12/01/18 - Miguel Calpe-Linares
Most geophysical flows occur in density stratified environments such as oceans and atmosphere.
Due to the vertical stratification, motions in the direction of gravity are damped by a restoring force.
Since they have a preferential direction, stratified flows are characterized to be strongly anisotropic.
The study of turbulence of stratified flows have become extremely important for a better understanding of the dynamics of our oceans and atmosphere.
I report results from 2D numerical simulations of a fluid in the presence of a stable density stratification.
The simulations have been carried out with the open pseudo-spectral solver fluidsim (developed by Pierre Augier (LEGI), Cyrille Bonamy (LEGI) and Ashwin Vishnu (KTH)).
The forcing is applied to the Fourier modes in an anisotropic region of the spectral space.
I will discuss both horizontal and vertical energy spectra for different levels of stratification.