B., & Larroudé, P. (2002). Un modèle morphodynamique côtier pour la création de barres rythmiques. In 7es Journées Génie Côtier (pp. 145–154). Anglet, France.
Michallet, H., Camenen, B., Bottero, S., Larroudé, P., & Barthélemy, E. (2002). Evolution d’une barre sableuse sous un courant permanent. In 7es Journées Génie Côtier (pp. 205–212). Anglet, France.
Amiroudine, S., Bontoux, P., Larroudé, P., Gilly, B., & Zappoli, B. (2001). Direct numerical simulation of instabilities in a two-dimensional near-critical fluid layer heated from below. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 442, 119–140.