Le LEGI a été officiellement crée le 1er janvier 1992 lors d’une reconfiguration de l’ancien IMG (Institut de Mécanique de Grenoble). Les publications du début des années 90 sont donc de l’IMG et un grand nombre n’ont jamais été intégrées dans la base HAL par la suite.
La liste suivante est donc partielle.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Boulon, O., Callenaere, M., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1999). An experimental insight into the effect of confinement on tip vortex cavitation of an elliptical hydrofoil. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 390, 1–23.
Caton, F., Janiaud, B., & Hopfinger, E. J. (1999). Primary and secondary Hopf bifurcations in stratified Taylor Couette flow. Physical Review Letters, 83(23), 4647–4650.
Djeridi, H., Fave, J. F., Billard, J. - Y., & Fruman, D. (1999). Bubble capture and migration in Couette-Taylor flow. Experiments in Fluids, .
Guizien, K., & Barthélemy, E. (1999). Modulations d’amplitude dans l’interaction onde solitaire interne-houle. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série IIb, Mécanique, physique, astronomie, 327, 1325–1330.
Guizien, K., Barthélemy, E., & Inall, M. E. (1999). Internal tide generation at a shelf break by an oblique barotropic tide: observations and analytical modelling. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans, 104(C7), 15–655.
Karaca, M., Wirth, A., & Ghil, M. (1999). A box model for the paleoceanography of the Black Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 497–500.
Lanotte, A. S., Noullez, A., Vergassola, M., & Wirth, A. (1999). Large-scale dynamo produced by negative magnetic eddy diffusivities. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 91, 131–146.
Lecoffre, Y., & Franc, J. - P. (1999). Erosion de cavitation : méthodes pratiques de prédiction au stade du projet. La Houille Blanche – Revue internationale de l’eau, (2), 13–19.
Lemaitre-Auger, P., Schanen-Duport, I., Benech, P., Cartellier, A. H., & Tedjini, S. (1999). L’intégration d’un vélocimètre laser Doppler : un nouveau capteur optique. La Revue de l’électricité et de l’électronique, 4, 54–56.
Séchet, P., & Leguennec, B. (1999). Bursting phenomenon and incipient motion of solid particles in bed-load transport. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 37(5), 683–696.
Séchet, P., & Leguennec, B. (1999). The rôle of near wall turbulent structures on sediment transport. Water Research, 33(17), 3646–3656.
Anquetin, S., Guilbaud, C., & Chollet, J. - P. (1998). The formation an destruction of Inversion Layers within a deep valley. Journal of Applied Meteorology, , 1547–1560.
Barnier, B., Marchesiello, P., De Miranda, A. P., Molines, J. - M., & Coulibaly, M. (1998). A sigma-coordinate primitive equation model for studying the circulation in the South Atlantic. Part I: Model configuration with error estimates. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 45(4-5), 543–572.
Eames, I., & Flór, J. - B. (1998). Fluid transport by dipolar vortices. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 28(2), 93–105.
Fortes Patella, R., & Reboud, J. - L. (1998). A New Approach to Evaluate the Cavitation Erosion Power. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 120(2), 335–344.
Kahalerras, H., Malecot, Y., Gagne, Y., & Castaing, B. (1998). Intermittency and Reynolds number. Physics of Fluids, 10(4), 910–921.
Lamballais, E., Métais, O., & Lesieur, M. (1998). Spectral-Dynamic Model for Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Rotating Channel Flow. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 12(3), 149–177.
Luong, B., Blum, J., & Verron, J. (1998). A variational method for the resolution of a data assimilation problem in oceanography. Inverse Problems, 14(4), 979–997.
Marchesiello, P., Barnier, B., & De Miranda, A. P. (1998). A sigma-coordinate primitive equation model for studying the circulation in the South Atlantic Part II: Meridional transports and seasonal variability. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 45(4-5), 573–608.
Silvestrini, J. H., Lamballais, E., & Lesieur, M. (1998). Spectral-dynamic model for LES of free and wall shear flows. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 19(5), 492–504.
Tardu, S. F. (1998). Near wall turbulence control by local time periodical blowing. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 16(1-2), 41–53.
Belahadji, B., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1997). Analyse des effets thermiques en cavitation à partir d’essais au forane. La Houille Blanche – Revue internationale de l’eau, (4-5), 117–122.
Benzi, R., Biferale, L., & Wirth, A. (1997). Analytic Calculation of Anomalous Scaling in Random Shell Models for a Passive Scalar. Physical Review Letters, 78, 4926–4929.
Biferale, L., & Wirth, A. (1997). A minimal model for intermittency of passive scalars. Turbulence Modeling and Vortex Dynamics, 491, 65.
Boulon, O., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1997). Effet du confinement sur la cavitation de tourbillon marginal. La Houille Blanche – Revue internationale de l’eau, (4-5), 45–50.
Boulon, O., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1997). Tip Vortex Cavitation on an Oscillating Hydrofoil. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 119(4), 752–758.
Deniset, F., & Pellone, C. (1997). Modélisation de l’effet du confinement sur le tourbillon marginal d’une aile-3D. La Houille Blanche – Revue internationale de l’eau, (4-5), 51–56.
Djeridi, H., Anselmet, F., & Fulachier, L. (1997). Simultaneous measurements of temperature and its dissipation using pairs of parallel cold wires. Experiments in Fluids, 23(3), 177–186.
Dominguez-Cortazar, M. A., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1997). The Erosive Axial Collapse of a Cavitating Vortex: An Experimental Study. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 119(3), 686–691.
Filali, E. G., Michel, J. - M., Franc, J. - P., & Hattori, S. (1997). Etalonnage en force du Cavermod, moyen d’essai d’érosion de cavitation. La Houille Blanche – Revue internationale de l’eau, (6), 40–46.
Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1997). Cavitation erosion research in France: the state of the art. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2(4), 233–244.
Frisch, U., & Wirth, A. (1997). Intermittency of passive scalars in delta-correlated flow: Introduction to recent work. Turbulence Modeling and Vortex Dynamics, 491, 53.
Lamballais, E., Lesieur, M., & Métais, O. (1997). Probability distribution functions and coherent structures in a turbulent channel. Physical Review E, 56(6), 6761–6766.
Lesieur, M., Comte, P., Lamballais, E., Métais, O., & Silvestrini, J. H. (1997). Large-Eddy Simulations of Shear Flows. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 32(2/3), 195–215.
Machane, R., & Canot, E. (1997). High-Order Schemes in Boundary Element Methods for Transient Non-linear Free Surface Problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 24, 1049–1072.
Mailly, T., Blayo, E., & Verron, J. (1997). Assessment of the ocean circulation in the Azores region as predicted by a numerical model assimilating altimeter data from Topex/Poseidon and ERS-1 satellites. Annales Geophysicae, 15(10), 1354–1368.
Maître, T., & Pellone, C. (1997). Simulation numérique des effets visqueux en configuration partiellement cavitante. La Houille Blanche – Revue internationale de l’eau, (4/5), 104.
Reboud, J. - L., & Fortes Patella, R. (1997). Study on fluid-structure interaction on cavitation erosion. La Houille Blanche – Revue internationale de l’eau, Vol. 52(6), 34.
Tardu, S. F. (1997). Cyclic modulation of Reynolds stresses and length scales in pulsed turbulent channel flow. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and physical sciences, 451(1941), 121–139.
Tardu, S. F. (1997). Reaction of Bursting to an Oscillating Homogeneous Pressure Gradient. European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, .
Wirth, A. (1997). An Extension of Spectral Methods to Quasi-Periodic and Multiscale Problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 132, 285–290.
Achard, J. - L., Machane, R., & Canot, E. (1996). Formulation entièrement intégrale des équations de Navier-Stokes. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série 2, 323, 653–660.
Arneodo, A., Baudet, C., Belin, F., Benzi, R., Castaing, B., Chabaud, B., et al. (1996). Structure functions in turbulence, in various flow configurations, at Reynolds number between 30 and 5000, using extended self-similarity. EPL – Europhysics Letters, 34(6), 411–416.
Dupont, P., & Voisin, B. (1996). Internal waves generated by a translating and oscillating sphere. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 23(1-4), 289–298.
Frisch, U., & Wirth, A. (1996). Inertial-diffusive range for a passive scalar advected by a white-in-time velocity field. EPL – Europhysics Letters, 35, 683–688.
Lamballais, E., Lesieur, M., & Métais, O. (1996). Effects of spanwise rotation on the vorticity stretching in transitional and turbulent channel flow. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 17(3), 324–332.
Lamballais, E., Lesieur, M., & Métais, O. (1996). Influence of a solid-body rotation upon coherent vortices in a channel. Comptes Rendus – Academie des Sciences, Serie II: Mecanique, Physique, Chimie, Astronomie, 323(2), 95–101.
Péallat, J. - M., & Pellone, C. (1996). Experimental validation of two- and three- dimensional numerical analysis of partially cavitating hydrofoils. Journal of Ship Research, 40(3), 211.
Vergassola, M., & Wirth, A. (1996). Large-Scale Dynamics in Burgers Equation. Journal de Physique II, 6, 1841–1849.
Wirth, A., & Biferale, L. (1996). Anomalous scaling in random shell models for passive scalars. Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 54, 4982–4989.
Belahadji, B., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1995). Cavitation in the rotational structures of a turbulent wake. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 287(1), 383–403.
Candelone, J. - P., Hong, S., Pellone, C., & Boutron, C. (1995). Post industrial revolution changes in large scale atmospheric pollution of the northern hemisphere for heavy metals as documented in central Greenland snow and ice. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100(D8), 16.
Tardu, S. F. (1995). Characteristics of single and clusters of bursting events in the inner layer. Experiments in Fluids, 20(2), 112–124.
Wirth, A., Gama, S., & Frisch, U. (1995). Eddy viscosity of three-dimensional flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 288, 249–264.
Djeridi, H., Anselmet, F., & Fulachier, L. (1994). Joint statistics of a passive scalar and its dissipation in turbulent flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 280(-1).
Tardu, S. F., Binder, G., & Blackwelder, R. (1994). Turbulent channel flow with large-amplitude velocity oscillations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 267, 109–151.
Tardu, S. F., Feng, M., & Binder, G. (1994). Quantitative analysis of flow visualizations in an unsteady channel flow. Experiments in Fluids, 17(3), 158–170.
Voisin, B. (1994). Internal wave generation in uniformly stratified fluids. Part 2. Moving point sources. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 261, 333–374.
Wirth, A. (1994). Complex eddy-viscosity: a three-dimensional effect. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 76, 312–317.
Quang, L., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1993). Partial Cavities: Global Behavior and Mean Pressure Distribution. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 115(2), 243–248.
Quang, L., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1993). Partial Cavities: Pressure Pulse Distribution Around Cavity Closure. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 115(2), 249–254.
Tardu, S. F., & Binder, G. (1993). Wall shear stress modulation in unsteady turbulent channel flow with high imposed frequencies. Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993), 5(8), 2028–2037.
Tardu, S. F., Truong, T., & Tanguay, B. (1993). Bursting and structure of the turbulence in an internal flow manipulated by riblets. Applied Scientific Research, 50(3-4), 189–213.
Comte, P., Lesieur, M., & Lamballais, E. (1992). Large- and small-scale stirring of vorticity and a passive scalar in a 3-D temporal mixing layer. Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993), 4(12), 2761–2778.
Belahadji, B., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1991). A Statistical Analysis of Cavitation Erosion Pits. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 113(4), 700–706.
Canot, E., & Achard, J. - L. (1991). An overview of boundary integral formulations for potential flows in fluid-fluid systems. Archives of Mechanics, 43, 453–498.
Maître, T., & Rowe, A. (1991). Modelling of flow around a marine propeller using a potential-based method. Journal of Ship Research, 35(2), 114–126.
Pellone, C. (1991). Calculation of the vortex sheets downstream of propeller blades using non-linear theory. European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, 10(4), 407.
Bontemps, A., & Bannwart, A. C. (1990). Condensation of a vapour with incondensables: an improved gas phase film model accounting for the effect of mass transfer on film thickness. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 33(7), 1465–1474.
Briançon-Marjollet, L., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1990). Transient bubbles interacting with an attached cavity and the boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 218(-1), 355–376.
Conference Proceedings
Auchère, D., Callenaere, M., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1999). Mesure d’épaisseur de jet rentrant en cavitation par poche par une technique ultrasonore. In 7èmes Journées de l’Hydrodynamique. Marseille, France.
Callenaere, M., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1999). Mesure d’épaisseur de jet rentrant par une méthode ultrasonore. In Séminaire de la section Cavitation de la Société Hydrotechnique de France. Lyon, France.
Canot, E. (1999). Stability criteria for capillary/gravity free-surface waves in BEM simulations of viscous potential flows. In M. H. Aliabadi, Q. Mary, W. College, & U. of London (Eds.), Advances in Boundary Element Techniques I (pp. 321–330). Advances in Boundary Element Techniques I. London, United Kingdom.
Fortes Patella, R., Challier, G., & Reboud, J. - L. (1999). Study of pressure wave emitted during spherical bubble collapse. In Asme, Fedsm99-6756. San Francisco, France.
Hofmann, M., Lohrberg, H., Ludwig, G. F., Stoffel, B., Reboud, J. - L., & Fortes Patella, R. (1999). Numerical and experimental investigations on the self-oscillating behaviour of cloud cavitation : part I: visualisation. In Asme, Fedsm99-6755. San Francisco, United States.
Pellone, C., Maître, T., & Briançon-Marjollet, L. (1999). Etude numérique et expérimentale sur deux profils cavitants. In Journée Société Hydrotechnique de France. Lyon, France.
Reboud, J. - L., Fortes Patella, R., & Archer, A. (1999). Analysis of damaged surfaces: part I: cavitation mark measurements by 3D laser profilometry. In Asme, Fedsm99-6753. San Francisco, United States.
Reboud, J. - L., Fortes Patella, R., Hofmann, M., Lohrberg, H., Ludwig, G. F., & Stoffel, B. (1999). Numerical and experimental investigations on the self-oscillating behaviour of cloud cavitation: part II: dynamic pressures. In Asme, Fedsm99-6755. San Francisco, United States.
Voisin, B. (1999). Added mass for motion in stratified fluids. In 24th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society. The Hague, Netherlands.
Voisin, B., & Huerre, G. (1999). The trapping of lee waves. In 24th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society. The Hague, Netherlands.
Callenaere, M., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1998). Influence of cavity thickness and pressure gradient on the unsteady behaviour of partial cavities. In 3rd International Symposium on Cavitation. Grenoble, France.
Callenaere, M., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1998). The cavitation instability induced by the development of a re-entrant jet. In US-Japan Seminar on Abnormal Flow Phenomena in Turbomachines. Osaka, Japan.
Connan, G., Griffiths, H. D., Brennan, P. V., Renouard, D., Barthélemy, E., & Garello, R. (1998). Experimental imaging of internal waves by a mm-wave radar. In OCEANS’98 conference proceedings (pp. 619–623). Nice, France.
Fortes Patella, R., & Reboud, J. - L. (1998). Energetical approach and impact efficiency in cavitation erosion. In CAV’98 Symposium. Grenoble, France.
Lecoffre, Y., & Franc, J. - P. (1998). Erosion de cavitation: méthodes pratiques de prédiction au stade du projet. In 25èmes Journées de l’Hydraulique. Chambéry, France.
Lemaitre-Auger, P., Cartellier, A. H., & Riviere, N. (1998). Velocity of large spherical bubbles measured by laser Doppler systems: a source of error. In Open Forum, 9th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics. Lisbon, Portugal.
Lemaitre-Auger, P., L., H., Cartellier, A. H., Benech, P., & Schanen-Duport, I. (1998). Integrated laser Doppler velocimeter for wall friction measurements : new prototypes and performance. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics. Lisbon, Portugal.
Lemaitre-Auger, P., Schanen-Duport, I., Benech, P., & Cartellier, A. H. (1998). Anémométrie laser Doppler en optique intégrée sur verre. In Actes du Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation (CII) (pp. 63–70). Cachan, France.
Lemaitre-Auger, P., Schanen-Duport, I., Benech, P., & Cartellier, A. H. (1998). Réalisation d’un capteur de type vélocimètre laser Doppler par l’optique intégrée sur verre. In Actes des 18èmes Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée (JNOG) (pp. 375–377). Marly-le-Roi, France.
Leviandier, L., Alpers, W., Barthélemy, E., Brandt, P., Brennan, P. V., Connan, G., et al. (1998). MORSE: mesoscale ocean radar signature experiments. In IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society. OCEANS’98. Conference Proceedings (pp. 879–889). Nice, France: Ieee.
Maître, T., Pellone, C., & Collard, E. (1998). Numerical simulation of 3D cavity behaviour. In Third International symposium on Cavitation: post symposium volume (239). Grenoble, France.
Malecot, Y. (1998). Measurement of turbulence intermittency in physical and numerical experiments. In Advances in Turbulence VII, European Turbulence Conference (ETC), Nice (juillet 1998) (128). Nice, France: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Watanabe, S., Tsujimoto, Y., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1998). Linear analysis of cavitation instabilities. In 3rd International Symposium on Cavitation. Grenoble, France.
Auriault, C., Malecot, Y., Gagne, Y., & Castaing, B. (1997). Small scale passive temperature measurements in fully developed turbulence. In Advances in Turbulence VII, European Turbulence Conference, Nice (juin 1998) (233). Carry-Le-Rouet, France: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Brun, C., & Picut, M. (1997). Velocity measurements in the wake of a pair of cylinders in high interaction configuration. In 11th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows. Grenoble, France.
Callenaere, M., Boulon, O., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1997). Effet du confinement sur le comportement de la couche limite d’une aile tridimensionnelle. In 6èmes Journées de l’Hydrodynamique. Nantes, France.
Huerre, G., & Voisin, B. (1997). The trapping of lee waves. In 3rd European Fluid Mechanics Conference. Göttingen, Germany.
Lemaitre-Auger, P., Benech, P., Schanen-Duport, I., & Cartellier, A. H. (1997). Application of Ion-Exchanged Integrated Optics to Laser Doppler Velocimetry. In Proceedings of the 4th French-Sino Workshop on Optical Fibers, Integrated Optics, Systems and Applications (pp. 101–104). Saint-Etienne, France.
Malecot, Y., & Gagne, Y. (1997). Intermittency and Reynolds number in LES of turbulent flows. In Dynamics and Statistics of Concentrated Vortices in Turbulent Flows, Euromech Colloquium 364, Carry-Le-Rouet (juin 1997) (51). Carry-Le-Rouet, France.
Urbin, G., Brun, C., & Métais, O. (1997). Large Eddy Simulations of free-dimensional spatially evolving round jets. In 11th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows. grenoble, France.
Belahadji, B., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1996). Analyse des effets thermiques en cavitation à partir d’essais au forane. In 3es Journées Cavitation. Grenoble, France.
Bonnet Heude, N., Marchal, P., Arroyo, G., & Favre-Marinet, M. (1996). Modelling of air flow through screens in livestock buildings by simulations and scale model experiments. In AGENG 96 international conference on agricultural engineering, Madrid, ESP, 23-26 September 1996 (6). Madrid, Spain.
Bonnet Heude, N., Marchal, P., Favre-Marinet, M., & Arroyo, G. (1996). Estimation of flow through porous and perforated plates with CFX and scale model validations. In CFX international users conference, Chesham, GBR, 30 octobre-1 novembre 1996 (12). Chesham, United Kingdom.
Boulon, O., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1996). Effet du confinement sur la cavitation de tourbillon marginal. In 3èmes Journées Cavitation. Grenoble, France.
Deniset, F., & Pellone, C. (1996). Modélisation de l’effet du confinement sur le tourbillon marginal d’une aile 3D. In Colloque Société Hydrotechnique de France (61). Grenoble, France.
Filali, E. G., Hattori, S., Michel, J. - M., & Franc, J. - P. (1996). Le Cavermod, moyen d’essai d’érosion de cavitation : étalonnage à partir des déformations plastiques de monocristaux d’oxyde de magnésium. In 3èmes Journées Cavitation. Grenoble, France.
Fortes Patella, R., & Reboud, J. - L. (1996). Numerical method to predict cavitation aggressivity. In French-Japanese Workshop on Cavitation Erosion. Grenoble, France.
Franc, J. - P. (1996). An overview of cavitation erosion research at LEGI from 1984 to 1994. In Workshop franco-japonais sur l’érosion de cavitation. Grenoble, France.
Franc, J. - P. (1996). Impact force measurement on the French cavitating venturi. In Workshop franco-japonais sur l’érosion de cavitation. Tokyo, Japan.
Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1996). Cavitation erosion research in France : the state of the art (Final report). In Workshop franco-japonais sur l’érosion de cavitation. Grenoble, France.
Giovanangeli, J. P., Kharif, C., Branger, H., Reul, N., Skandrani, C., & Remy, F. (1996). Effet des houles obliques sur les flux de quantité de mouvement et la réponse d’un diffusiomètre en bande Ku. In journées PATOM. Toulouse, France.
Kahalerras, H., Malecot, Y., & Gagne, Y. (1996). Transverse velocity structure functions in developed turbulence. In Advances in Turbulence VI, European Turbulence Conference, Lausanne (juin 1996) (235). Lausanne, Switzerland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Maître, T., & Pellone, C. (1996). Simulation numérique des effets visqueux en configuration partiellement cavitante. In Actes des 3èmes journées de cavitation (121). Grenoble, France.
Reboud, J. - L., & Fortes Patella, R. (1996). Etude de l’interaction fluide-structure en érosion de cavitation. In 3èmes journées Cavitation de la Société Hydrotechnique de France. Grenoble, France.
Boulon, O., Franc, J. - P., Lami, P., Michel, J. - M., & Mory, M. (1995). Tip vortex cavitation on an oscillating hydrofoil. In International Symposium on Cavitation. Deauville, France.
Deniset, F., & Pellone, C. (1995). Confinement influence on tip vortex development. In Proceedings Third ISC (1). France.
Fortes Patella, R., Longatte, F., Kueny, J. - L., & Croba, D. (1995). Numerical analysis of unsteady flow in a centrifugal pump. In ASME Fluid Machinery Forum. Head Island, South Caroline, United States.
Lemaitre-Auger, P., Schanen-Duport, I., Benech, P., & Cartellier, A. H. (1995). Anémomètre laser Doppler en optique intégrée sur verre. In Actes des 15ièmes Journées Nationales en Optique Guidé (JNOG) (79). Palaiseau, France.
Pellone, C., & Péallat, J. - M. (1995). Non-linear analysis of three-dimensionnal cavitating hydrofoil. In Proceedings Third ISC (1). Deauville, France.
Voisin, B. (1995). The build-up of internal wave fields. In Euromech Colloquium 339 on Internal Waves, Turbulence and Mixing in Stratified Flows. Lyon, France.
Dupont, P., & Voisin, B. (1994). Internal waves generated by a translating and oscillating sphere. In Preprints of the Fourth International Symposium on Stratified Flows (223). Preprints of the Fourth International Symposium on Stratified Flows, 3. Grenoble, France.
Franc, J. - P., Michel, J. - M., N’guyen Trong, H., & Karimi, A. (1994). From pressure pulses measurements to mass loss prediction : the analysis of a method. In 2nd International Symposium on Cavitation. Tokyo, Japan.
Péallat, J. - M., Delannoy, Y., & Pellone, C. (1994). New approach in modelling a two-dimensionnal cavitating hydrofoil. In Second International Symposium on Cavitation (121). Tokyo, Japan.
Thibault, J. - P. (1994). Status of MHD Ship Propulsion. In 2nd International Conference on Energy Transfer in MHD Flows. Aussois, France.
Voisin, B. (1994). The generation and peculiarity of monochromatic internal waves. In 2nd European Fluid Mechanics Conference. Warsaw, Poland.
Voisin, B., & Dupont, P. (1994). The generation of internal waves by a translating and oscillating body: theory and experiment. In 2nd European Fluid Mechanics Conference. Warsaw, Poland.
Belahadji, B., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1993). Cavitation naissante dans un sillage turbulent et tourbillons de couche limite. In 4èmes Journées de l’Hydrodynamique. Nantes, France.
Péallat, J. - M., & Pellone, C. (1993). Modélisation de la cavitation partielle sur un profil bidimensionnel à nombre de cavitation donné. In Actes du 11ème congrès francais de mécanique (Vol. 3, 133). Lille, Villeneuve d’Asc, France.
Canot, E., Dominguez-Cortazar, M. A., & Franc, J. - P. (1992). Le Cavermod : une approche de l’érosion de cavitation par tourbillon cavitant. In 2èmes Journées Cavitation. Paris, France.
Dominguez-Cortazar, M. A., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (1992). Cavitating vortex : collapse visualizations and induced damage. In 3rd International Conference on Cavitation. Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Franc, J. - P., Michel, J. - M., & N’guyen Trong, H. (1992). An experimental investigation of scale effects in cavitation erosion. In 3rd International Conference on Cavitation. Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Voisin, B. (1992). Internal wave generation by extended sources. In PEPIT Conference Day on Stratified Turbulence. Chatou, France.
Voisin, B. (1992). Internal wave generation by turbulent wakes. In Mixing in Geophysical Flows (pp. 291–301). Mixing in Geophysical Flows. Barcelona, Spain: Cimne.
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Ph.D. Theses
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Book Contributions
Tardu, S. F. (1999). Detection and Identification of Near-Wall Coherent Structures Through Conditional-Sampling. In IUTAM Symposium on Simulation and Identification of Organized Structures in Flows (pp. 355–364).
Lemaitre-Auger, P., Cartellier, A. H., Benech, P., & Schanen-Duport, I. (1997). Integrated Laser Doppler Velocimeter made by Ion-Exchange in Glass Substrate. In Developments in Laser Techniques and Fluid Mechanics (pp. 39–51). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Lemaitre-Auger, P., Cartellier, A. H., Benech, P., & Schanen-Duport, I. (1997). Integrated Laser Doppler Velocimeter made by Ion-Exchanged in Glass Substrate. In Adrian, R. J. Durao, D. F. G. Durst, F. Heitor, M. V. Maeda, M. Whitelaw, et al. (Eds.), Developments in Laser Techniques and Fluid Mechanics: Selected Papers From The 8th International Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal 1996 (pp. 39–51). Springer Verlag.
Tardu, S. F., Feng, M., & Binder, G. (1995). Fine Structure of Reynolds Shear Stress in an Unsteady Turbulent Channel Flow. In Turbulent Shear Flows 9 (pp. 301–322). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Riva, R., Binder, G., Tardu, S. F., & Favre-Marinet, M. (1991). Visualizations of helium jets in air. In Turbulence and Coherent Structures (pp. 113–124).