Publications récentes
Les 10 dernières publications de l’équipe MEOM de notre base de donnée :
Popov, M., Brankart, J. - M., Capet, A., Cosme, E., & Brasseur, P. (2023). Ensemble analysis and forecast of ecosystem indicators in the North Atlantic using ocean colour observations and prior statistics from a stochastic NEMO/PISCES simulator. Ocean Science, .
Frezat, H., Fablet, R., Le Sommer, J., & Balarac, G. (2022). Learning quasi-geostrophic turbulence parametrizations from a posteriori metrics.
Frezat, H., Le Sommer, J., Fablet, R., Balarac, G., & Lguensat, R. (2022). A posteriori learning for quasi-geostrophic turbulence parametrization. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, , 1–35.
Frezat, H., Le Sommer, J., Fablet, R., Balarac, G., & Lguensat, R. (2022). A posteriori learning of quasi-geostrophic turbulence parametrization: an experiment on integration steps.
Jamet, Q., Leroux, S., Dewar, W. K., Penduff, T., Sommer, J. L., Molines, J. - M., et al. (2022). Non-local eddy-mean kinetic energy transfers in submesoscale-permitting ensemble simulations. In DRAKKAR workshop. Online, France.
Labreuche, P., Staquet, C., & Le Sommer, J. (2022). Resonant growth of inertial oscillations from lee waves in the deep ocean. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, , 1–23.
Leroux, S., Brankart, J. - M., Albert, A., Brodeau, L., Molines, J. - M., Jamet, Q., et al. (2022). Ensemble quantification of short-term predictability of the ocean dynamics at a kilometric-scale resolution: a Western Mediterranean test case. Ocean Science, 18(6), 1619–1644.
Barnier, B., Domina, A., Gulev, S. K., Molines, J. - M., Maître, T., Penduff, T., et al. (2020). Modelling the impact of flow-driven turbine power plants on great wind-driven ocean currents and the assessment of their energy potential. Nature Energy, 5(3), 240–249.
Close, S., Penduff, T., Speich, S., & Molines, J. - M. (2020). A means of estimating the intrinsic and atmospherically-forced contributions to sea surface height variability applied to altimetric observations. Progress in Oceanography, .