Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

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Accueil > Actualités > Séminaires > Séminaires 2009

Mardi 1 décembre à 11h00 - salle A103

Andre Nicolle (UCL)

Titre/Title :
ACEFem : Flexible high performance computations for fluid problems

Contact :
Jan-Bert Flor

Résumé/abstract :
This talk will introduce the ACE-FEM codes which have been developed to
analyse large scale problems which can be described by a set of continuum
equations. The code is written in a general way to enable computational
objects to be defined using macro-commands written in a text file. The
code has been tested at 50 million node capability on 3D problems, and the
roll out to 100 million plus will be soon completed. A general description
of the current applications will be given, mainly focusing on flow through
and round groups of bodies.