Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

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Internal solitary waves in a laboratory model of the Strait of Gibraltar

10/10/2024 - Axel Tassigny

My PHD is dedicated to an experimental study of the Strait of Gibraltar. A reduced model of the topography of a region including the Strait of Gibraltar, the west Alboran Sea and the Gulf of Cadiz was mounted on the 13 m diameter rotating tank of the Coriolis platform (LEGI, Grenoble). Experiments are carried in similarity with regard to the Rossby number and the Froude number at Camarinal Sill, and at high Reynolds. The tidal forcing is reproduced using two oscillating plungers to impose spring tide, neap tide and transitory conditions. We are able to reproduce the generation and propagation of eastward travelling internal waves in similarity. Two regimes of internal waves, bore-like and soliton-like, are observed and their dichotomy is attributed to the change of pycnocline depth.