Tingaud, F., Ferrouillat, S., Colasson, S., & Bontemps, A. (2012). Echangeur thermique à générateurs d’ultrasons. France.
Currently in Preparation or Submitted
Dufour, C. O., Le Sommer, J., Zika, J. D., Gehlen, M., Orr, J. C., Mathiot, P., et al. (2012). Standing and Transient Eddies in the response of the Southern Ocean Meridional Overturning to the Southern Annular Mode.
Lagaert, J. - B., Balarac, G., & Cottet, G. - H. (2012). Numerical evidence of universal scaling for the scalar variance spectrum in forced homogeneous turbulence.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Aeschlimann, V., Prothin, S., Barre, S., & Djeridi, H. (2012). High speed visualizations of the cavitating vortices of 2D mixing layer. European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, 31, 171–180.
Almar, R., Cienfuegos, R., Catalan, P. A., Michallet, H., Castelle, B., Bonneton, P., et al. (2012). A new breaking wave height direct estimator from video imagery. Coastal Engineering, 61, 42–48.
Berni, C., Michallet, H., & Barthélemy, E. (2012). Measurements of surf zone sand bed dynamics under irregular waves. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, , 981–994.
Boisson, J., Aumaître, S., Bonnefoy, N., Bourgoin, M., Daviaud, F., Dubrulle, B., et al. (2012). Symmetry and couplings in stationary von Kármán Sodium dynamos. New Journal of Physics, 14, 013044.
Bourdet, S., Braza, M., Hoarau, Y., El Akoury, R., Ashraf, A., Harran, G., et al. (2012). Prediction and physical analysis of unsteady flows around a pitching airfoil with the dynamic mesh approah. Revue Européenne de Mécanique Numérique/European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 16(3-4), 451–476.
Carnelli, D., Karimi, A., & Franc, J. - P. (2012). Evaluation of the hydrodynamic pressure of cavitation impacts from stress-strain analysis and geometry of individual pits. Wear, 289, 104–111.
Catalano, E., Chareyre, B., & Barthélemy, E. (2012). Pore-scale modeling of viscous flow and induced forces in dense sphere packings. Transport in Porous Media, 94(2), 595–615.
Chemel, C., Riesenmey, C., Batton-Hubert, M., & Vaillant, H. (2012). Odour-impact assessment around a landfill site from weather-type classification, complaint inventory and numerical simulation. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 93(Issue 1), 85–94.
Congedo, P. M., Colonna, P., Corre, C. E., Witteveen, J., & Iaccarino, G. (2012). Backward uncertainty propagation method in flow problems : application to the prediction of rarefaction shock waves. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 213-216, 314–326.
Cosme, E., Verron, J., Brasseur, P., Blum, J., & Auroux, D. (2012). Smoothing problems in a Bayesian framework and their linear Gaussian solutions. Monthly Weather Review, 140(2), 683–695.
Decaix, J., & Goncalvès Da Silva, E. (2012). Time-dependent simulation of cavitating flow with k-l turbulence models. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 68, 1053–1072.
Delhomme, B., De Rango, P., Marty, P., Bacia, M., Zawilski, B., Raufast, C., et al. (2012). Large scale magnesium hydride tank coupled with an external heat source. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37, 9103–9111.
Desrues, T., Marty, P., & Fourmigue, J. - F. (2012). Numerical prediction of heat transfer and pressure drop in three-dimensional channels with alternated opposed ribs. Applied Thermal Engineering, 45, 52–63.
Djenidi, L., & Tardu, S. F. (2012). On the anisotropy of low-Reynolds-number grid turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 702, 332–353.
Doche, O. L., & Tardu, S. F. (2012). Wall Transfer Mechanism under steady localized blowing. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55, 1574–1581.
Doche, O. L., Bauer, F., & Tardu, S. F. (2012). Direct Numerical Simulations of a Turbulent Electrolyte: A First Approach. Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry, 664, 1–6.
Duchez, A., Verron, J., Brankart, J. - M., Ourmières, Y., & Fraunié, P. (2012). Monitoring of the Northern Current in the Gulf of Lions with an observing system simulation experiment. Scientia Marina, 76(3), 441–453.
Dufour, C. O., Le Sommer, J., Zika, J. D., Gehlen, M., Orr, J. C., Mathiot, P., et al. (2012). Standing and Transient Eddies in the Response of the Southern Ocean Meridional Overturning to the Southern Annular Mode. Journal of Climate, 25(20), 6958–6974.
Fiabane, L., Zimmermann, R., Volk, R., Pinton, J. - F., & Bourgoin, M. (2012). On the clustering of finite size particles in turbulence. Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 86, 035301.
Fortes Patella, R., Archer, A., & Flageul, C. (2012). Numerical and experimental investigations on cavitation erosion. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 15(2), 022013.
Franc, J. - P., Riondet, M., Karimi, A., & Chahine, G. L. (2012). Material and velocity effects on cavitation erosion pitting. Wear, 274, 248–259.
Freychet, N., Cosme, E., Brasseur, P., Brankart, J. - M., & Kpemlie, E. (2012). Obstacles and benefits of the implementation of a reduced rank smoother with a high resolution model of the Atlantic ocean. Ocean Science, .
Gallet, B., Aumaître, S., Boisson, J., Daviaud, F., Dubrulle, B., Bonnefoy, N., et al. (2012). Experimental Observation of Spatially Localized Dynamo Magnetic Fields. Physical Review Letters, 108(14), 144501.
Gerkema, T., & Gostiaux, L. (2012). A brief history of the Coriolis force. Europhysics News, 43, 14–17.
Gimbert, F., Jourdain, N. C., Marsan, D., Weiss, J., & Barnier, B. (2012). Recent mechanical weakening of the Arctic sea ice cover as revealed from larger inertial oscillations. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans, 117(C00j12), 2012.
Gimbert, F., Marsan, D., Weiss, J., Jourdain, N. C., & Barnier, B. (2012). Sea ice inertial oscillations in the Arctic Basin. The Cryosphere, 6, 1187–1201.
Goncalvès Da Silva, E., & Decaix, J. (2012). Wall Model and Mesh Influence Study for Partial Cavities. European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, 31, 12–29.
Guerinel, B., Bouchette, F., Lobry, O., Astruc, D., Azerad, P., Brambilla, E., et al. (2012). Monitoring temps reel haute resolution d’un littoral: MAGOBS (Villeneuve-les-Maguelone, Golfe du Lion, France). Revue Paralia, XII emes Journées Nationales Génie Cotier - Génie(Cherbourg, 12-14 juin 2012), 595–602.
Hasson, A., Koch-Larrouy, A., Morrow, R., Juza, M., & Penduff, T. (2012). The origin and fate of mode water in the southern Pacific Ocean. Ocean Dynamics, 62(3), 335–354.
Jayaprakash, A., Choi, J. - K., Chahine, G. L., Martin, F., Donnelly, M., Franc, J. - P., et al. (2012). Scaling study of cavitation pitting from cavitating jets and ultrasonic horns. Wear, 296(1-2), 619–629.
Jullien, S., Menkès, C. E., Marchesiello, P., Jourdain, N. C., Lengaigne, M., Koch-Larrouy, A., et al. (2012). Impact of Tropical Cyclones on the Heat Budget of the South Pacific Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 42, 1882–1906.
Lengaigne, M., Hausmann, U., Madec, G., Menkès, C. E., Vialard, J., & Molines, J. - M. (2012). Mechanisms controlling warm water volume interannual variations in the equatorial Pacific: diabatic versus adiabatic processes. Climate Dynamics, 38, 1031–1046.
Malk, R., Theisen, J., Fouillet, Y., & Davoust, L. (2012). EWOD-driven stirring in lab-on-a-chips: Dependence on the electrodes’ geometry. Microelectronic Engineering, 97, 306–310.
Marie-Magdeleine, A., Fortes Patella, R., Lemoine, N., & Marchand, N. (2012). Application of unsteady flow rate evaluations to identify the dynamic transfer function of a cavitatingVenturi. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 15(6), 062021.
Martin, A., Boutin, J., Hauser, D., Reverdin, G., Pardé, M., Zribi, M., et al. (2012). Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Salinity From CAROLS L-Band Radiometer in the Gulf of Biscay. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50(5), 1703–1715.
Mathiot, P., Jourdain, N. C., Barnier, B., Gallée, H., Molines, J. - M., Le Sommer, J., et al. (2012). Sensitivity of coastal polynyas and high-salinity shelf water production in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, to the atmospheric forcing. Ocean Dynamics, 62(5), 701–723.
Medrano, M., Pellone, C., Zermatten, P. J., & Ayela, F. (2012). Hydrodynamic cavitation in microsystems. II. Simulations and optical observations. Physics of Fluids, 24(4), 047101.
Mélet, A., Verron, J., & Brankart, J. - M. (2012). Potential outcomes of glider data assimilation in the Solomon Sea: Control of the water mass properties and parameter estimation. Journal of Marine Systems, 94, 232–246.
Mercier, M. J., Mathur, M., Gostiaux, L., Gerkema, T., Magalhães, J. M., Da Silva, J. C. B., et al. (2012). Soliton generation by internal tidal beams impinging on a pycnocline: laboratory experiments. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 704, 37–60.
Monchaux, R., Bourgoin, M., & Cartellier, A. H. (2012). Analyzing preferential concentration and clustering of inertial particles in turbulence. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 40(April 2012), 1–18.
Moore, S. A., Le Coz, J., & Hurther, D. (2012). On the application of horizontal ADCPs to suspended sediment transport surveys in rivers. Continental Shelf Research, 46, 50–63.
Nguyen, D. H., Pham Van Bang, D., Lévy, F., Guillou, S., Nguyen, K. D., & Chauchat, J. (2012). Simulation of dredged sediment releases into homogeneous water using a two-phase model. Advances in Water Resources, 48, 102–112.
Phan, H. T., Bertossi, R., Caney, N., Marty, P., & Colasson, S. (2012). A model to predict the effect of surface wettability on critical heat flux. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 39, 1500–1504.
Phan, H. T., Caney, N., Marty, P., Colasson, S., & Gavillet, J. (2012). Flow Boiling of Water on Nanocoated Surfaces in a Microchannel. Journal of Heat Transfer, 134(2), 1–6.
Rognin, E., Landis, S., & Davoust, L. (2012). Viscoelastic properties measurements of thin polymer films from reflow of nanoimprinted patterns. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 30(1), 011602.
Scott, R. B., Ferry, N., Drévillon, M., Barron, C. N., Jourdain, N. C., Lellouche, J. - M., et al. (2012). Estimates of surface drifter trajectories in the equatorial Atlantic: a multi-model ensemble approach. Ocean Dynamics, 62(7), 1091–1109.
Soupremanien, U., Le Person, S., Favre-Marinet, M., & Bultel, Y. (2012). Tools for designing the cooling system of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Applied Thermal Engineering, 40, 161–173.
Sous, D., & Sommeria, J. (2012). A Tsai’s model based S-PIV method for velocity measurements in a turbulent Ekman layer. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 26, 102–110.
Tardu, S. F. (2012). Forcing a low Reynolds number channel flow to generate turbulent-like structures. Computers and Fluids, 55, 101–108.
Theisen, J., & Davoust, L. (2012). Dual-Frequency Electrowetting: Application to Drop Evaporation Gauging within a Digital Microsystem. Langmuir, 28(1), 1041–1048.
Theisen, J., & Davoust, L. (2012). Gauging contact line friction of droplets: In situ measurement within a digital microsystem. Microelectronic Engineering, 98, 680–683.
Theisen, J., & Davoust, L. (2012). Surface ageing at drop scale. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 12(4), 607–614.
Thomas, J. P., Custer, C. H., Dowell, E. H., Hall, K. C., & Corre, C. E. (2012). Compact Implementation Strategy for a Harmonic Balance Method within Implicit Flow Solvers. AIAA Journal, 51(6), 1–31.
Tréguier, A. - M., Deshayes, J., Lique, C., Dussin, R., & Molines, J. - M. (2012). Eddy contributions to the meridional transport of salt in the North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans, 117, 05010.
Troupin, C., Barth, A., Sirjacobs, D., Ouberdous, M., Brankart, J. - M., Brasseur, P., et al. (2012). Generation of analysis and consistent error fields using the Data Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA). Ocean Modelling, 52-53, 90–101.
Ubelmann, C., Verron, J., Brankart, J. - M., Brasseur, P., & Cosme, E. (2012). Assimilating altimetric data to control the tropical instability waves: an observing system simulation experiment study. Ocean Dynamics, 62(6), 867–880.
Van Haren, H., & Gostiaux, L. (2012). Detailed internal wave mixing above a deep-ocean slope. Journal of marine research, 70(1), 173–197.
Van Haren, H., & Gostiaux, L. (2012). Energy release through internal wave breaking. Oceanography, 25(2), 124–131.
Van Haren, H., Gostiaux, L., Laan, M., Van Haren, M., Van Haren, E., & Gerringa, L. (2012). Internal Wave Turbulence Near a Texel Beach. PLoS ONE, 7(3), 32535.
Vincent, E. M., Lengaigne, M., Vialard, J., Madec, G., Jourdain, N. C., & Masson, S. (2012). Assessing the oceanic control on the amplitude of sea surface cooling induced by tropical cyclones. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans, 117(C5), 05023.
Wirth, A. (2012). Laminar and weakly turbulent oceanic gravity currents performing inertial oscillations. Ocean Science, 8, 301–317.
Conference Proceedings
Almar, R., Cienfuegos, R., Gonzalez, E., Catalan, P. A., Michallet, H., Bonneton, P., et al. (2012). Barred-beach morphological control on infragravity motion. In 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (24). Santander, Spain.
Balarac, G., Le Sommer, J., & Vollant, A. (2012). Subgrid-scale modeling of SGS scalar flux: a regularization of the gradient model. In Proceedings of the Summer Program 2012 (pp. 97–107). Stanford, United States.
Barral, H., Genthon, C., Six, D., Gallée, H., & Brun, C. (2012). The atmospheric boundary layer at Dome C on the Antarctic plateau. In European Geoscience Union. Vienne, Austria.
Berni, C., Suarez Atias, L., Michallet, H., & Barthélemy, E. (2012). Asymmetry and Skewness in the bottom boundary layer : Small scale experiments and numerical model. In P. Lynett, & J. M. K. Smith (Eds.), 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (25). Santander, Spain.
Bouttier, P. - A., Blayo, E., & Verron, J. (2012). Altimeter Data Assimilation into Ocean Models: Robustness of the Incremental 4DVAR for Strongly Eddy-active Ocean Circulations. In 20 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium. Venise, Italy.
Bouttier, P. - A., Blayo, E., & Verron, J. (2012). Impact of non-linearities on an incremental 4D-VAR data assimilation method in a high resolution numerical ocean model. In Ocean Sciences Meeting. Salt Lake City, United States.
Bouttier, P. - A., Blayo, E., & Verron, J. (2012). Impact of non-linearities on incremental 4D-VAR data assimilation method in a high resolution ocean model. In 4ème Colloque National sur l’Assimilation des données. Nice, France.
Brugière, O., Balarac, G., Corre, C. E., Métais, O., Flores, E., & Leroy, P. (2012). Numerical optimization of a Francis turbine’s guide vane axis location including inflow uncertainties. In SimHydro 2012 : Nouvelles frontières de la simulation (Vol. 99, pp. 1–8). Sophia-Antipolis, France.
Brugière, O., Balarac, G., Corre, C. E., Métais, O., Flores, E., & Leroy, P. (2012). Numerical prediction of a draft tube flow taking into account uncertain inlet conditions. In 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (pp. 1–8). Pékin, China.
Cartier, A., Larroudé, P., & Héquette, A. (2012). Comparison of sediment transport formulae with in-situ sedimentary flux on North Sea beaches and with morpho-evolution data on a Mediterranean beach. In 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (pp. 792–801). Santander, Spain.
Chauchat, J., Guillou, S., Pham Van Bang, D., & Nguyen, K. D. (2012). A one-dimensional two-phase flow approach for sedimentation-consolidation modelling. In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil (pp. 249–256). Cherbourg, France: Editions Paralia.
Congedo, P. M., Corre, C. E., & Abgrall, R. (2012). Robust performance assessment for an oscillating airfoil using a Time-Spectral Method and a non-intrusive uncertainty propagation method. In ICCFD7 – International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics. Island of Hawaii, United States.
Da Silva, J. C. B., Magalhães, J. M., Batista, M., Gostiaux, L., Gerkema, T., & New, A. L. (2012). The Eufar Transnational Access Project A.NEW (Airborne Observations of Nonlinear Evolution of Internal Waves Generated by Internal Tidal Beams). In IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Abstracts (1). Munich, Germany.
Decaix, J., & Goncalvès Da Silva, E. (2012). 3D Computations of Cavitating Flows using a Scale-Adaptive Turbulence Model. In Cav2012. Singapour, Singapore.
Decaix, J., & Goncalvès Da Silva, E. (2012). Study of compressibility effects on turbulent cavitating flows. In AIP conference proceedings (Vol. 1479, pp. 58–61). Greece.
Decaix, J., & Goncalvès Da Silva, E. (2012). Study of compressibility effects on turbulent cavitating flows. In Cav2012. Singapour, Singapore.
Delon, A., Matas, J. - P., & Cartellier, A. H. (2012). Break-up conditions of a flapping liquid jet. In Etpfgm. Udine, Italy.
Demeure, L., Thibault, J. - P., & Corre, C. E. (2012). Subcooled spray injection for thermodynamic control of cryogenic propellant storage. In 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference. Rome, Italy.
El Haddad, R., Fakhereddine, R., Lécot, C., Soucemarianadin, A., & Tembely, M. (2012). Simulation of coalescence with stratified sampling. In R. Pasupathy, O. Rose, & A. M. Uhrmacher (Eds.), Winter Simulation Conference 2012. Berlin, Germany: Ieee.
Ferrouillat, S., Bontemps, A., Gruss, A., Poncelet, O., & Soriano, O. (2012). Influence de la nature du matériau et du facteur de forme sur les performances énergétiques de nanofluides. Cas de nanoparticules de ZnO et SiO2. In Colloque International Francophone d’Energétique et Mécanique, CIFEM 2012, 2 au 4 mai 2012, ART-7-4, 227-232.. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Flageul, C., Fortes Patella, R., & Archer, A. (2012). Cavitation erosion prediction by numerical cavitation. In 14th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC14). Honolulu, United States.
Franc, J. - P. (2012). Recent investigations on cavitation erosion at the University of Grenoble. In 1st Workshop of the International Institute of Cavitation Research. London, United Kingdom.
Goncalvès Da Silva, E. (2012). Simulation of rarefaction problems with phase transition. In Cav2012. Singapour, Singapore.
Goncalvès Da Silva, E., & Decaix, J. (2012). Numerical simulation of cavitating tube problems with isothermal model. In AIP conference proceedings (Vol. 1479, pp. 54–57). Greece.
Goncalvès Da Silva, E., & Zeidan, D. (2012). Numerical simulation of cavitating tube problems with non-isothermal model. In AIP conference proceedings (Vol. 1479, pp. 169–172). Greece.
Gostiaux, L., & Van Haren, H. (2012). A complete sketch for fine-structure contamination by internal waves. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (4074). Vienne, Austria.
Grisouard, N., Staquet, C., Gostiaux, L., & Auclair, F. (2012). Local generation of internal solitary waves in a pycnocline. In Ocean Sciences. Salt Lake City, United States.
Lagaert, J. - B., Balarac, G., Cottet, G. - H., & Bégou, P. (2012). Particle method: an efficient tool for direct numerical simulations of a high Schmidt number passive scalar in turbulent flow. In Summer Program 2012. Center of Turbulence Research (pp. 167–176). Stanford, United States.
Leblay, P., Henry, J. F., Caron, D., Leducq, D., Bontemps, A., & Fournaison, L. (2012). IR Thermography measurement of convective heat transfer coefficients with periodic excitation by Joule effect applied to the estimation of compact heat exchanger efficiency. In 3rd IIR Workshop on Refrigerant Charge Reduction in Refrigerating Systems (10). Valence, Spain.
Leclair, M., Grisouard, N., Gostiaux, L., Staquet, C., & Auclair, F. (2012). Reflexion of a Plane Wave onto a Slope and Wave-Induced Mean Flow. In Ocean Science Meeting. Salt Lake City, United States.
Marie-Magdeleine, A., Fortes Patella, R., Lemoine, N., & Marchand, N. (2012). Unsteady flow rate simulations methodology for identification of the dynamic transfer function of a cavitating venturi. In CAV 2012 Symposium. Singapour, Singapore.
Marie-Magdeleine, A., Fortes Patella, R., Marchand, N., & Lemoine, N. (2012). Application of unsteady flow rate evaluations to identify the dynamic transfer function of a cavitating Venturi. In IAHR 2012 – 26th IAHR symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (180). Beijing, China.
Marie-Magdeleine, A., Fortes Patella, R., Marchand, N., & Lemoine, N. (2012). Unsteady flow rate evaluation methodology for identification of the dynamic transfer function of a cavitating Venturi. In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Cavitation. Singapour, Singapore.
Marty, S., Matas, J. - P., Cartellier, A. H., & Gluck, S. (2012). Measurements of droplet size in a two-phase mixing layer using an optical probe with new shape design. In ICLASS 2012, 12th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2-6, 2012 (1256). Heidelberg, Germany.
Matas, J. - P., Marty, S., & Cartellier, A. H. (2012). Study of liquid destabilization and stripping in a liquid-gas mixing layer. In XXIII ICTAM, 19-24 August 2012, Beijing, China (1). China.
Mercier, M. J., Gostiaux, L., Helfrich, K., Sommeria, J., Viboud, S., Didelle, H., et al. (2012). Internal Tide Generation in a large-scale Laboratory Experimental Study of the Luzon Strait. In Ocean Sciences (Vol. 40, pp. 5704–5709). Salt Lake City, United States.
Michallet, H., Catalano, E., Berni, C., Chareyre, B., Rameliarison, V., & Barthélemy, E. (2012). Physical and numerical modelling of sand liquefaction in waves interacting with a vertical wall. In Shf (Ed.), Icse-6 (6). Paris, France.
Michallet, H., Rameliarison, V., Berni, C., Bergonzoli, M., Barnoud, J. - M., & Barthélemy, E. (2012). Physical modeling of sand liquefaction under wave breaking on a vertical wall. In P. Lynett, & J. M. K. Smith (Eds.), 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (78). Santander, Spain.
Moore, S. A., Le Coz, J., Hurther, D., & Paquier, A. (2012). Monitoring concentration and grain size evolution of suspended sediments in rivers during floods using horizontal acoustic Doppler current profilers. In 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (1). Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Moore, S. A., Le Coz, J., Pierrefeu, G., Hurther, D., & Paquier, A. (2012). Measuring flow speeds and discharge in rivers using horizontal acoustic Doppler current profilers: correcting for velocity underestimation during periods of low concentration. In Hydraulic Measurement and Experimental Methods Conference (HMEM 2012) (6). Snowbird, United States.
Mory, M., & Michallet, H. (2012). Contribution of entrapped air to liquefaction and wave scour around coastal structures. In 6th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (3). Paris, France.
Oudart, T., & Larroudé, P. (2012). SPH model to simulate movement of grass meadow of Posidonia under waves. In Proceedings of 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (pp. 802–813). Santander, Spain.
Pellone, C., Maître, T., & Amet, E. (2012). 3D RANS modeling of a cross flow water turbine. In New trends in simulation – Hydroinformatics and 3D modeling (1). Sophia-Antipolis, France.
Suarez Atias, L., Cienfuegos, R., Escauriaza, C., Barthélemy, E., & Michallet, H. (2012). Lagrangian drifter modelling of an experimental rip current. In P. Lynett, & J. M. K. Smith (Eds.), 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (35). Santander, Spain.
Tang, K., Beccantini, A., & Corre, C. E. (2012). Combining Discrete Equations Method and upwind downwind-controlled splitting for non-reacting and reacting two-fluid computations. In ICCFD7 proceedings (pp. 1–25). Big Island, Hawaii, United States.
Tardu, S. F. (2012). Stochastic synchronization of wall turbulence. In 4th International Interdisciplinary Chaos Symposium on Chaos and Complex Systems. Antalya, Turkey.
Tingaud, F., Bontemps, A., Colasson, S., & Ferrouillat, S. (2012). Caractérisation expérimentale du comportement thermique de différents matériaux soumis à une fontaine ultrasonique. In Congrés Français de Thermique, SFT 2012, 29 mai – 1er juin 2012, page 887-894.. Talence, Bordeaux, France.
Van Haren, H., & Gostiaux, L. (2012). Detailed Internal Wave Mixing Above a Deep-Ocean Slope. In Ocean Sciences. Salt Lake City, United States.
Van Haren, H., & Gostiaux, L. (2012). Great Meteor Seamount revisited: detailed internal wave turbulence. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (2950). Vienne, Austria.
Voisin, B., Joubaud, S., & Dauxois, T. (2012). Internal waves and boundary layers in a density-stratified fluid. In 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (16). Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cd. Beijing, China.
Vollant, A., Balarac, G., & Corre, C. E. (2012). Passive scalar LES using an optimal estimator as SGS model. In 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference. Rome, Italy.
Zeidan, D., & Goncalvès Da Silva, E. (2012). On the Velocity Non-Equilibrium for Two-Phase Flow Computations. In Dsl2012. Istanbul, Turkey.
Ph.D. Theses
Bossard, J. (2012). Caractérisation expérimentale du décrochage dynamique dans les hydroliennes à flux transverse par la méthode PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry). Comparaison avec les résultats issus des simulations numériques. Ph.D. thesis, Université de Grenoble, .
Catalano, E. (2012). Modélisation physique et numérique de la micro-mécanique des milieux granulaires saturés. Application à la stabilité de substrats sédimentaires en génie cotier. Ph.D. thesis, Université de Grenoble, .
Decaix, J. (2012). Modélisation et simulation de la turbulence compressible en milieu diphasique : application aux écoulements cavitants instationnaires. Ph.D. thesis, Université de Grenoble, .
Desnous, C. (2012). Etude expérimentale de la dépressurisation rapide du C6F14 et caractéristiques du brouillard formé. Ph.D. thesis, Université de Grenoble, .
Durì, D. (2012). Mise en évidence expérimentale de l’intermittence dans un jet cryogénique turbulent d’hélium normal et superfluide. Ph.D. thesis, Université de Grenoble, .
Freychet, N. (2012). Assimilation rétrospective de données par lissage de rang réduit : application et évaluation dans l’Atlantique Tropical. Ph.D. thesis, Université de Grenoble, .
Hérenger, N. (2012). Etude expérimentale du transitoire de remplissage des cavités d’injection des organes de combustion du moteur VINCI. Ph.D. thesis, Université de Grenoble, .
Meinvielle, M. (2012). Ajustement optimal des paramètres de forçage atmosphérique par assimilation de données de température de surface pour des simulations océaniques globales. Ph.D. thesis, Université de Grenoble, .
Tang, K. (2012). Combining Discrete Equations Method and Upwind Downwind-Controlled Splitting for Non-Reacting and Reacting Two-Fluid Computations. Ph.D. thesis, Université de Grenoble, .
Tingaud, F. (2012). Etude expérimentale de l’amélioration de la distribution diphasique dans un échangeur thermique à l’aide d’ultrasons. Ph.D. thesis, Université de Grenoble, .
Book Contributions
Benbouzid, M., Astolfi, J. - A., Bacha, S., Charpentier, J. - F., Machmoum, M., Maître, T., et al. (2012). Concepts, Modeling and Control of Tidal Turbines. In B. Multon (Ed.), Marine Renewable Energy Handbook (pp. 219–278). John Wiley & Sons.
Tardu, S. F. (2012). A note on spatial zero-crossings of fluctuating velocity field in wall bounded turbulent flows. In O. M., P. j., T. A., C. L., & H. M. (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Physics 141 (45). Springer.