Ginot, F., & Achard, J. - L. (2001). Method and Device for isolation and/or Determination of an Analyte. France.
Currently in Preparation or Submitted
Evensen, G., Verron, J., Van Leeuwen, P. J., Brankart, J. - M., Brasseur, P., Brusdal, K., et al. (2001). Results from the DIADEM data assimilation experiment with an OGCM for the North Atlantic.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Achard, J. - L., & Cartellier, A. H. (2001). Laminar dispersed two-phase flows at low concentration: III Pseudo-turbulence. Archives of Mechanics, 53(2), 123–150.
Ackermann, C., & Métais, O. (2001). A modified selective structure function subgrid-scale model. Journal of Turbulence, 1.
Amiroudine, S., Bontoux, P., Larroudé, P., Gilly, B., & Zappoli, B. (2001). Direct numerical simulation of instabilities in a two-dimensional near-critical fluid layer heated from below. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 442, 119–140.
Auvity, B., Barre, S., Braud, P., & Bonnet, J. - P. (2001). Étude expérimentale des champs turbulents acoustiques à l’immédiat aval d’une onde de choc. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences, (11), 329.
Ballabrera-Poy, J., Brasseur, P., & Verron, J. (2001). Dynamical evolution of the error statistics with the SEEK filter to assimilate altimetric data in eddy-resolving ocean models. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 127, 233–253.
Barnier, B., Reynaud, T., Beckmann, A., Böning, C. W., Molines, J. - M., Barnard, S., et al. (2001). On the seasonal variability and eddies in the North Brazil Current: insights from model intercomparison experiments. Progress in Oceanography, 48, 195–230.
Belghazi, M., Bontemps, A., Signe, J. C., & Marvillet, C. (2001). Condensation heat transfer of a pure fluid and binary mixtures outside a bundle of smooth horizontal tubes. Comparison of experimental results and a classical model. International Journal of Refrigeration, 24(8), 841–855.
Böning, C. W., Dieterich, C., Barnier, B., & Jia, Y. (2001). Seasonal cycle of meridional heat transport in the subtropical North Atlantic: a model intercomparison in relation to observations near 25°N. Progress in Oceanography, 2-3, 231–253.
Bouruet-Aubertot, P., Koudella, C., Staquet, C., & Winters, K. B. (2001). Particle dispersion and mixing induced by breaking internal gravity. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 33(2), 95–134.
Brun, C., & Friedrich, R. (2001). Modeling the test SGS tensor Tij: An issue in the dynamic approach. Physics of Fluids, 13(8), 2373–2385.
Brun, C., & Friedrich, R. (2001). Modeling the test SGS tensor Tij: An issue in the dynamic approach. Physics of Fluids, 13(8), 2373–2385.
Callenaere, M., Franc, J. - P., Michel, J. - M., & Riondet, M. (2001). The cavitation instability induced by the development of a re-entrant jet. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 444, 223–256.
Carmillet, V., Brankart, J. - M., Brasseur, P., Drange, H., Evensen, G., & Verron, J. (2001). A Singular Evolutive Extended Kalman filter to assimilate ocean colour data in a coupled physical-biochemical model of the North Atlantic ocean. Ocean Modelling, 3, 167–192.
Cartellier, A. H. (2001). Optical probes for multiphase flows characterization: some recent improvements. Chemical engineering technology, vol. 24(n. 5), 535.
Cartellier, A. H., & Riviere, N. (2001). Bubble-induced agitation and microstructure in uniform bubbly flows at small to moderate particle Reynolds numbers. Physics of Fluids, 13(8), 2165–2181.
Crosnier, L., Barnier, B., & Tréguier, A. - M. (2001). Aliasing inertial oscillations in a 1/6° Atlantic circulation model: impact on the mean meridional heat transport. Ocean Modelling, 3, 21–31.
Debray, F., Franc, J. - P., Maître, T., & Reynaud, S. (2001). Mesure de coefficient de transfert thermique par convection forcée en mini canaux. Mechanics & Industry, 2, 443–454.
Dupont, P., Kadri, Y., & Chomaz, J. - M. (2001). Internal waves generated by the wake of Gaussian hills. Physics of Fluids, 13(11), 3223–3233.
Favre-Marinet, M., & Camano Schettini, E. B. (2001). The density field of coaxial jets with large density differences. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (44/10), 1913–1924.
Fortes Patella, R., Dupont, P., & Fréchou, D. (2001). Hydraulic equipment: unstationary and related effects – Discussion of papers. La Houille Blanche – Revue internationale de l’eau, (2), 81.
Guizien, K., & Barthélemy, E. (2001). Short wave phase shifts by large free surface solitary waves. Experiments and models. Physics of Fluids, 13(12), 3624–3635.
Lesieur, M. (2001). Looking for turbulence structures: a numerical exploration. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 66(4), 477–494.
Lesieur, M., & Comte, P. (2001). Favre filtering and macro-temperature in large-eddy simulations of compressible turbulence. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences, 329(P179), 363–368.
Liju, P. - Y., Machane, R., & Cartellier, A. H. (2001). Surge effect during the water exit of an axisymetric body travelling normal to a plane interface: experiments and BEM simulation. Experiments in Fluids, 31, 241–248.
Liju, P. - Y., Machane, R., & Cartellier, A. H. (2001). Surge effect during the water exit of an axisymmetric body traveling normal to a plane interface: experiments and BEM simulation. Experiments in Fluids, 31(3), 241–248.
Lismonde, B. (2001). L’âne de Buridan, le principe de Curie et l’effet-cheminée. Karstologia, 37, 23–28.
Ossia, S., & Lesieur, M. (2001). Large-scale energy and pressure dynamics in decaying 2D incompressible isotropic turbulence. Journal of Turbulence, 2(013), 187.
Penduff, T., Barnier, B., Béranger, K., & Verron, J. (2001). Comparison of near-surface mean and eddy flows from two numerical models of the South Atlantic ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(C8), 16–857.
Penduff, T., Colin De Verdiere, A., & Barnier, B. (2001). General circulation and intergyre dynamics in the eastern North Atlantic from a regional primitive equation model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(C10), 22313–22329.
Rastello, M. (2001). A study of the size of snow particles in powder snow avalanches. Annals of Glaciology, 32, 258–262.
Roche, P. - E., Castaing, B., Chabaud, B., Hébral, B., & Sommeria, J. (2001). Side wall effects in Rayleigh Bénard experiments. The European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 24, 405.
Sokolovskiy, M., Verron, J., & Vagina, I. M. (2001). Effect of submerged small-height obstacle on the dynamics of a distributed heton. Atmospheric and oceanic physics, 37(1), 122–123.
Souidi, N., & Bontemps, A. (2001). Countercurrent gas-liquid flow in plate-fin heat exchangers with plain and perforated fins. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 22(4), 450–459.
Staquet, C., & Bouruet-Aubertot, P. (2001). Mixing in weakly turbulent stably stratified flows. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 34, 81–102.
Tackley, P., Schubert, G., Glatzmaier, G., Schenk, P., Ratcliff, J. T., & Matas, J. - P. (2001). Three-Dimensional Simulations of Mantle Convection in Io. Icarus, 149(1), 79–93.
Tardu, S. F. (2001). Active control of near-wall turbulence by local unsteady blowing. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 439, 217–253.
Tréguier, A. - M., Barnier, B., De Miranda, A. P., Molines, J. - M., Grima, N., Imbard, M., et al. (2001). An eddy permitting model of the Atlantic circulation : evaluating open boundary conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(C10), 22–115.
Verron, J., Blayo, E., Blum, J., Brasseur, P., De Mey-Frémaux, P., Evensen, G., et al. (2001). Advanced altimeter data assimilation for the development of operational oceanography. Aviso Newsletter, (8), 139–141.
Willebrand, J., Barnier, B., Böning, C. W., Dieterich, C., Killworth, P., Le Provost, C., et al. (2001). Circulation characteristics in three eddy-permitting models of the North Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography, 48, 123–162.
Witkowski, M., Marty, P., & Walker, J. (2001). Liquid-metal flow in a finite-length cylinder with a high-frequency rotating magnetic field. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 436, 131–144.
Conference Proceedings
Agostini, B., Watel, B., Bontemps, A., & Thonon, B. (2001). Etude du facteur de frottement d’un écoulement monophasique dans des mini-canaux. In Congrés Français de Thermique (SFT 2001). Nantes, France.
Aliseda, A., Cartellier, A. H., & Lasheras, J. C. (2001). On the behaviour of light and heavy particles in homogenous isotropic turbulence (Paper JA 6). In 54rd annual Meeting of the division of fluid dynamics (Vol. 46, 10). San Diego, United States.
Baudet, C. (2001). A Cryogenic high Reynolds Number Turbulence Experiment at CERN. In Icmc 2001. Madison, United States.
Belghazi, M., Bontemps, A., & Marvillet, C. (2001). Study of condensation heat transfert of a pure fluid and binary mixture in a bundle of enhanced surface tubes. In 5th World conference on experimental heat transfert, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, ExHFT 5. Thessaloniki, Greece.
Berchiche, N. A., Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. - M. (2001). A Cavitation Erosion Model for Ductile Materials. In 4th International Symposium on Cavitation. Pasadena, United States.
Béteau, J. - F., Guillet, A., Mondjian, P., Delpech, F., Séchet, P., & Cartellier, A. H. (2001). Lit fluidisé anaérobie pour la dégradation de matière organique en solution. In Journée Scientifique du CODEGEPRA. Saint Etienne, France.
Bordas, M. - L., Séchet, P., Cartellier, A. H., & Boyer, C. (2001). Experimental investigation of the bubble size in two-phase flows through fixed beds contactors. In Proc. 3rd European Congress on Chemical Engineering (Chemical Engineering – A Key Technology Serving Mankind (1). Nurenberg, Germany.
Bouruet-Aubertot, P., Koudella, C., & Staquet, C. (2001). Mixing induced by breaking internal gravity waves. In XXVI General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society. Nice, France.
Brasseur, P., Brankart, J. - M., Carmillet, V., Magri, S., & Verron, J. (2001). A Singular Evolutive Extended Kalman filter to assimiate ocean colour data in a coupled physical-biochemical model of the North Atlantic. In 33rd Int. Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. LIEGE, Belgium.
Brulfert, G., Kerbiriou, M. - A., & Chollet, J. - P. (2001). Photochemistry in a convective layer and atmosphere dynamics in narrow valley. In Workshop ERCOFTAC: Flow over complex terrain. Lyon, France.
Canot, E., Georgescu, S. - C., & Achard, J. - L. (2001). Bursting air bubble at a free surface: reggridding influence on the interface evolution. In Workshop on Numerical Simulation for Fluid Mechanics and Magnetic liquids (pp. 121–132). Timisoara, Romania.
Cartellier, A. H. (2001). Ecoulements dispersés lents : stabilité, structure et mélange. In Journée Scientfique du CODEGEPRA. Saint Etienne, France.
Cartellier, A. H. (2001). Screening and induced-agitation in dilute uniform bubbly flows at small and moderate particle Reynolds numbers : some experimental results. In Proc. Symposium EUROMECH 421. Grenoble, France.
Cartellier, A. H., Aliseda, A., Hainaux, F., & Lasheras, J. C. (2001). Clustering and setting velocity of microdroplets in a grid turbulence. In Symposium EUROMECH 421. Grenoble, France.
Chollet, J. - P., & Brulfert, G. (2001). Local scale photochemistry in a convective boundary layer. In NSF-CNRS workshop on transport and mixing of passive and reactive scalars in the atmospheric boundary layer. Jussieu, France.
Cosme, E., Genthon, C., Martinerie, P., Boucher, O., & Pham, M. (2001). Dimethylsulfide (DMS) oceanic emissions around Antarctica in LMD-ZT General Circulation Model. In Workshop on Emissions of chemical species in the atmosphere. Paris, France.
Cosme, E., Genthon, C., Martinerie, P., Boucher, O., & Pham, M. (2001). Simulation of the atmospheric sulfur cycle at mid and high southern latitudes using a General Circulation Model. In XXVIth General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society (EGS). Nice, France.
Coutier-Delghosa, O., Fortes Patella, R., & Reboud, J. - L. (2001). Evaluation of the turbulence model influence on the numerical simulation of unsteady cavitation. In Asme Fedsm 2001. New Orleans, United States.
Coutier-Delghosa, O., Fortes Patella, R., Reboud, J. - L., & Hakimi, N. (2001). Numerical simulation of cavitation flow in an inducer geometry. In The proceeding of the European conference on turbomachinery. Firenze, Italy.
Coutier-Delghosa, O., Reboud, J. - L., & Fortes Patella, R. (2001). Numerical study of the effect of the leading edge shape on cavitation around inducer blade sections. In CAV 2001: Fourth International Symposium on Cavitation. Pasadena, United States.
Crispel, S., & Cartellier, A. H. (2001). An attempt to simulate screening effects at moderate particle Reynolds numbers using an hybrid formulation. In Abstracts Symposium EUROMECH 421 September. Grenoble, France.
Crispel, S., Cartellier, A. H., & Simonin, O. (2001). Microstructure and pseudo-turbulence in uniform bubbly flows: comparison of experiments and direct numerical simulations. In 4th Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flow (10). New orleans, United States: E.Michaelides Editor.
Diéval, L., & Pellone, C. (2001). Comparison between three computation methods for supercavitating flows. In 8e Journées de l’Hydrodynamique (pp. 235–248). Nantes, France.
Edwards, N. R., & Staquet, C. (2001). Inertia-gravity wave breaking by mean current interactions. In XXVI General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society. Nice, France.
El Hammoumi, M., Canot, E., & Davoust, L. (2001). Rebond d’une bulle sur un plan horizontal. In Acte du Congrès Marocain de Mécanique. Maknès, Morocco.
Flór, J. - B., & Moulin, F. Y. (2001). Experimental study on vortex-wave interaction in a rotating stratified fluid. In European geophysical society. 26th General assembly. Nice, France.
Flór, J. - B., & Moulin, F. Y. (2001). Experimental study on wave-vortex interaction in a rotating stratified fluid. In The proceeding of the Wave phenomena III. Edmonton, Canada.
Flór, J. - B., Ungarish, M., & Bush, J. W. M. (2001). Spin-up from rest in a stratified fluid: boundary flows. In Hydraulics Symposium. Tempe, United States.
Fortes Patella, R., Challier, G., Reboud, J. - L., & Archer, A. (2001). Cavitation erosion mechanism: numerical simulations of the interaction between pressure waves and solid boundaries. In CAV 2001 symposium. Pasadena, United States.
Franc, J. - P. (2001). Cavitation instabilities. In Workshop ”Spray, spume and foam”. Marseille, France.
Franc, J. - P. (2001). Partial cavity instabilities and re-entrant jet. In 4th International Symposium on Cavitation. Pasadena, United States.
Franc, J. - P., Janson, É., Morel, P., Rebattet, C., & Riondet, M. (2001). Visualizations of leading edge cavitation in an Inducer at different temperatures. In 4th International Symposium on Cavitation. Pasadena, United States.
Franc, J. - P., Michel, J. - M., & Callenaere, M. (2001). Re-entrant jet and cavitation instabilities. In GAMM2001 Conference, Minisymposium – Cavitating Flows. Zurich, Switzerland.
Gaudin, E., Hopfinger, E. J., & Cartellier, A. H. (2001). Liquid reorientation: geyser formation and gas entrainment. In 1st COMPERE Day. Grenoble, France.
Genthon, C., Krinner, G., & Cosme, E. (2001). On the Antarctic surface mass balance in atmospheric circulation models. In XXVIth General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society (EGS). Nice, France.
Georgescu, S. - C., & Achard, J. - L. (2001). Loi de Tate : Analyse critique et restrictions. In acte du 15ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. Nancy, France.
Gitteau, J., Thonon, B., & Bontemps, A. (2001). Condensation of pure hydrocarbons and their mixture in a compact welded heat exchanger. In 3rd International conference on compact heat exchangers and enhancement technology for the process industry. Davos, Switzerland.
Hofmann, M., Stoffel, B., Coutier-Delghosa, O., Fortes Patella, R., & Reboud, J. - L. (2001). Experimental and numerical studies on a centrifugal pump with 2D-curved blades in cavitation condition. In CAV 2001 symposium. Pasadena, United States.
Hong, M., Cartellier, A. H., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2001). Breakyp mechanisms in coaxial atomization. In Proc. Symposium EUROMECH 421. Grenoble, France.
Hong, M., Cartellier, A. H., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2001). Détermination de la distribution de taille : Correction de volume de mesure pour la sonde optique. In Colloque de synthèse du Groupe de Recherche Combustion dans les moteurs fusées.. Toulouse, France.
Hong, M., Cartellier, A. H., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2001). Drop size and velocity measurements in the near field of coaxial atomizer using an optical phase detection probe. CD Proc. In Drop size and velocity measurements in the near field of coaxial atomizer using an optical phase detection probe. CD Proc.. New Orleans, United States: (E. Michaelides Editor) (Abstract de poster).
Hong, M., Cartellier, A. H., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2001). Spray characterization using optical probes: Feasability of drop velocity, size and concentration measurements. In Two-phase Flow Group meeting. Japan. Japan.
Hopfinger, E. J. (2001). Liquid Sloshing and Wave Breaking in Containers. In Symposium a Fascination with fluids. Los Angeles, United States.
Hopfinger, E. J. (2001). Simulation of Powder Snow Avalanches. In Symposium APS-van Atta. San Diego - californie, United States.
Hopfinger, E. J., Rastello, M., & Ancey, C. (2001). Simulation of powder snow avalanches. In Pas précisé (Vol. 46-10, 98). Pas précisé, France.
Hurther, D. (2001). Sediment transport assessment in suspension flow based on coherent structures characteristics. In 29 th International Congress of the Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research. Pékin, China.
Hurther, D., & Lemmin, U. (2001). Particle transport capacity of turbulent coherent structures in suspension flows. In Euromech workshop 428. Torino, Italy.
Hurther, D., Lemmin, U., & Blanckaert, K. (2001). A field study of transport and mixing in a river using an acoustic Doppler velocity profiler. In International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, IAHR. Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium.
Joussellin, F., Courtot, Y., Coutier-Delghosa, O., & Reboud, J. - L. (2001). Cavitating inducer instabilities: experimental analysis and 2D numerical simulation of unsteady flow in blade cascade. In 4 th International Symposium on Cavitation. Pasadena, United States.
Kerbiriou, M. - A., Chollet, J. - P., & Staquet, C. (2001). Numerical simulation of diurnal evolution of scalar dispersion in a narrow valley. In XXVI General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society. Nice, France.
Lesieur, M. (2001). Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows. In Actes Colloque CFD 2001 en l’honneur du Professeur Jameson. ROUEN, France.
Lesieur, M. (2001). Reconnaissance des tourbillons en simulation des grandes échelles de la turbulence. In Actes Colloque FLUVISU. ROUEN, France.
Lesieur, M. (2001). Structure of isotropic and stratified turbulence. In Actes APS Fluid Dynamics conference. SAN DIEGO, United States.
Lohrberg, H., Stoffel, B., Fortes Patella, R., & Reboud, J. - L. (2001). Numerical and experimental investigations on the cavitating flow in a cascade of hydrofoils. In CAV 2001 Symposium. Pasadena, United States.
Magri, S., Brasseur, P., & Lacroix, G. (2001). Data assimilation in a marine ecosystem coupled to a mixed layer model of the upper ocean. In 33rd Int. Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. LIEGE, Belgium.
Maître, T. (2001). Viscous effects on cavities. In The proceeding of the GAMM Conference. ZURICH, Switzerland.
Maître, T., & Pellone, C. (2001). Numerical modeling of unsteady partial cavities behind a backward facing step. In CAV 2001: Fourth International Symposium on Cavitation. Pasadena, United States.
Marty, P. (2001). Le Refroidissement par Jets Fluides : Bilan des Recherches et Applications Récentes. In 10es Journées Internationales de Thermique (pp. 193–200). Grenoble, France.
Marty, P. (2001). Refroidissement de parois par jets impactants : bilan des connaissances et applications. In 10ème Journées Int. de Thermique. Tunis, Tunisia.
Michallet, H., & Mory, M. (2001). A model for highly concentrated suspensions in a diffusive turbulence. In EUROMECH Colloquium 421 on Strongly coupled dipersed two phase flows. Grenoble, France.
Michel, J. - M. (2001). Introduction to Cavitation and Supercavitation. In RTO AVT Lecture Series on ”Supercavitating Flows”. Bruxelles, Belgium.
Michelutti, L., Tardu, S. F., & Boussey-Said, J. (2001). A simple wall shear stress sensor in polycrystalline silicon: electrical and thermal considerations. In Mechanics and materials Summer Conference. San Diego, United States.
Penduff, T., Barnier, B., Kerbiriou, M. - A., & Verron, J. (2001). How Topographic Smoothing Contributes to Differences Between the Eddy Flows Simulated by Sigma- and Z-level Models. In Terrain-following ocean models Workshop (1). Boulder, United States.
Penduff, T., Verron, J., Brasseur, P., & Barnier, B. (2001). Assimilation of altimetric and sea-surface temperature data in a high-resolution South Atlantic ocean model with a reduced-order Kalman Filter. In The proceeding of the Coloquio Argentino de Oceanografia (1). Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Rastello, M., Ancey, C., Ousset, F., Magnard, R., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2001). An experimental study of particle-driven gravity currents on large slope with entrainment of particles. In European Society of Geophysics, Nice, Avril 2001 (6). nice, France.
Rossi, L., & Thibault, J. - P. (2001). Seawater flow control: wall normal electromagnetic actuators. In Tsfp 2 (Vol. Iii, pp. 23–28). Stockolm, Sweden.
Staquet, C. (2001). Interactions of inertia-gravity waves with a barotropic horizontal shear flow. In Three-dimensional stratified and sheared turbulent flow: comparison between DNS, LES & Observations. Paris, France.
Staquet, C. (2001). Mixing in stably stratified fluids. In Statistical theories and computational approaches to turbulence. Nagoya, Japan.
Staquet, C. (2001). Ondes internes au voisinage du vortex polaire. In Acte de la Journée scientifique ”Ondes et turbulence”. Paris, France.
Staquet, C. (2001). Transport by breaking inertia-gravity waves across a barotropic dynamical barrier. In Ecoulements turbulents pour l’environnement et l’aérodynamique : nouvelles perspectives. lyon, France.
Staquet, C. (2001). Transport by breaking inertia-gravity waves across a barotropic dynamical barrier. In Ecole Centrale de Lyon. Lyon, France.
Sturm, K., Cosme, E., Genthon, C., & Delmas, R. (2001). Modeling Volcanic Sulfur from Mount Erebus and Cerro Hudson in LMDz Atmospheric General Circulation Model. In Workshop on Emissions of chemical species in the atmosphere. Paris, France.
Tardu, S. F. (2001). Contrôle actif de la turbulence pariétale. In Conférence introductive de session, Congrès Français de Mécanique. Nancy, France.
Tardu, S. F. (2001). Formulation compacte des mécanismes de transfert dans les écoulements de gaz dans les microcanaux. In Acte du Congrès Français de Mécanique (pp. 695–1). Nancy, France.
Tardu, S. F., & Da Costa, P. (2001). Modeling of unsteady wall flows with and without adverse pressure gradient by a k-Ω /Rapid Distorsion closure. In Second International Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena Symp. (pp. 205–210). Stockolm, Sweden.
Tardu, S. F., & Dunn, D. (2001). Investigation of the near wall singularities through experiments and direct numerical simulations. In Seventh International Congress on Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion. Le Caire, Egypt.
Tardu, S. F., Michelutti, L., & Boussey-Said, J. (2001). Fil chaud dans une microcavité en technologie des MEMS. In Congrès Français de Mécanique (pp. 696–1). Nancy, France.
Testut, C. - E., Brankart, J. - M., Brasseur, P., Parent, L., & Verron, J. (2001). A reduced-order Kalman filter to assimilate sea surface temperature and altimetric observations in a primitive equation model of the North Atlantic Ocean. In EGS Conference. NICE, France.
Testut, C. - E., Brankart, J. - M., Brasseur, P., & Verron, J. (2001). A reduced-order Kalman filter to assimilate sea surface temperature and altimetric observations in a primitive equation model of the North Atlantic Ocean. In 33rd Int. Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. LIEGE, Belgium.
Thibault, J. - P., & Rossi, L. (2001). Contrôle d’écoulements pariétaux, en eau de mer, sous l’effet d’un activateur électromagnétique. In 15e Congrès Français de Mécanique. Nancy, France.
Tranchant, B., Brasseur, P., Brankart, J. - M., & Testut, C. - E. (2001). A new assimilation system for the French MERCATOR Operational Oceanographic Project. In AGU Fall Meeting. SAN FRANCISCO, United States.
Varga, C. M., Hopfinger, E. J., & Lasheras, J. C. (2001). Atomization of a small diameter liquid jet. In 54th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (Vol. 46-10, 149). San Diego, United States.
Vejražka, J., Marty, P., & Sobolik, V. (2001). Heat transfer experiments in a submerged impinging round jet using liquid crystal thermometry. In 5th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Thessaloniki, Greece.
Vejražka, J., Marty, P., & Sobolik, V. (2001). Une nouvelle méthode de mesure de température par cristaux liquides appliquée aux jets impactants. In Journée thématique SFT. Nantes, France.
Verron, J., Bahurel, P., Caubet, E., Chapron, B., Crétaux, J. F., Eymard, L., et al. (2001). Altika: A micro-satellite Ka-band altimetry mission. In 52th International Astronautical Congress. Toulouse, France.
Wetind, R., Davoust, L., Cartellier, A. H., & Byrne, P. (2001). Experiments and modeling on electrochemically-generated bubbly flows. In E. M. Editor (Ed.), Experiments and modeling on electrochemically-generated bubbly flows (17). New Orléans, United States.
Ph.D. Theses
Danet, A. (2001). Influence des conditions amont sur l’écoulement derrière une marche par la Simulation des Grandes Echelles. Ph.D. thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble - INPG, .
Geurts, B. J., Friedrich, R., & Métais, O. (2001). Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation IV. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Hopfinger, E. J. (2001). Simulation and Identification of Organized Structures in Flows (J. N. Sorensen, E. J. Hopfinger, & N. Aubry, Eds.).
Marty, P. (2001). Transferts de chaleur et de masse dans les jets impactants. Actes de la Journée Thématique de la Société française de thermique.
Book Contributions
Bontemps, A. (2001). Etude expérimentale de la condensation d’hydrocarbures à l’intérieur d’un tube horizontal. Influence de la nature du fluide et de la surface interne. In Génie Energétique (Vol. 6, pp. 1–12). Techniques de l’ingénieur.
Hernández Pellicer, R. H., & Baudet, C. (2001). Ultrasound scattering by forced laminar wakes. In Vortex Structure and Dynamics (pp. 173–189).
Hopfinger, E. J. (2001). Atomisation d’un jet liquide par un jet de gaz coaxial : Un bilan des connaissances acquises. In Actes du Colloque Combustion dans les Moteurs Fusées.
Léorat, J., Lallemand, P., Germond, J. - L., & Plunian, F. (2001). Dynamo action, between numerical experiments and liquid sodium devices. In C. P., A. D., & O. I. (Eds.), Dynamo and Dynamics, a Mathematical Challenge.
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