Titre/Title :
Experimental researches about liquid flows and Nano-particle motions in micro scales
Contact :
Sedat Tardu
Résumé/Abstract :
As the development of Microfluidic in TAS, LOC, the behaviors of liquid flows have become the focus in the fluid mechanics researches. An experimental system, including pressure \u2013 flow rate measurements, MicroPIV/PTV etc. has been established in LNM. The talk will summarize the experimental progress, including flow behaviors of simple liquids driven by high pressures in microtubes with 3 20 m diameters, the hydrophobicity of surfaces with micro-structures, velocity profile measurements near the bottom of a microchannel ( 250nm) and Brownian motion measurements with fluorescent particles (50 500nm) etc. The influences of depletion layers, particle sizes and nano-particles interfaces will be discussed.