Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

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Publications 2019


Maréchal, E., Boyen, C., Arlat, M., Bousquet-Antonelli, C., Boutté, Y., Carles, C., et al. (2019). Rapport de conjoncture. Section 23 Biologie Végétale Intégrative. Comité Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique.


Achard, J. - L., & Roux, J. - M. (2019). Procédé pour concentrer et collecter des microorganismes présents dans un liquide. France.
Ayela, F., & Colombet, D. (2019). Method for exfoliating particles. United States.


Doussot, F., Balarac, G., Brammer, J., Métais, O., & Ségoufin, C. (2019). Numerical simulation and analysis at partial load in Francis turbines: Three-dimensional topology and frequency signature of inter-blade vortices (I. O. P. Publishing, Ed.). IOP Publishing.
Montbroussous, B., Schaeffer, J., Moreau, G. P. A., Berthoud, F., & Feltin, G. (2019). Diagnostiquez l’impact environnemental de votre parc informatique avec EcoDiag, un service EcoInfo.

Currently in Preparation or Submitted

Doussot, F., Balarac, G., Brammer, J., Laurant, Y., & Métais, O. (2019). RANS and LES simulations at partial load in Francis turbines: Three-dimensional topology and dynamic behaviour of inter-blade vortices.
Leclair, M., Raja, K., & Staquet, C. (2019). Nonlinear reflection of a two-dimensional finite-width internal gravity wave onto a slope.
Mora Paiba, D. A. O., Pladellorens, E. M., Turró, P. R., Lagauzère, M., & Obligado, M. (2019). Energy cascades in active-grid-generated turbulent flows.
Sahut, G., Ghigliotti, G., Marty, P., & Balarac, G. (2019). Evaluation of Level Set reinitialization algorithms for phase change simulation on unstructured grids.

Peer-reviewed Publications

Abbaszadeh, S., Hoerner, S., Maître, T., & Leidhold, R. (2019). Experimental investigation of an optimized pitch control for a Vertical Axis Turbine. IET Renewable Power Generation, 13(16), 3106–3112.
Augier, P., Mohanan, A. V., & Bonamy, C. (2019). FluidDyn: A Python Open-Source Framework for Research and Teaching in Fluid Dynamics by Simulations, Experiments and Data Processing. Journal of Open Research Software, 7.
Augier, P., Mohanan, A. V., & Lindborg, E. (2019). Shallow water wave turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 874, 1169–1196.
Blandin, R., Van Hirtum, A., Pelorson, X., & Laboissière, R. (2019). Multimodal radiation impedance of a waveguide with arbitrary cross-sectional shape terminated in an infinite baffle. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(4), 2561–2564.
Bouvet, A., Amelot, A., Pelorson, X., Maeda, S., & Van Hirtum, A. (2019). External lighting and sensing photoglottography: Characterization and MSePGG algorithm. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 51, 318–327.
Branson, P. M., Gisalberti, M., Ivey, G. N., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2019). Cylinder wakes in shallow oscillatory flow: the coastal island wake problem. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 874, 158–184.
Bulliard-Sauret, O., Berindei, J., Ferrouillat, S., Vignal, L., Memponteil, A., Poncet, C., et al. (2019). Heat transfer intensification by low or high frequency ultrasound: Thermal and hydrodynamic phenomenological analysis. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 104, 258–271.
Calas, A., Uzu, G., Besombes, J. - L., Martins, J. M. F., Redaelli, M., Weber, S., et al. (2019). Seasonal Variations and Chemical Predictors of Oxidative Potential (OP) of Particulate Matter (PM), for Seven Urban French Sites. Atmosphere, 10(11), 698.
Campagne, A., Hassaini, R., Redor, I., Valran, T., Viboud, S., Sommeria, J., et al. (2019). Identifying four-wave-resonant interactions in a surface gravity wave turbulence experiment. Physical Review Fluids, 4(7).
Carrat, J. - B., Bouvard, T., Fortes Patella, R., & Franc, J. - P. (2019). Cavitation aggressiveness on a hydrofoil. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 240, 062021.
Carrat, J. - B., Fortes Patella, R., & Franc, J. - P. (2019). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Erosive Potential of a Leading Edge Cavity. International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 12(2), 136–146.
Clark, A., Machicoane, N., & Aliseda, A. (2019). A quantitative study of track initialization of the four-frame best estimate algorithm for three-dimensional Lagrangian particle tracking. Measurement Science and Technology, .
Dollet, B., Louf, J. - F., Alonzo, M., Jensen, K., & Marmottant, P. (2019). Drying of channels by evaporation through a permeable medium. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16(151), 20180690.
Friese, P. S., Hopfinger, E. J., & Dreyer, M. E. (2019). Liquid Hydrogen Sloshing under Microgravity in Superheated Vessels. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 106, 100–118.
Fromant, G., Hurther, D., Van Der Zanden, J., Van Der A, D. A., Cáceres, I., O’donoghue, T., et al. (2019). Wave Boundary Layer Hydrodynamics and Sheet Flow Properties under Large-Scale Plunging-Type Breaking Waves. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans, 124(1), 75–98.
Guyot, G., Cartellier, A. H., & Matas, J. - P. (2019). Depth of penetration of bubbles entrained by an oscillated plunging water jet. Chemical Engineering Science, , 100017.
Hassaini, R., Mordant, N., Miquel, B., Krstulovic, G., & Düring, G. (2019). Elastic weak turbulence: From the vibrating plate to the drum. Physical Review E, 99(3).
Hoerner, S., & Bonamy, C. (2019). Structured-light-based surface measuring for application in fluid–structure interaction. Experiments in Fluids, 60(11), 168.
Hoerner, S., Abbaszadeh, S., Maître, T., Cleynen, O., & Thévenin, D. (2019). Characteristics of the fluid–structure interaction within Darrieus water turbines with highly flexible blades. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 88, 13–30.
Huck, P. D., Machicoane, N., & Volk, R. (2019). Lagrangian acceleration timescales in anisotropic turbulence. Physical Review Fluids, .
Joshi, S., Franc, J. - P., Ghigliotti, G., & Fivel, M. C. (2019). SPH modelling of a cavitation bubble collapse near an elasto-visco-plastic material. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 125, 420–439.
Krishna Raja, D., Das, S. P., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2019). On standing gravity wave-depression cavity collapse and jetting. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 866, 112–131.
Legay, M., Bulliard-Sauret, O., Ferrouillat, S., Boldo, P., & Gondrexon, N. (2019). Methods to Evaluate Heat Transfer Enhancement in an Ultrasonic Heat Exchanger. Heat Transfer Engineering, , 1–16.
Li, D., Bothell, J. K., Morgan, T. R., Machicoane, N., Aliseda, A., Kastengren, A. L., et al. (2019). Time-Averaged Spray Analysis In The Near-Field Region Using Broadband And Narrowband X-Ray Measurements. Atomization and Sprays, 29, 331–349.
Link, O., Mignot, E., Roux, S., Camenen, B., Escauriaza, C., Chauchat, J., et al. (2019). Scour at Bridge Foundations in Supercritical Flows: An Analysis of Knowledge Gaps. Water, 11(8), 1656.
Machicoane, N., Aliseda, A., Volk, R., & Bourgoin, M. (2019). A simplified and versatile calibration method for multi-camera optical systems in 3D particle imaging. Review of Scientific Instruments, 90(3), 035112.
Machicoane, N., Bothell, J. K., Li, D., Morgan, T. R., Heindel, T. J., Kastengren, A. L., et al. (2019). Synchrotron radiography characterization of the liquid core dynamics in a canonical two-fluid coaxial atomizer. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 115, 1–8.
Martin, A., Negretti, M. - E., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2019). Development of gravity currents on slopes under different interfacial instability conditions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 880, 180–208.
Mathieu, A., Chauchat, J., Bonamy, C., & Nagel, T. (2019). Two-Phase Flow Simulation of Tunnel and Lee-Wake Erosion of Scour below a Submarine Pipeline. Water, 11(8), 1727.
Mercier, B., & Castelain, T. (2019). Dynamic analysis of a Rayleigh scattering setup using synthetic light signals from a modulated LED. Review of Scientific Instruments, 90, 063109.
Mercier, B., Castelain, T., & Bailly, C. (2019). Experimental study of the coherent vorticity in slightly under-expanded supersonic screeching jets. International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 18, 207–230.
Mercier, B., Jondeau, E., Castelain, T., Ozawa, Y., Bailly, C., & Comte-Bellot, G. (2019). High frequency temperature fluctuation measurements by Rayleigh scattering and constant-voltage cold-wire techniques. Experiments in Fluids, 60, 110.
Mohanan, A. V., Bonamy, C., & Augier, P. (2019). FluidFFT: Common API (C++ and Python) for Fast Fourier Transform HPC Libraries. Journal of Open Research Software, 7.
Mohanan, A. V., Bonamy, C., Calpe Linares, M., & Augier, P. (2019). FluidSim: Modular, Object-Oriented Python Package for High-Performance CFD Simulations. Journal of Open Research Software, 7.
Mora Paiba, D. A. O., Cartellier, A. H., & Obligado, M. (2019). Experimental estimation of turbulence modification by inertial particles at moderate $\textRe_λ$. Physical Review Fluids, 4(7).
Mora Paiba, D. A. O., Muñiz Pladellorens, E., Riera Turró, P., Lagauzère, M., & Obligado, M. (2019). Energy cascades in active-grid-generated turbulent flows. Physical Review Fluids, 4(10).
Obligado, M., & Vassilicos, J. C. (2019). The non-equilibrium part of the inertial range in decaying homogeneous turbulence. EPL – Europhysics Letters, 127(6), 64004.
Osuna-Orozco, R., Machicoane, N., Huck, P. D., & Aliseda, A. (2019). Feedback Control Of Coaxial Atomization Based On The Spray Liquid Distribution. Atomization and Sprays, .
Ozawa, Y., Nonomura, T., Mercier, B., Castelain, T., Bailly, C., & Asai, K. (2019). Cross-spectral analysis of PSP images for estimation of surface pressure spectra corrupted by the shot noise. Experiments in Fluids, 60(8).
Pont, A., Guasch, O., Baiges, J., Codina, R., & Van Hirtum, A. (2019). Computational aeroacoustics to identify sound sources in the generation of sibilant /s/. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, .
Qiu, X., Bouchiat, V., Colombet, D., & Ayela, F. (2019). Liquid-phase exfoliation of graphite into graphene nanosheets in a hydrocavitating ‘lab-on-a-chip’. RSC Advances, 9(6), 3232–3238.
Quimbayo-Duarte, J., Staquet, C., Chemel, C., & Arduini, G. (2019). Dispersion of Tracers in the Stable Atmosphere of a Valley Opening onto a Plain. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, .
Quimbayo-Duarte, J., Staquet, C., Chemel, C., & Arduini, G. (2019). Impact of Along-Valley Orographic Variations on the Dispersion of Passive Tracers in a Stable Atmosphere. Atmosphere, 10(4), 225.
Raimundo, P. M., Cloupet, A., Cartellier, A. H., Beneventi, D., & Augier, F. (2019). Hydrodynamics and scale-up of bubble columns in the heterogeneous regime: Comparison of bubble size, gas holdup and liquid velocity measured in 4 bubble columns from 0.15 m to 3 m in diameter. Chemical Engineering Science, 198, 52–61.
Redor, I., Barthélemy, E., Michallet, H., Onorato, M., & Mordant, N. (2019). Experimental Evidence of a Hydrodynamic Soliton Gas. Physical Review Letters, 122(21).
Rey, C., Hengl, N., Baup, S., Karrouch, M., Dufresne, A., Djeridi, H., et al. (2019). Velocity, stress and concentration fields revealed by micro-PIV and SAXS within concentration polarization layers during cross-flow ultrafiltration of colloidal Laponite clay suspensions. Journal of Membrane Science, 578, 69–84.
Rey, C., Hengl, N., Baup, S., Karrouch, M., Gicquel, E., Dufresne, A., et al. (2019). Structure, Rheological Behavior, and in Situ Local Flow Fields of Cellulose Nanocrystal Dispersions during Cross-Flow Ultrafiltration. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 7(12), 10679–10689.
Shmakova, N., & Flór, J. - B. (2019). Nonlinear aspects of focusing internal waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 862.
Sochinskii, A., Colombet, D., Medrano Muñoz, M., Ayela, F., & Luchier, N. (2019). Flow and heat transfer around a diamond-shaped cylinder at moderate Reynolds number. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 142, 118435.
Sulpis, O., Dufour, C. O., Trossman, D., Fassbender, A., Arbic, B., Boudreau, B., et al. (2019). Reduced CaCO3 Flux to the Seafloor and Weaker Bottom Current Speeds Curtail Benthic CaCO3 Dissolution Over the 21st Century. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33(12), 1654–1673.
Turi, F., & Fortes Patella, R. (2019). Numerical methodology to predict and analyze cavitating flows in a Kaplan turbine. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 240, 022019.
Turi, F., Fortes Patella, R., & Balarac, G. (2019). Numerical Methodology to Predict and Analyze Cavitating Flows in a Kaplan Turbine. International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 12, 1882–9554.
Van Hirtum, A., Bouvet, A., & Pelorson, X. (2019). Quantifying the auto-oscillation complexity following water spraying with interest for phonation. Physical Review E, 100(4).
Vincze, M., Fenyvesi, N., Klein, M., Sommeria, J., Viboud, S., & Ashkenazy, Y. (2019). Evidence for wind-induced Ekman layer resonance based on rotating tank experiments. EPL – Europhysics Letters, 125(4), 44001.
Wirth, A. (2019). On fluctuating momentum exchange in idealised models of air sea interaction. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 26(4), 457–477.
Ylönen, M., Franc, J. - P., Miettinen, J., Saarenrinne, P., & Fivel, M. C. (2019). Shedding frequency in cavitation erosion evolution tracking. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 118, 141–149.
Zemach, T., Ungarish, M., Martin, A., & Negretti, M. - E. (2019). On gravity currents of fixed volume that encounter a down-slope or up-slope bottom. Physics of Fluids, 31(9), 096604.

Conference Proceedings

Alonzo, M., Huang, Z., & Cartellier, A. H. (2019). Control of large-scale instabilities and of drop sizes in assisted atomization. In ILASS-Americas 2019, 30th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Tempe, Arizona, United States.
Aubrun, S., Bastankhah, M., Cal, R. B., Conan, B., Hearst, R. J., Hoek, D., et al. (2019). Round-robin tests of porous disc models. In Wake conference (Vol. 1256, 012004). Visby, Sweden.
Bellec, M., Bieder, U., Luchier, N., Moro, J. - P., Girard, A., & Balarac, G. (2019). Simulation des Grandes Échelles d’un écoulement d’air turbulent pour le refroidissement d’amplificateurs de lasers. In 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. Brest, France.
Bellec, M., Luchier, N., Balarac, G., Bieder, U., & Girard, A. (2019). Numerical study of the cryogenic cooling of amplifiers for high power lasers. In The 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT). Wicklow, Ireland.
Blein, S., Brun, C., & Cohard, J. - M. (2019). Turbulence spectral-characteristics of pure katabatic flow over a steep Alpine slope. In EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienne, Austria.
Bonamy, C., Lefèvre, L., & Moreau, G. P. A. (2019). Calcul haute performance et efficacité énergétique : focus sur OpenFOAM. In JRES (Journées réseaux de l’enseignement et de la recherche ) 2019 (pp. 1–9). Dijon, France.
Cartellier, A. H. (2019). Bubble columns hydrodynamics revisited according to new experimental data. In “ Recent advances in bubble columns ” organized by EFCE and SFGP. Paris, France.
Charrondière, C., Brun, C., Sicart, J. - E., & Cohard, J. - M. (2019). Buoyancy effect of katabatic flows on turbulence above a steep alpine slope. In 35th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology 2019. Riva del Garda, Italy.
Clary, V., Delafin, P. - L., Maître, T., & Oudart, T. (2019). An adaptive 3D force distribution model for calculating interactions and power production in an array of vertical axis water turbines. In 7th Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop. Oxford, United Kingdom.
Dagaut, J., Balarac, G., Negretti, M. - E., & Brun, C. (2019). Transition to turbulence in Görtler flows.Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of a Blasius boundary layer over a curved wall. In 17th European Turbulence Conference. Turin, Italy.
Delafin, P. - L., Guillou, S., Sommeria, J., & Maître, T. (2019). Mesh sensitivity of vertical axis turbine wakes for farm simulations. In 24e Congrès Français de Mécanique. Brest, France.
Flór, J. - B., Jougla, T., Thysen, J. - H., & Van Bunder, T. (2019). Wave and vortex generation at baroclinic unstable fronts. In Witgaf2019. Cargese, France.
Flór, J. - B., Shmakova, N., Ermanyuk, E. V., & Chevillard, L. (2019). Focusing of waves in stratified and/or rotating fluids. In New Challenges in Turbulence Research V. Les Houches, France.
François, F., Djeridi, H., Barre, S., & Kledy, M. (2019). Measurements of void fraction, liquid temperature and velocity under boiling two-phase flows using thermal anemometry. In Specialist Workshop on Advanced Instrumentation and Measurements Techniques for Experiments related to Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics and Severe Accidents, SWINTH 2019. Livorno, Italy.
Gibelin, N., Cailletaud, R., Moreau, G. P. A., Scariot, J. - F., Feltin, G., & Defize, A. (2019). Nova – Un nuage arc-en-ciel au-dessus des Alpes. In JRES (Journées réseaux de l’enseignement et de la recherche ) 2019 (pp. 1–13). Dijon, France.
Glass, J., Avenas, Y., Bouvard, D., & Ferrouillat, S. (2019). An Analytical Model for the Optimisation of Metal Foam for Power Electronics Cooling. In Therminic 2019. Lecco, Italy.
Guyot, G., Cartellier, A. H., & Matas, J. - P. (2019). Experimental study of air entrainment by large scale plunging jets. In 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2019). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Kharche, S., Moro, J. - P., Baudet, C., & Girard, A. (2019). HECAL: A cryostat for calibration of hot wires. In Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC) 2019 (Vol. 755, 012078). Hartford, Connecticut, United States.
Lagauzère, M., & Obligado, M. (2019). La soufflerie à bas niveau de turbulence. In C2i2019 : 8ème Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation. Talence, France.
Lagauzère, M., Moreau, G. P. A., & Azzolina, C. (2019). Développement d’acquisition de données d’un anémomètre sur carte Arduino. In C2i 2019 : 8ème Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation. Talence, France.
Lagauzère, M., Viboud, S., Valran, T., & Sommeria, J. (2019). Plate-forme tournante instrumentée pour la dynamique des fluides de l’environnement. In C2i2019 : 8ème Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation. Talence, France.
Lefebvre, A., Gluck, S., Mezui, Y., Obligado, M., & Cartellier, A. H. (2019). A new optical sensor for bubble velocity and size measurements in heterogeneous bubbly flows. In The 12th European Congress Of Chemical Engineering. Florence, Italy.
Lucero, J. C., Pelorson, X., & Van Hirtum, A. (2019). Vocal fold oscillators at large asymmetries. In Proc. 11th MAVEBA Workshop (pp. 145–148). Firenze, Italy.
Montbroussous, B., Schaeffer, J., Moreau, G. P. A., Berthoud, F., & Feltin, G. (2019). Calculer le bilan Carbone de votre parc informatique avec EcoDiag, un service EcoInfo. In Congrès JRES : Les Journées Réseaux de l’Enseignement et de la Recherche. Dijon, France.
Mora Paiba, D. A. O., Obligado, M., Aliseda, A., & Cartellier, A. H. (2019). Measuring Inertial Particle Turbulent Clustering with 2D, and 1D techniques: a study of common pitfalls. In 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2019). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mora Paiba, D. A. O., Obligado, M., Aliseda, A., & Cartellier, A. H. (2019). The role of discrete and carrier phase mechanical coupling in the inertial particles settling velocity. In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Seattle, United States.
Moreau, G. P. A., Maire-Amiot, B., Gras, D., Colasuonno, H., Bamberger, J., Minet, A., et al. (2019). Pourquoi j’ai tué mon cuivre – mise en lumière de la FTTO dans l’ESR. In Congrès JRES : Les Journées Réseaux de l’Enseignement et de la Recherche. Dijon, France.
Obligado, M., Calmant, T., De Palma, N., Aliseda, A., & Cartellier, A. H. (2019). Preferential concentration of dense sub-Kolmogorov particles in active-grid-generated turbulence. In 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2019). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Obligado, M., Mora Paiba, D. A. O., & Cartellier, A. H. (2019). Experimental Estimation of Turbulence Modification by Inertial Particles at Moderate Re_lambda. In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Seattle, United States.
Pelorson, X., Bouvet, A., & Van Hirtum, A. (2019). Theoretical and experimental modeling of lesions of the vocal folds. In Proc. 11th MAVEBA Workshop (pp. 153–156). Firenze, Italy.
Pelorson, X., Van Hirtum, A., & Bouvet, A. (2019). Physical study of mid membranous lesions of the vocal fold. In Proc. 4th workshop on soft tissue modeling. Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Perrin, L., Colombet, D., Ledoux, G., Gondrexon, N., & Ayela, F. (2019). Luminescence of water in hydrodynamic cavitation with controlled dissolved gas in microchannel. In Congrès Français de Mécanique 2019. Brest, France.
Perrin, L., Podbevšek, D., Ledoux, G., Colombet, D., Gondrexon, N., & Ayela, F. (2019). Sonoluminescence et chimiluminescence en cavitation hydrodynamique ’sur puce’. In 5emes journées scientifiques ultrasons et procédés, Orange. Orange, France.
Pierini, S., De Ruggiero, P., Negretti, M. - E., Schiller-Weiss, I., Weiffenbach, J., Viboud, S., et al. (2019). Gap-leaping and intruding western boundary currents investigated with the large Coriolis-LEGI rotating platform. In Themes 2019. venice, Italy.
Poncet, C., Ferrouillat, S., Vignal, L., Bulliard-Sauret, O., Memponteil, A., & Gondrexon, N. (2019). Enhancement of heat transfer in forced convection by using dual high-low frequency ultrasound. In 4th Meeting of the Asia-Oceania Sonochemical Society (AOSS-4). Nanjing, China.
Poncet, C., Ferrouillat, S., Vignal, L., Bulliard-Sauret, O., Memponteil, A., & Gondrexon, N. (2019). Etude expérimentale de l’influence d’un champ ultrasonore bi-fréquence sur le transfert thermique en convection forcée. In 27ème Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique. Nantes, France.
Poncet, C., Ferrouillat, S., Vignal, L., Bulliard-Sauret, O., Memponteil, A., & Gondrexon, N. (2019). Intensification du transfert thermique en convection forcée par combinaison de champs ultrasonores. In Journées Scientifiques Ultrasons et Procédés – 5ème édition. Orange, France.
Qiu, X., Bouchiat, V., Colombet, D., & Ayela, F. (2019). Procédé de production microfluidique de graphène par cavitation hydrodynamique. In 5èmes Journées Scientifiques Utrasons et Procédés. Orange, France.
Quintard, C., Fouillet, Y., Parent, C., Gidrol, X., & Achard, J. - L. (2019). Expérimentation et modélisation du comportement hyperélastique d’une membrane dans une cartouche microfluidique. In Congrès Français de Mécanique. Brest, France.
Rey, C., Hengl, N., Baup, S., Pignon, F., Dufresne, A., & Djeridi, H. (2019). In-situ local flow fields and shear stress near membrane surface of colloidal suspensions concentrated during cross-flow ultrafiltration probed by SAXS and micro-PIV. In Euromembrane 2018, 9th – 13th Jul. Valencia, Spain.
Rueda Villegas, L., Colombet, D., Cazin, S., Cockx, A., Legendre, D., & Guiraud, P. (2019). Improvements of image processing for the analysis of dense dispersed two-phase flows. In 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow – ICMF 2019. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Sahut, G., Ghigliotti, G., Bégou, P., Marty, P., & Balarac, G. (2019). Numerical simulation of boiling on 3D unstructured grids. In ICMFHT’19 – 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer. Rome, Italy.
Shmakova, N., Ermanyuk, E. V., Voisin, B., & Flór, J. - B. (2019). Internal wave focusing by a horizontally oscillating torus: nonlinear aspects. In WITGAF 2019: Waves, Instabilities and Turbulence in Geophysical and Astrophysical Flows. Cargèse, France.
Staquet, C., Garcia Molina, C., Sommeria, J., Ajayi, A. - O., & Voisin, B. (2019). Momentum transport and mixing by internal lee waves and a vortical wake: laboratory and numerical experiments. In EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienna, Austria.
Sumbekova, S., Cartellier, A. H., Bourgoin, M., & Aliseda, A. (2019). Enhancement versus hindering: impact of the turbulence characteristics on the settling behavior of heavy sub-Kolmogorov particles in a turbulent flow. In 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2019). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Tardu, S. F. (2019). On large scale motions in wall bounded turbulent flows. In Fluid Turbulence Applications in Both Industrial and Environmental Topics. Marseille, France.
Tardu, S. F., & Doche, O. L. (2019). Interconnection of the buffer layer and the wall in a turbulent channel flow. In Int. Workshop on Reynolds number effect: implications for understanding and controlling turbulence. Shenzhen, China.
Van Hirtum, A., Bouvet, A., & Pelorson, X. (2019). Study of the influence of water spraying on an ongoing fluid-structure interaction: application to the role of vocal folds surface hydration in phonation. In 4th workshop on soft tissue modelling. Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Van Hirtum, A., Bouvet, A., Pelorson, X., & Tokuda, I. (2019). Physical study of the influence of left-right vocal folds angular asymmetry on phonation. In Proc. 11th MAVEBA Workshop (pp. 149–152). Proc. 11th MAVEBA Workshop. Firenze, Italy.

Ph.D. Theses

Clary, V. (2019). Développement d’un modèle simplifié 3D pour le calcul de parcs d’hydroliennes – Validation expérimentale. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Doussot, F. (2019). Simulation numérique de l’écoulement de charge partielle dans les turbines Francis : analyse de la topologie et de la dynamique des vortex inter-aubes. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Guyot, G. (2019). Contribution à la caractérisation des processus d’entraînement d’air dans les circuits d’aménagements hydro-électriques. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Quimbayo-Duarte, J. (2019). Numerical modelling of the stable atmospheric boundary layer over complex terrain and application to air quality. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Redor, I. (2019). Etude expérimentale de la turbulence intégrable en eau peu profonde. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Riofrío Almeida, M. C. (2019). Etude des écoulements diphasiques pour le refroidissement des composants électroniques en systèmes embarqués. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Sahut, G. (2019). Numerical simulation of boiling on unstructured grids. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Sarkar, P. (2019). Simulation of cavitation erosion by a coupled CFD-FEM approach. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Turi, F. (2019). Prediction of the influence of the cavitation on the performance of a Kaplan turbine. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .


Mora Paiba, D. A. O., Aliseda, A., Cartellier, A. H., & Obligado, M. (2019). Pitfalls Measuring 1D Inertial Particle Clustering.

Book Contributions

Campagne, A., Hassaini, R., Redor, I., Sommeria, J., & Mordant, N. (2019). The Energy Cascade of Surface Wave Turbulence: Toward Identifying the Active Wave Coupling. In Turbulent Cascade II (pp. 239–246).
Huck, P. D., Machicoane, N., & Volk, R. (2019). Small Scale Statistics of Turbulent Fluctuations Close to a Stagnation Point. In Turbulent Cascades II.
Machicoane, N., Huck, P. D., Clark, A., Aliseda, A., Volk, R., & Bourgoin, M. (2019). Recent Developments in Particle Tracking Diagnostics for Turbulence Research. In S. M.(eds) Toschi F. (Ed.), Flowing Matter (pp. 177–209). Springer.
Obligado, M., Volk, R., Mordant, N., & Bourgoin, M. (2019). Preferential concentration of finite solid particles in a swirling von Karman flow of water. In Turbulent Cascades II (Vol. 26). Springer.
Tardu, S. F., Doche, O. L., & Bauer, F. (2019). Spanwise Organization of Buffer Layer Coherent Structures. In Progress in Turbulence VIII (pp. 39–44).