Achard, J. - L., Lefèvre, F. C. E., & Tisserand, L. (2000). Devise for filling a fuel tank in particular for motor vehicle. France.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Allibert, C., Marty, P., Gagnoud, A., & Fautrelle, Y. (2000). Estimate of the diffusion coefficient in Co based liquids. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 43(3), 437–445.
Baudet, C., Gagne, Y., Michel, O., Hernández Pellicer, R. H., Flandrin, P., & Lévêque, E. (2000). L’interférométrie acoustique : des filets d’ultrasons pour chasser les tourbillons. Images de La Physique 2000 – Revue du Département SPM-Editions CNRS, .
Berchiche, N. A., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (2000). Un modèle de prédiction de l’érosion des matériaux ductiles par la cavitation. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série IIb, Mécanique, physique, astronomie, 328(4), 305–310.
Caton, F., Janiaud, B., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2000). Stability and bifurcations in stratified Taylor-Couette flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 93, 93–124.
Diéval, L., Pellone, C., Franc, J. - P., & Arnaud, M. (2000). Une technique de suivi d’interfaces pour la modélisation de la cavitation par poche. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série IIb, Mécanique, Fluid Mechanics t.328(Série II b), 809.
Fortes Patella, R., Reboud, J. - L., & Archer, A. (2000). Cavitation damage measurement by 3D laser profilometry. Wear, 246(1-2), 59–67.
Lesieur, M., Comte, P., Dubief, Y., Lamballais, E., Métais, O., & Ossia, S. (2000). From Two-Point Closures of Isotropic Turbulence to LES of Shear Flows. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 63(1/4), 247–267.
Machane, R., Achard, J. - L., & Canot, E. (2000). A new velocity–vorticity boundary integral formulation for Navier–Stokes equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 34, 47–63.
Malecot, Y., Auriault, C., Kahalerras, H., Gagne, Y., Chanal, O., Chabaud, B., et al. (2000). A statistical estimator of turbulence intermittency in physical and numerical experiments. The European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 16(3), 549–561.
Pellone, C., Maître, T., & Briançon-Marjollet, L. (2000). Partially cavitating hydrofoils: experimental and numerical analysis. Journal of Ship Research, 44(1), 40–58.
Penduff, T., Barnier, B., & Colin De Verdiere, A. (2000). Self-Adapting open boundaries for a sigma coordinate model of the eastern North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 279–297.
Thibault, J. - P., & Rossi, L. (2000). Experimental Modeling of Seawater Electromagnetic Flow Control. ERCOFTAC Bulletin, 44.
Wirth, A. (2000). The parameterization of baroclinic instability in a simple model. Journal of marine research, 58, 571–583.
Wirth, A., & Ghil, M. (2000). Error evolution in the dynamics of an ocean general circulation model. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 32, 419–431.
Conference Proceedings
Bourgoin, M., Moulin, M., Odier, P., Pinton, J. - F., Fauve, S., Pétrélis, F., et al. (2000). The von Kármán Sodium (VKS) dynamo project. In International Workshop on Homogeneous Dynamos (pp. 51–04). KARLSRUHE, Germany.
Challier, G., Fortes Patella, R., & Reboud, J. - L. (2000). Interaction between pressure waves and spherical cavitation bubbles: discussions about cavitation erosion mechanism. In ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Conference. Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
Chollet, J. - P., & Brulfert, G. (2000). Local scale photochemistry in a convective boundary layer. In Workshop IPSL: Transport and mixing of passive and reactive scalars in the atmospheric boundary layer; CNRS-NSF. France.
Coutier-Delghosa, O., Fortes Patella, R., & Reboud, J. - L. (2000). Study of unsteady cavitation: development of a single fluid model in the Fine/turbo code. In NUMECA International User meeting. Brussels, Belgium.
Debray, F., Reynaud, S., & Franc, J. - P. (2000). Mesure des coefficients de transfert thermique par convection forcée en mini-canaux. In 1er Congrès International sur la Microhydrodynamique. Courbevoie, France.
Diéval, L., & Pellone, C. (2000). Advantages/Disadvantages of different techniques of modeling of supercavitation. In High Speed Hydrodynamics and Supercavitation. Grenoble, France.
Mory, M., Gratiot, N., Manning, A. J., & Michallet, H. (2000). CBS layers in a diffusive turbulence grid oscillation experiment. In J. C. Winterwerp, & C. Kranenburg (Eds.), Intercoh 2000 (pp. 139–154). Delft, Netherlands.