Note : all of these research activities are carried out under the European project ERC WATU.
Most of geo and astrophysical flows are turbulent and affected by background stratification, i.e. the density of the fluid vary with altitude, and/or background rotation. The major effect of these two ingredients is the possibility to propagate internal waves : internal gravity waves for stratified flows and inertial gravity waves for roatating flows. Such waves and usual turbulent vortices can thus coexist and interact in a complex manner, the behaviour of the flow depending on the relative strength of non-linearity,
stratification/rotation effects and spatial/temporal structure of the forcing.
Funded by the ERC WATU, we carry out experiments in the Coriolis platform of stratified and/or rotating turbulence. Internal waves are forced by two oscillating walls in a tank of 5 by 5 m^2 filled with 1-m-height of water. The flow will be analyzed in the framework of Weak Wave Turbulence Theory. This theory describes the limit of an assembly of quasi-linear waves weakly interacting through resonant triadic interactions.
Are we able to reach experimentally this theoretically predicted regime ?
What is the relative energetic part of internal waves and vortices ?
Is the flow exhibit resonant triadic interactions ?
Project Leader :
- Nicolas MORDANT - LEGI, France
- Clément SAVARO - LEGI, France