Bourrilhon, T., Dusser, B., Fernandes, P., & Thibault, J. - P. (2006). Dispositif d’éjection d’un mélange diphasique, Office Européen des Brevets OEB (via l’INPI). France.
Cloarec, M., Roy, F., Mercier, P., Maréchal, A., Marty, P., & Caney, N. (2006). Plaque bipolaire de pile à combustible à circuit de fluide caloporteur amélioré, procédé de fabrication et pile à combustible. France.
Achard, J. - L. (2006). Les hydroliennes : Comment prélever de l’énergie du fil de l’eau dans les mers et les rivières. De l’énergie hydraulique pour un développement durable.
Caney, N., & Marty, P. (2006). Refroidissement de plaques bipolaires – Résultats et analyse des essais de plaques à géométries complexes, Rapport technique DTS DR 2006 34.
Cosme, E., Verron, J., Castruccio, F., Ourmières, Y., Robert, C., Skachko, S., et al. (2006). Some recent advances in ocean data assimilation with the SEEK filter.
Guillet, A., Béteau, J. - F., & Séchet, P. (2006). Industrial Processes and Environmental Management Program : a double competence curriculum, International Conference on Engineering Education on Sustainable Development.
Penduff, T., Barnier, B., Brodeau, L., & Juza, M. (2006). Sensitivity of DRAKKAR global simulations to two existing and a hybrid atmospheric forcing functions.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Achard, J. - L., & Maître, T. (2006). Une source d’énergie renouvelable possible : les hydrauliennes. Revue de l’Energie, 546, 315–319.
Agostini, B., Bontemps, A., & Thonon, B. (2006). Effects of geometrical and thermophysical parameters on heat transfer measurements in small diameter channels. Heat Transfer Engineering, 27(1), 14–24.
Ahmad, M., Bontemps, A., Sallée, H., & Quénard, D. (2006). Thermal testing and numerical simulation of a prototype cell using light wallboards coupling Vacuum Isolation Panels and Phase Change Material. Energy and Buildings, 38(6), 673–681.
Aider, J. - L., & Danet, A. (2006). Sensitivity of a backward facing step flow to the modification of the upstream boundary layer using LES simulations. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 334, 447–453.
Ayoub, N., Lucas, B., Penduff, T., Valladeau, G., & De Mey-Frémaux, P. (2006). A study of model errors in surface layers due to uncertainties in the atmospheric forcing fields. Mercator Ocean Quarterly Newsletter, (22).
Barnier, B., Brodeau, L., & Penduff, T. (2006). News: Ocean surface forcing and surface fields. Mercator Ocean Quarterly Newsletter, (22).
Barnier, B., Madec, G., Penduff, T., Molines, J. - M., Tréguier, A. - M., Le Sommer, J., et al. (2006). Impact of partial steps and momentum advection schemes in a global ocean circulation model at eddy-permitting resolution. Ocean Dynamics, 56(5-6), 543–567.
Bavière, R., Favre-Marinet, M., & Le Person, S. (2006). Bias Effects on Heat transfer Measurements in Microchannel Flows. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 49(19-20), 3325–3337.
Bavière, R., Gamrat, G., Favre-Marinet, M., & Le Person, S. (2006). Modelling of Laminar Flows in Rough-Wall Microchannels. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 128, 734–741.
Benselama, A. M., Achard, J. - L., & Pham, P. (2006). Numerical simulation of uncharged droplets in a uniform electrical field. Journal of Electrostatics, 64(7-9), 562–658.
Béranger, K., Barnier, B., Gulev, S. K., & Crépon, M. (2006). Comparing 20 years of precipitation estimates from different sources over the world ocean. Ocean Dynamics, 56, 104–138.
Berline, L., Brankart, J. - M., Brasseur, P., Ourmières, Y., & Verron, J. (2006). Improving the physics of a coupled physical-biogeochemical model of the North Atlantic through data assimilation: impact on the ecosystem. Journal of Marine Systems, 64(1-4), 153–172.
Berline, L., Brankart, J. - M., Ourmières, Y., Brasseur, P., & Verron, J. (2006). Improving the physics of coupled physical-biogeochemical models through data assimilation: a challenge for the upcoming MERCATOR operational systems. La lettre trimestrielle MERCATOR, (20).
Berline, L., Testut, C. - E., Verron, J., & Brasseur, P. (2006). Variability of the Gulf Stream position and transport between 1992 and 1999: a re-analysis based on a data assimilation experiment. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27, 417–432.
Bordas, M. - L., Cartellier, A. H., Séchet, P., & Boyer, C. (2006). Bubbly flow through fixed beds: micro-scale experiments in the dilute regime and modelling. AIChE Journal, 52(11), 3722–3743.
Bordas, M. - L., Cartellier, A. H., Séchet, P., & Boyer, C. (2006). Bubbly flow through fixed beds: Microscale experiments in the dilute regime and modeling. AIChE Journal, 52(11), 3722–3743.
Bourgoin, M., Ouellette, N. T., Xu, H., Berg, J., & Bodenschatz, E. (2006). The role of pair dispersion in turbulent flow. Science, 311(5762), 835–838.
Bourgoin, M., Volk, R., Plihon, N., Augier, P., Odier, P., & Pinton, J. - F. (2006). An experimental Bullard-von Kármán dynamo. New Journal of Physics, 8, 329.
Boyer, D. L., Sommeria, J., Mitrovic, A. S., Pakala, V. K. C., Smirnov, S. A., & Etling, D. (2006). The effects of boundary turbulence on canyon flows forced by periodic along-shelf currents. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 36(5), 813–826.
Brasseur, P., & Verron, J. (2006). The SEEK filter method for data assimilation in oceanography: a synthesis. Ocean Dynamics, 56, 650–661.
Brulfert, G., Chemel, C., Chaxel, E., Chollet, J. - P., Jouve, B., & Villard, H. (2006). Assessment of 2010 air quality in two Alpine valleys from modelling: Weather type and emission scenarios. Atmospheric environment, 40(40), 7893–7907.
Brun, C., Friedrich, R., & Da Silva, C. B. (2006). A non-linear SGS model based on the spatial velocity increment. Application to LES of fully developed pipe flow and round turbulent jet. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 20(1), 1–21.
Camassa, R., Choi, W. - Y., Michallet, H., Rusås, P. - O., & Sveen, J. K. (2006). On the realm of validity of strongly nonlinear asymptotic approximations for internal waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 549(1), 1–23.
Cariteau, B., & Flór, J. - B. (2006). An experimental investigation on elliptical instability of a strongly asymmetric vortex pair in a stable density stratification. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 13(6), 641–649.
Castruccio, F., Verron, J., Gourdeau, L., Brankart, J. - M., & Brasseur, P. (2006). On the role of the GRACE mission in the joint assimilation of altimetry and TAO data in a tropical Pacific Ocean model. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(25), 14616.
Chemel, C., & Chollet, J. - P. (2006). Observations of the daytime atmospheric boundary layer in deep alpine valleys. Boundary – layer meteorology, 119, 239–262.
Cienfuegos, R., Barthélemy, E., & Bonneton, P. (2006). A fourth-order compact finite volume scheme for fully nonlinear and weakly dispersive Boussinesq-type equations. Part I: Model development and analysis. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 51(11), 1217–1253.
Etienne, J., Rastello, M., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2006). Modelling and simulation of powder-snow avalanches. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 334(8-9), 545–554.
Foray, P., Bonjean, D., Michallet, H., & Mory, M. (2006). Fluid-soil-structure interaction in liquefaction around a cyclically moving cylinder. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 132(4), 289–299.
Georgescu, C., Canot, E., & Achard, J. - L. (2006). Oil in water injection from a submerged nozzle. Scientific bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timisoara., 51(65), 67–74.
Gerkema, T., Staquet, C., & Bouruet-Aubertot, P. (2006). Decay of semi-diurnal internal-tide beams due to subharmonic resonance. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(8), 08604.
Gerkema, T., Staquet, C., & Bouruet-Aubertot, P. (2006). Nonlinear effects in internal-tide beams, and mixing. Ocean Modelling, 12, 302–318.
Gostiaux, L., Dauxois, T., Didelle, H., Sommeria, J., & Viboud, S. (2006). Quantitative laboratory observations of internal wave reflection on ascending slopes. Physics of Fluids, 18, 056602.
Gryanik, V., Sokolovskiy, M., & Verron, J. (2006). Dynamics of heton-like vortices. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 11(3), 383–434.
Guarracino, M., Barnier, B., Marsaleix, P., Durrieu De Madron, X., Monaco, A., Escoubeyrou, K., et al. (2006). Transfer of particulate matter from the Northwestern Mediterranean continental margin: Variability and controlling factors. Journal of marine research, 64(2), 195–220.
Hermosilla-Lara, G., Momen, G., Marty, P., Le Neindre, B., & Hassouni, K. (2006). Hydrogen storage by adsorption on activated carbon: investigation of the thermal effects during the charging process. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, .
Johnson, E. R., Esler, J. G., Rump, O. J., Sommeria, J., & Vilenski, G. G. (2006). Orographically generated nonlinear waves in rotating and nonrotating two-layer flow. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and physical sciences, 462(A), 3–20.
Koudella, C., & Staquet, C. (2006). Instability mechanisms of a two-dimensional progressive internal gravity wave. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 548, 165–195.
Leprovost, N., Dubrulle, B., & Plunian, F. (2006). Instability of the homopolar disk-dynamo in presence of white noise. Magnetohydrodynamics c/c of Magnitnaia Gidrodinamika, 42(2-3), 131–142.
Leprovost, N., Dubrulle, B., & Plunian, F. (2006). Intermittency in the homopolar disk-dynamo. Magnetohydrodynamics c/c of Magnitnaia Gidrodinamika, 42(2/3), 131.
Maidi, M., Lesieur, M., & Métais, O. (2006). Vortex control in large-eddy simulations of compressible round jets. Journal of Turbulence, 7(38), 1–22.
Marty, P., Fourmigue, J. - F., De Rango, P., Fruchart, D., & Charbonnier, J. (2006). Numerical Simulation Of Heat And Mass Transfer During The Absorption Of Hydrogen In A Magnesium Hydride. Energy Conversion and Management, 47(20), 3632–3643.
Negretti, M. - E., Vignoli, G., Tubino, M., & Brocchini, M. (2006). On shallow-water wakes: an analytical study. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 567, 457.
Ouellette, N. T., Xu, H., Bourgoin, M., & Bodenschatz, E. (2006). An experimental study of turbulent relative dispersion models. New Journal of Physics, 8, 109.
Ouellette, N. T., Xu, H., Bourgoin, M., & Bodenschatz, E. (2006). Small-scale anisotropy in Lagrangian turbulence. New Journal of Physics, 8, 102.
Ourmières, Y., Brankart, J. - M., Berline, L., Brasseur, P., & Verron, J. (2006). Incremental Analysis Update implementation into a sequential ocean data assimilation system. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 23(12), 1.
Penduff, T. (2006). Modélisation haute résolution de la variabilité océanique au cours des 50 dernières années. Lettre PIGB France, (19).
Penduff, T., Barnier, B., Molines, J. - M., & Madec, G. (2006). On the use of current meter data to assess the realism of ocean model simulations. Ocean Modelling, 11(3-4), 399–416.
Perrig, A., Avellan, F., Kueny, J. - L., Farhat, M., & Parkinson, E. (2006). Flow in a Pelton Turbine Bucket: Numerical and Experimental Investigations. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 128, 350–358.
Picard, C., & Davoust, L. (2006). Dilational rheology of an air-water interface functionalized by biomolecules: the role of surface diffusion. Rheologica Acta, (45), 497–504.
Picard, C., & Davoust, L. (2006). Resonance frequencies of meniscus waves as a physical mechanism for a DNA biosensor. Langmuir, .
Poulain, C., Mazellier, N., Chevillard, L., Gagne, Y., & Baudet, C. (2006). Dynamics of spatial Fourier modes in turbulence: Sweeping effect, long-time correlations and temporal intermittency. The European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, (53), 219–224.
Praud, O., Sommeria, J., & Fincham, A. M. (2006). Decaying grid turbulence in a rotating stratified fluid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 547, 389.
Robert, C., Blayo, E., & Verron, J. (2006). Comparison of reduced-order, sequential and variational data assimilation methods in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Ocean Dynamics, 56(5-6), 624–633.
Robert, C., Blayo, E., & Verron, J. (2006). Reduced-order 4D-Var: a preconditioner for the Incremental 4D-Var data assimilation method. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(L18609), 1–4.
Rouvière, A., Brulfert, G., Baussand, P., & Chollet, J. - P. (2006). Monoterpene source emissions from Chamonix in the Alpine Valleys. Atmospheric environment, 40(19), 3613–3620.
Roux, J. - M., Fouillet, Y., & Achard, J. - L. (2006). Déplacement 3D d’une microgoutte par des forces électrostatiques pour des laboratoires sur puces. La Houille Blanche – Revue internationale de l’eau, (3), 19–25.
Skachko, S., Brankart, J. - M., Castruccio, F., Brasseur, P., & Verron, J. (2006). Air-sea fluxes correction by sequential data assimilation. Mercator quarterly Newsletter, (22).
Sokolovskiy, M., & Verron, J. (2006). Some properties of motion of A + 1 vortices in a two-layer rotating fluid. Non linear dynamics, 2(1), 24–54.
Stepanov, R., & Plunian, F. (2006). Fully developed turbulent dynamo at low magnetic Prandtl numbers. Journal of Turbulence, 7(39), 1.
Tréguier, A. - M., Gourcuff, C., Lherminier, P., Mercier, H., Barnier, B., Madec, G., et al. (2006). Internal and forced variability along a section between Greenland and Portugal in the CLIPPER Atlantic model. Ocean Dynamics, 56, 568–580.
Vincent, P., Steunou, N., Caubet, E., Phalippou, L., Rey, L., Thouvenot, E., et al. (2006). AltiKa: a Ka-band altimetry payload and system for operational altimetry during the GMES period. Sensors, 6, 208–234.
Werkoff, F., Bontemps, A., & Maréchal, A. (2006). On controversy of behaviour of UF 6 cylinders exposed to fire: deeper examination of experimental results. Packaging, Transport, Storage & Security of Radioactive Materials, 17, 165–171.
Wirth, A., & Barnier, B. (2006). Tilted convective plumes in numerical experiments. Ocean Modelling, 12(1), 101–111.
Xu, H., Bourgoin, M., Ouellette, N. T., & Bodenschatz, E. (2006). High order Lagrangian velocity statistics in turbulence. Physical Review Letters, 96(2), 024503.
Zoppé, B., Pellone, C., Maître, T., & Leroy, P. (2006). Flow analysis inside a Pelton turbine bucket. Journal of Turbomachinery, 128, 500–511.
Conference Proceedings
Achard, J. - L., Chatelet, E., Foray, P., Imbault, D., & Maître, T. (2006). Tidal and Ocean Currents Energy. Harvest project : Structural analysis. In Séminaire Franco-Britannique sur les énergies marines. 19 et 20 Janvier. Le Havre, France.
Ahmad, M., Bontemps, A., Sallée, H., & Quénard, D. (2006). Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of a prototype cell using light wallboards coupling Vacuum Isolation Panels (VIP) and Phase Change Materials (PCM). In The proceeding of the 3rd Mediterranean Congress of HVAC engineering, Climamed. Lyon, France.
Ahmad, M., Bontemps, A., Sallée, H., & Quénard, D. (2006). Thermal testing and numerical simulation of a prototype cell using light wallboards coupling Vacuum Isolation Panels and Phase Change Material. In 3rd International Building Physics Conference. Montreal, Canada.
Amet, E., Pellone, C., & Maître, T. (2006). A numerical approach for estimating the aerodynamic characteristics of a two bladed vertical Darrieus wind turbine. In 2nd Workshop on Vortex dominated flows. Bucarest, Romania.
Antheaume, S., Maître, T., Buvat, C., & Abonnel, C. (2006). Optimisation of a vertical axis water turbine farm. In the proceeding of the International Conference – from. Innovation to Industry. BREMERHAVEN, Germany.
Avalos-Zuniga, R., Plunian, F., Stefani, F., Xu, M., & Gerbeth, G. (2006). Boundary effects on anisotropic a2 dynamos. In Proc. 10th Symposium of SEDI. Prague, Czech Republic.
Avalos-Zuniga, R., Xu, R., Stefani, F., & Gerbeth, G. (2006). Boundary effects on anisotropic a2dynamos. In 10th Symposium of SEDI. Prague, Czech Republic.
Barnier, B. (2006). Impact of partial steps and momentum advection schemes in a global ocean circulation model at eddy permitting resolution. In MERSEA Annual Science Meeting. Londres, United Kingdom.
Barnier, B., Penduff, T., Molines, J. - M., Tréguier, A. - M., & Madec, G. (2006). Recent progresses in modelling the ocean general circulation at eddy permitting resolution. In Recent progresses in modelling the ocean general circulation at eddy permitting resolution. VENIC, Italy.
Bavière, R., Le Person, S., Favre-Marinet, M., & Ayela, F. (2006). Les lois de l’hydrodynamique et des transferts thermiques par convection forcée aux microéchelles : Nouvelles théories ou erreurs expérimentales ? In Congrès Français de Thermique, de la Société Française des Thermiciens (pp. 665–670). Ile de ré, France.
Ben Rayana, F., Cartellier, A. H., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2006). Assisted atomization of a liquid layer: investigation of the parameters affecting the mean drop size prediction. In paper ICLASS06-190) ISBN 4-9902774-1-4, Publ. Academic Publication and Printings Co., (8). Kyoto, Japan.
Botzung, M., Chaudourne, S., Perret, C., Latroche, M., Percheron-Guegan, A., & Marty, P. (2006). Hydrogen Storage using Metal Hydrides in a Stationary Cogeneration System. In Whec. Lyon, France.
Bourgoin, M., Baudet, C., Cartellier, A. H., & Gervais, P. (2006). 3D Acoustic Lagrangian Velocimetry. In Euromech Colloquium 477 ”Particle-laden flow from geophysical to Kolmogorov scales”. Twente, Netherlands.
Bourgoin, M., Baudet, C., Cartellier, A. H., Gervais, P., & Gagne, Y. (2006). 3D Acoustic Lagrangian Velocimetry. In ASME 2nd Joint US-European Fluid Engineering Summer Meeting. Miami, United States.
Bourgoin, M., Ouellette, N. T., Xu, H., & Bodenschatz, E. (2006). Anisotropie à petite échelle en turbulence. In GDR Turbulence. NICE, France.
Bourgoin, M., Qureshi, M. N., Cartellier, A. H., Gagne, Y., & Baudet, C. (2006). Particles in turbulence. Preliminary studies from acoustic velocimetry. In Workshop of the European Research Network ”Stirring and Mixing in Turbulence: the Lagrangian Approach”. Leiden, Germany.
Bourgoin, M., Volk, R., Plihon, N., Augier, P., Odier, P., & Pinton, J. - F. (2006). Dynamo Bullard von-Karman expérimentales. In GDR Dynamo. NICE, France.
Brasseur, P. (2006). Data assimilation methods based on the Kalman Filter: theoretical aspects, oceanographic applications and operational implementations. In 3nd ENVISAT International Summer School. FRASCATI, Italy.
Brodeau, L., Penduff, T., Barnier, B., Tréguier, A. - M., Gulev, S. K., & Molines, J. - M. (2006). Combining satellite products and reanalysed atmospheric variables to build long-term forcing for global ocean/sea-ice simulations. In Combining satellite products and reanalysed atmospheric variables to build long-term forcing for global ocean/sea-ice simulations. VIENNA, Austria.
Broquet, G., Brasseur, P., Rozier, D., Brankart, J. - M., & Verron, J. (2006). Estimation of model error covariance in a nested coastal model for multivariate data assimilation systems. In 15 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry” Symposium. VENICE, Italy.
Caney, N., Marty, P., & Bigot, J. (2006). Etude de l’ébullition dans les mini-canaux. In Acte du Congrès Français de Thermique. Ile de ré, France.
Caney, N., Marty, P., & Bigot, J. (2006). Experimental flow boiling in mini-channels. In International Heat Transfer Conference. Sydney,, Australia.
Caney, N., Marty, P., & Bigot, J. (2006). Experimental flow boiling in mini-channels. In Annals of the Assembly for International Heat Transfer Conference 13. Sydney, Australia.
Castruccio, F., Verron, J., Gourdeau, L., Brankart, J. - M., & Brasseur, P. (2006). On the role of GRACE for the joint assimilation of altimetry and in-situ data. In 15 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium. Venice, Italy.
Chanut, J., Barnier, B., & Large, W. (2006). The Roles of Mesoscale Eddies in Labrador Sea Convection and Re-stratification. In The Roles of Mesoscale Eddies in Labrador Sea Convection and Re-stratification. HONOLULU - HAWAII, United States.
Chassignet, E. P., Hurlburt, H. E., Smedstad, O. M., Cummings, J. T., Kang, H., Thacker, C., et al. (2006). HYCOM ocean prediction and satellite data assimilation. In 15 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium. VENICE, Italy.
Chemel, C., Staquet, C., & Chollet, J. - P. (2006). Entrainment processes at the top of the convectively-driven atmospheric boundary layer. In Geophys. Res (Vol. 8). Vienna, Australia.
Chemel, C., Staquet, C., & Chollet, J. - P. (2006). On the entrainment law at the top of the convectively-driven atmospheric boundary layer. In Second General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union. Vienna, Austria.
Chemel, C., Staquet, C., & Chollet, J. - P. (2006). On the entrainment law at the top of the convectively-driven atmospheric boundary layer. In 17th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence. San Diego, United States.
Chemel, C., Staquet, C., & Tavernier, M. (2006). Internal gravity waves generated by katabatic flows in a valley. In Colloque de l’EMS. Ljubijana, Slovenia.
Chemel, C., Staquet, C., & Tavernier, M. (2006). Internal gravity waves generated by katabatic flows in a valley and induced mixing. In 12th Conference on Mountain Meteorology. Santa Fe, United States.
Choffat, T., Fortes Patella, R., & Barre, S. (2006). Comparison between two approaches to simulate the mass loss in cavitation erosion. In CAV 2006 Symposium. Wageningen, New Zealand.
Chollet, J. - P., Brulfert, G., & Chemel, C. (2006). LES applied to atmospheric dispersion. In 1st Sino-French Workshop on Large-Eddy Simulation of Eolian Transport. Lanzhou, China.
Ciocan, G. D., & Kueny, J. - L. (2006). Experimental Analysis of Rotor-Stator interaction in a Pump-Turbine. In 23rd IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems. Yokohama, Japan.
Congedo, P. M., Cinnella, P., & Corre, C. E. (2006). Shape optimization for dense gas flows through turbine cascades. In 4th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD 4). Ghant, Belgium.
Debray, F., Dellinger, N., Favre-Marinet, M., & Franc, J. - P. (2006). Le refroidissement des aimants pour champs intenses. In SHF – Microfluidics 2006. Toulouse, France.
Décamp, S., & Sommeria, J. (2006). Vortex generation by dense water overflow. In Symposium on Hamiltonian Dynamics, Vortex Structures, Turbulence. Romania.
Derouard, J., Delon, A., Jaffiol, R., & Vézy, C. (2006). Application of fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy to the measurement of the concentration of molecules deposited on solid substrates. In SPIE Proceedings: Biophotonics and New Therapy Frontiers (61910). SPIE Proceedings: Biophotonics and New Therapy Frontiers, 6191. Strasbourg, France.
Doche, O. L., & Tardu, S. F. (2006). Suboptimal controllability of the near wall turbulence through local imposed unsteadiness. In The proceeding of the 14th European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting. Ischia, Italy.
Doche, O. L., & Tardu, S. F. (2006). Suboptimal controllability via imposed local unsteadiness. In Abstracts IUTAM. London, United Kingdom.
Faure, X., Joussellin, F., Pierson, P., & Quénard, D. (2006). RC Networks approach for Hybrid envelops in Positive Energy Building. In 4th European Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in buildings (EPIC) (pp. 473–478). Lyon, France.
Ferrouillat, S., Ayela, F., & Bontemps, A. (2006). Intégration pariétale de nanotubes de carbone sur les parois de microcanaux. In Congrès SFT. Ile de Ré, France.
Ferry, N., Drévillon, M., Rémy, E., Tranchant, B., Benkiran, M., Greiner, E., et al. (2006). Fifteen years of altimetry and satellite data: benefits for Mercator-Ocean operational forecasting system. In 15 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry” Symposium. VENICE, Italy.
Ferry, N., Testut, C. - E., Tranchant, B., & Brasseur, P. (2006). The second generation of the MERCATOR multivariate Ocean Assimilation System. In Word Maritime Technology Conference. LONDON, United Kingdom.
Flór, J. - B. (2006). Unstable fronts in differentially rotating stratified fluids. In The proceeding of the ISSF International Symposium on Stratified Fluid (6). Perth, Australia.
Fortes Patella, R., Barre, S., & Reboud, J. - L. (2006). Experiments and modelling of cavitating flows in Venturi. Part II: unsteady cavitation. In CAV 2006 Symposium. Wageningen, Netherlands.
Fouillet, Y., Jary, D., Brachet, A. G., Berthier, J., Blervaque, R., Davoust, L., et al. (2006). Ewod Digital Microfluidics for Lab On a Chip. In ASME 4th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Limerick, Ireland.
Franc, J. - P. (2006). Physics and control of cavitation. In RTO Lecture Series, Design and analysis of high speed pumps. France.
Franc, J. - P., & Riondet, M. (2006). Incubation time and cavitation erosion rate of work-hardening materials. In Sixth International Symposium on Cavitation, CAV2006. Wageningen, Netherlands.
Galbrun, E., Fouillet, Y., Glière, A., Achard, J. - L., Rouillon, F., Saint-Bonnet, P., et al. (2006). Development of a New Type of Aerosol Collector with yields Independent of Nanoparticle Size. In Fourth International Conference on Tracers and Tracing Methods (Tracer 4). Autrans, France.
Gamrat, G., Bavière, R., Le Person, S., Favre-Marinet, M., & Ayela, F. (2006). Modélisation numérique des effets de rugosité sur l’hydrodynamique et les transferts thermiques en microcanaux. In Congrès Français de Thermique (pp. 671–676). Ile de Ré, France.
Gamrat, G., Favre-Marinet, M., & Le Person, S. (2006). Roughness Effect on Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer in Rectangular Microchannels. In 1st European Advanced Technology Workshop. La rochelle, France.
Gamrat, G., Favre-Marinet, M., Le Person, S., Bavière, R., & Ayela, F. (2006). Modelling Of Roughness Effect On Laminar Flow And Heat Transfer In Rectangular Microchannels. In 13th International Heat Transfer Conference. sydney, United States.
Georgescu, S. - C., Canot, E., Achard, J. - L., & Soucemarianadin, A. (2006). Drops ejection from a capillary nozzle by Drop-On-Demand technology. In Proc. Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow CMFF’06, 2006. Budapest, Hungary.
Gonzalo Flores, N., Rolland, J., Goncalvès Da Silva, E., Fortes Patella, R., & Rebattet, C. (2006). Head drop of spatial turbopump inducer. In CAV 2006 Symposium. Wageningen, Netherlands.
Guyez, E., Flór, J. - B., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2006). Mixing across a density interface in a Taylor-Couette flow. In ISSF international Symposium on Stratified Fluid. Perth, Australia.
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Ph.D. Theses
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Berline, L. (2006). Assimilation de données dans un modèle couplé physique-biogéochimie de l’Atlantique Nord. Ph.D. thesis, Université Joseph-Fourier - Grenoble I, .
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Castruccio, F. (2006). Apports des données gravimétriques GRACE pour l’assimilation de données altimétriques et in-situ dans un modèle de l’Océan Pacifique Tropical. Ph.D. thesis, Université Joseph-Fourier - Grenoble I, .
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Guyez, E. (2006). Mélange d’interfaces de densité en écoulements de Taylor – Couette. Ph.D. thesis, Université Joseph-Fourier - Grenoble I, .
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Book Contributions
Brasseur, P. (2006). Ocean Data Assimilation using Sequential Methods based on the Kalman Filter. In E. Chassignet, & J. Verron (Eds.), Ocean Weather Forecasting (pp. 271–316).