Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

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Accueil > Actualités > Séminaires > Séminaires 2024

Mardi 21 Mai 11h00 - LEGI Salle K118

Samuel Boury, FAST

Towards internal gravity wave turbulence : wave-wave and wave-mean flow interactions

Internal gravity waves are waves propagating in stratified fluids (i.e. fluids in which density varies with depth, notably geophysical fluids such as the atmosphere or oceans) that have been the subject of numerous studies recently due to their central role in oceanic mixing processes, essential to accurately parametrize climate models. These waves are involved in energy transfers, both spatially (through the entire stratification, from the ocean surface to the abyss, for example) and across scales (from large-scale forcing to turbulent dissipative scales). Due to the peculiar properties of these waves, the precise modalities of said transfers still lack a global understanding. To probe these issues, this presentation provides an overview of several works using experimental, numerical, and theoretical methods. Different types of interactions that ultimately lead to an enrichment of the frequency spectrum are discussed : from discrete non-linear wave-wave interactions within a particular geometry (an axisymmetric geometry), to wave-mean flow interactions involving a Doppler shift term, and including an opening to new perspectives in wave turbulence.

Contact Nicolas Mordant for more information or to schedule a discussion with the seminar speaker.