David HURTHER soutiendra son HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) au LEGI, à Grenoble, le mercredi 18 juin à 14h00 en amphithéâtre K118 (ENSE3 - Site Bergès, Bât. K, 1209 rue de la Piscine, 38400 St. Martin d’Hères).
Titre : Underwater acoustic scattering and its application to boundary layer and sediment transport physics in environmental flows
Résumé : My research activity in environmental fluid mechanics has focused on the flow physics of large, mainly natural, surface water bodies such as coasts, rivers and estuaries where the bottom boundary layer processes play a dominant role in the transport of natural sediments. How I used large-scale laboratory and field experiments conducted over the past 10 years to elucidate key sediment transport processes under various rough-bed river flows and coastal nearshore flows will be presented in this oral defence. The lack of high-resolution measurement tools adapted to the investigation of such multi-scale processes was at the origin of my research activity in underwater acoustics for high-resolution flow instrumentation. How these systems known as ADVPs, ACVPs and HR-ACVPs were developed and utilized in these experiments will be explained on the basis of two examples : (a) the study of the ripple vortex regime under non-linear shoaling waves (b) the investigation of sheet flow processes under irregular breaking waves. In the final part of this presentation, the perspectives and objectives of ongoing projects in sediment transport will be discussed.
Jury :
- A. Arcilla-Sanchez, Professeur, UPC - Rapporteur
- O. Eiff, Professeur, INP Toulouse - Rapporteur
- J. Sommeria, Directeur de Recherche CNRS - Rapporteur
- K. Blanckaert, Professeur, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Membre du jury
- A. Cartellier, Directeur de Recherche CNRS - Membre du jury
- P. D. Thorne, Professeur, NOCL-NERC - Membre du jury