Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

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Publications 2018


Achard, J. - L., Balarac, G., Barre, S., & Maurice, G. (2018). Eolienne flottante à turbines jumelles à axe vertical et architecture optimisée. France.
Achard, J. - L., Balarac, G., Barre, S., & Maurice, G. (2018). Eolienne terrestre rabattable à axe vertical à grande rusticité et faible coût. France.
Achard, J. - L., Balarac, G., Barre, S., & Maurice, G. (2018). Système de transmission par lien souple pour l’entrainement d’une génératrice unique sur une éolienne flottante à turbines jumelles à axes verticaux. France.
Maître, T., Bernard, K., & Filiputti, H. (2018). Centrale hydroélectrique. France.


Chassagne, R., Chauchat, J., Maurin, R., & Frey, P. (2018). Discrete element simulations and continuous modeling of vertical size-segregation in bedload transport.
Clary, V., Oudart, T., Maître, T., Sommeria, J., Larroudé, P., Rodriguez, M., et al. (2018). A simple 3D river/tidal turbine model for farm calculations-Comparison with experiments.
Maurin, R., Chauchat, J., & Frey, P. (2018). Revisiting slope influence in idealized turbulent bedload transport: consequences for transport rate scaling.
Mora Paiba, D. A. O., Obligado, M., Aliseda, A., & Cartellier, A. H. (2018). 1D analysis of preferential concentration of inertial particles.
Moreau, G. P. A. (2018). Supervision, Quelques exemples au LEGI (R. des I. du S. A.(SARI), Ed.).

Currently in Preparation or Submitted

Wirth, A., & Flór, J. - B. (2018). Pressure drag of two-layer shallow-water flow at an inclined oceanic ridge, independent of velocity.

Peer-reviewed Publications

Anika, N. N., Djenidi, L., & Tardu, S. F. (2018). Bypass transition mechanism in a rough wall channel flow. Physical Review Fluids, 3(8).
Balsamo, G., Agustí-Panareda, A., Albergel, C., Arduini, G., Beljaars, A., Bidlot, J., et al. (2018). Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Earth Surface Modelling: A Review. Remote Sensing, 10(12), 2038.
Blandin, R., Van Hirtum, A., Pelorson, X., & Laboissière, R. (2018). The effect on vowel directivity patterns of higher order propagation modes. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 432, 621–632.
Bonneton, P., Lannes, D., Martins, K., & Michallet, H. (2018). A nonlinear weakly dispersive method for recovering the elevation of irrotational surface waves from pressure measurements. Coastal Engineering, 138, 1–8.
Bourgoin, M., Baudet, C., Kharche, S., Mordant, N., Vandenberghe, T., Sumbekova, S., et al. (2018). Investigation of the small-scale statistics of turbulence in the Modane S1MA wind tunnel. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 9(2), 269–281.
Campagne, A., Hassaini, R., Redor, I., Sommeria, J., Valran, T., Viboud, S., et al. (2018). Impact of dissipation on the energy spectrum of experimental turbulence of gravity surface waves. Physical Review Fluids, 3(4).
Castaing, B. (2018). What is the gravitational mass when energy and inertial mass are not equivalent? EPL – Europhysics Letters, 123(2), 20003.
Chauchat, J. (2018). A comprehensive two-phase flow model for unidirectional sheet-flows. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 56(1), 15–28.
Cheng, Z., Chauchat, J., Hsu, T. - J., & Calantoni, J. (2018). Eddy interaction model for turbulent suspension in Reynolds-averaged Euler-Lagrange simulations of steady sheet flow. Advances in Water Resources, 111, 435–451.
Cheng, Z., Hsu, T. - J., & Chauchat, J. (2018). An Eulerian two-phase model for steady sheet flow using large-eddy simulation methodology. Advances in Water Resources, 111, 205–223.
Cleynen, O., Kerikous, E., Hoerner, S., & Thévenin, D. (2018). Characterization of the performance of a free-stream water wheel using computational fluid dynamics. Energy, 165, 1392–1400.
Decaix, J., Dreyer, M., Balarac, G., Farhat, M., & Münch, C. (2018). RANS computations of a confined cavitating tip-leakage vortex. European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, .
Delon, A., Cartellier, A. H., & Matas, J. - P. (2018). Flapping instability of a liquid jet. Physical Review Fluids, 3(4).
Flór, J. - B., Hirschberg, L., Oostenrijk, B., & Van Heijst, G. J. F. (2018). Onset of centrifugal instability at a rotating cylinder in a stratified fluid. Physics of Fluids, 30(8).
Fromant, G., Mieras, R. S., Revil-Baudard, T., Puleo, J. A., Hurther, D., & Chauchat, J. (2018). On Bedload and Suspended Load Measurement Performances in Sheet Flows Using Acoustic and Conductivity Profilers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123(10), 2546–2562.
Guillaud, N., Balarac, G., & Goncalvès Da Silva, E. (2018). Large Eddy Simulations on a pitching airfoil: Analysis of the reduced frequency influence. Computers and Fluids, 161, 1–13.
Hassaini, R., & Mordant, N. (2018). Confinement effects on gravity-capillary wave turbulence. Physical Review Fluids, 3(9).
Huck, P. D., Bateson, C., Volk, R., Cartellier, A. H., Bourgoin, M., & Aliseda, A. (2018). The role of collective effects on settling velocity enhancement for inertial particles in turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 846, 1059–1075.
Kim, Y., Cheng, Z., Hsu, T. - J., & Chauchat, J. (2018). A Numerical Study of Sheet Flow Under Monochromatic Nonbreaking Waves Using a Free Surface Resolving Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Model. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans, 123(7), 4693–4719.
Kledy, M., François, F., Djeridi, H., & Barre, S. (2018). A new modelling of high pressure convective boiling flow using a local homogeneous relaxation model (HRM). International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, .
Kostaschuk, R., Nasr-Azadani, M., Meiburg, E., Wei, T., Chen, Z., Negretti, M. - E., et al. (2018). On the Causes of Pulsing in Continuous Turbidity Currents. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123(11), 2827–2843.
Lagauzère, M., & Franc, J. - P. (2018). La nouvelle veine d’essais du tunnel hydrodynamique du LEGI. La Houille Blanche – Revue internationale de l’eau, (4), 73–76.
Lallart, A., Garnier, P., Lorenceau, E., Cartellier, A. H., & Charlaix, E. (2018). Cleaning surfaces from nanoparticles with polymer film: impact of the polymer stripping. Micro and Nano Engineering, 1, 33–36.
Machicoane, N., Labarre, V., Voisin, B., Moisy, F., & Cortet, P. - P. (2018). Wake of inertial waves of a horizontal cylinder in horizontal translation. Physical Review Fluids, 3(3), 034801.
Matas, J. - P., Delon, A., & Cartellier, A. H. (2018). Shear instability of an axisymmetric air–water coaxial jet. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 843, 575–600.
Maurin, R., Chauchat, J., & Frey, P. (2018). Revisiting slope influence in turbulent bedload transport: consequences for vertical flow structure and transport rate scaling. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 839, 135–156.
Misra, A., Bonamy, C., De Souza, L. M., Hohl, L., Illner, M., Kraume, M., et al. (2018). A multi-fluid approach to simulate separation of liquid-liquid systems in a gravity settler. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 43, 31–36.
Müller, S., Cleynen, O., Hoerner, S., Lichtenberg, N., & Thévenin, D. (2018). Numerical analysis of the compromise between power output and fish-friendliness in a vortex power plant. Journal of Ecohydraulics, 3(2), 86–98.
Nagel, T., Chauchat, J., Bonamy, C., Mathieu, A., Liu, X., Cheng, Z., et al. (2018). Two-Phase Flow Simulations Of Scour Around Vertical And Horizontal Cylinders. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), 22.
Nagel, T., Chauchat, J., Wirth, A., & Bonamy, C. (2018). On the multi-scale interactions between an offshore-wind-turbine wake and the ocean-sediment dynamics in an idealized framework – A numerical investigation. Renewable Energy, 115, 783–796.
Odier, N., Balarac, G., & Corre, C. E. (2018). Numerical analysis of the flapping mechanism for a two-phase coaxial jet. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 106, 164–178.
Paquier, A. - É., Meulé, S., Anthony, E. J., Larroudé, P., & Bernard, G. (2018). Wind-Induced Hydrodynamic Interactions With Aquatic Vegetation in a Fetch-Limited Setting: Implications for Coastal Sedimentation and Protection. Estuaries and Coasts, 42(3), 688–707.
Parent, C., Boizot, F., Cubizolles, M., Verplanck, N., Achard, J. - L., & Fouillet, Y. (2018). Quantitative biological assays with on-chip calibration using versatile architecture and collapsible chambers. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 261, 106–114.
Podbevšek, D., Colombet, D., Ledoux, G., & Ayela, F. (2018). Observation of chemiluminescence induced by hydrodynamic cavitation in microchannels. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 43, 175–183.
Polanco, J. I., Vinkovic, I., Stelzenmuller, N., Mordant, N., & Bourgoin, M. (2018). Relative dispersion of particle pairs in turbulent channel flow. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 71, 231–245.
Puthanveettil, B. A., Saha, A., Krishnan, S., & Hopfinger, E. J. (2018). Shape parameters of a floating bubble. Physics of Fluids, 30(11), 112105.
Read, P. L., Tabataba-Vakili, F., Wang, Y., Augier, P., Lindborg, E., Valeanu, A., et al. (2018). Comparative terrestrial atmospheric circulation regimes in simplified global circulation models. Part II: Energy budgets and spectral transfers. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144, 2558–2576.
Rodat, S., Bavière, R., Bruch, A., & Camus, A. (2018). Dynamic simulation of a Fresnel solar power plant prototype with thermocline thermal energy storage. Applied Thermal Engineering, 135, 483–492.
Salort, J., Rusaouën, É., Robert, L., Du Puits, R., Loesch, A., Pirotte, O., et al. (2018). A local sensor for joint temperature and velocity measurements in turbulent flows. Review of Scientific Instruments, 89(1), 015005.
Thibault, J. - P. (2018). Propulsion MagnétoHydroDynamique (MHD) en eau de mer. La Revue 3E.I, Le génie électrique, moteur d’innovation pour les (N° 94 - Octobre 2018), 31.
Thorne, P. D., Hurther, D., Cooke, R. D., Cáceres, I., Barraud, P. - A., & Sánchez-Arcilla, A. (2018). Developments in acoustics for studying wave-driven boundary layer flow and sediment dynamics over rippled sand-beds. Continental Shelf Research, 166, 119–137.
Van Der Zanden, J., Van Der A, D. A., Cáceres, I., Hurther, D., Mclelland, S. J., Ribberink, J. S., et al. (2018). Near-Bed Turbulent Kinetic Energy Budget Under a Large-Scale Plunging Breaking Wave Over a Fixed Bar. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans, 123(2), 1429–1456.
Van Hirtum, A., Bouvet, A., & Pelorson, X. (2018). Pressure drop for adiabatic air-water flow through a time-varying constriction. Physics of Fluids, 30(10).
Virone, L., Acounis, S., Beaupère, N., Beney, J. - L., Bert, J., Bouvier, S., et al. (2018). Gravity assisted recovery of liquid xenon at large mass flow rates. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 893, 10–14.
Wirth, A. (2018). A Fluctuation–Dissipation Relation for the Ocean Subject to Turbulent Atmospheric Forcing. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 48(4), 831–843.
Ylönen, M., Saarenrinne, P., Miettinen, J., Franc, J. - P., Fivel, M. C., & Nyyssönen, T. (2018). Cavitation Erosion Resistance Assessment and Comparison of Three Francis Turbine Runner Materials. Materials Performance and Characterization, 7(5).

Conference Proceedings

Achard, J. - L., Maurice, G., Balarac, G., & Barre, S. (2018). Une nouvelle Eolienne Flottante à Axe Vertical. Le projet OWLWIND. In GDR CNRS 3763 EMR (Energies Marines Renouvelables) ”Composants innovants et concepts en rupture pour la récupération des EMRs”. Lyon, France.
Aumelas, V., Maj, G., Franc, J. - P., & Boucheron, R. (2018). Microbubbles seeding for optical velocity measurement (LDV and PIV): an experimental validation. In 19th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics. Lisbon, Portugal.
Bonamy, C., Nagel, T., Mathieu, A., Chauchat, J., Cheng, Z., & Hsu, T. - J. (2018). Prediction of scour phenomenon around cylinder with SedFoam. In 3rd French OpenFOAM users conference. Valenciennes, France.
Bonneton, P., Mouragues, A., Lannes, D., Martins, K., & Michallet, H. (2018). A simple and accurate nonlinear method for recovering the surface wave elevation from pressure measurements. In 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2018. Baltimore, United States.
Caney, N., Cherief, W., Riofrío Almeida, M. C., & Gruss, J. - A. (2018). Heat transfer intensification by surface structuration in spray cooling. In International Heat Transfer Conference. Bejin, China.
Carpenter, A. B., Garanaik, A., Rastello, M., Venayagamoorthy, S. K., & Gates, T. K. (2018). Flow velocity measurements in a laboratory flume with ADV and LDA: a comparative study. In Hydrology Days. Fort-Collins, United States.
Carpenter, A. B., Rastello, M., Garanaik, A., Venayagamoorthy, S. K., & Gates, T. K. (2018). Uncertainty analysis of flow velocity measurements using LDA and ADV in laboratory experiments. In 8th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics. Notre Dame, United States.
Carrat, J. - B., Bouvard, T., Fortes Patella, R., & Franc, J. - P. (2018). Cavitation aggressiveness on a hydrofoil. In 29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (Vol. 240, 062021). Kyoto, Japan: IOP Science.
Chassagne, R., Maurin, R., Chauchat, J., & Frey, P. (2018). Discrete element simulations and continuous modeling of vertical size-segregation in bedload transport. In Agu. Washington, D.C., United States.
Chassagne, R., Maurin, R., Chauchat, J., & Frey, P. (2018). Vertical size-segregation in bedload sediment transport : from grain scale to continuum models. In EGU General Assembly 2018 (Vol. 20). Vienne, Austria.
Chauchat, J., Cheng, Z., Revil-Baudard, T., Bonamy, C., Hsu, T. - J., & Hurther, D. (2018). Investigation of turbulent sheet flows under unidirectional flow forcing. In 8th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics. NOTRE-DAME, IN, United States.
Chauchat, J., Maurin, R., Nagel, T., Bonamy, C., Cheng, Z., Mathieu, A., et al. (2018). Upscaling of granular processes in sediment transport : from discrete to continuous modeling. In Egu 2018. VIENNE, Austria.
Clary, V., Oudart, T., Maître, T., Sommeria, J., Zeidan, W., Morocho, L. A., et al. (2018). A simple 3D river/tidal turbine model for farm computation – Comparison with experiments. In Sixth International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts (ICEC-2018),. Caen, France.
Colombet, D., Podbevšek, D., Ledoux, G., & Ayela, F. (2018). Cavitating flow in microchannels : thermal effects and chemiluminescence. In GDR MicroNanoFluidics. Grenoble, France.
Cortet, P. - P., Machicoane, N., Labarre, V., Voisin, B., & Moisy, F. (2018). Sillage d’ondes d’inertie d’un cylindre horizontal en translation dans un fluide en rotation. In Journée thématique “Sillages et Ondes de Surface” 3. Paris, France.
Cortet, P. - P., Machicoane, N., Labarre, V., Voisin, B., & Moisy, F. (2018). Wake of inertial waves of a horizontal cylinder in horizontal translation. In 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Atlanta, United States.
Ding, Z., Achard, J. - L., & Corre, C. E. (2018). Optimisation d’une centrale à cycle fermé exploitant l’Energie Thermique des Mers (ETM). In GDR CNRS 3763 EMR (Energies Marines Renouvelables) ”Composants innovants et concepts en rupture pour la récupération des EMRs”. Lyon, France.
Ding, Z., Achard, J. - L., & Corre, C. E. (2018). Optimisation multi-objectifs d’une centrale à cycle fermé exploitant l’Energie Thermique des Mers (ETM). In Colloque Simulation et Optimisation pour les énergies marines renouvelables (EMERSIM). Paris, France.
Frey, P., Chassagne, R., Maurin, R., & Chauchat, J. (2018). Vertical grain size sorting in bedload transport on steep slopes with a coupled fluid-discrete element model. In River Flow (Vol. 40, 04013). Lyon, France.
Hoerner, S., Abbaszadeh, S., Maître, T., Vignal, L., Weber, C. - T., Leidhold, R., et al. (2018). Experimental Evaluation of the Behavior of Highly-Flexible Structures for Vertical Axis Water Turbines. In Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow. Budapest, Hungary.
Hoerner, S., Maître, T., Bonamy, C., & Thévenin, D. (2018). Fluid-structure-interaction of a flexible composite hydrofoil in forced rotational oscillation motion. In Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Sound Interactions, Flow-Induced Vibration & Noise. Toronto, Canada.
Homrani, S., Le Dantec, N., Floc’h, F., Franzetti, M., Fromant, G., Sedrati, M., et al. (2018). Short-term morphodynamics of a submarine dune bank in a macrotidal environment: observations from the Creïzic bank (South Brittany, France). In EGU General Assembly 2018 (Vol. 20). Vienna, Austria.
Hsu, T. - J., Rafati, Y., Kim, Y., Cheng, Z., Chauchat, J., & Calantoni, J. (2018). An open-source numerical modeling tool for wave-scale and turbulence/grain-scale coastal processes. In AGU Fall Meeting 2018. WASHINGTON, DC, United States.
Joshi, S., Franc, J. - P., Ghigliotti, G., & Fivel, M. C. (2018). Modeling Fluid-Structure Interaction in Cavitation Erosion using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. In 10th International Symposium on Cavitation – CAV2018. Baltimore, United States.
Joshi, S., Franc, J. - P., Ghigliotti, G., & Fivel, M. C. (2018). Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulations of cavitation bubble collapse induced plasticity. In 2nd International Conference on Advanced Modelling of Wave Propagation in Solids. Prague, Czech Republic.
Joshi, S., Ghigliotti, G., Franc, J. - P., & Fivel, M. C. (2018). Axisymmetric SPH for solid mechanics: Treatment of particle close to the symmetry axis. In 13th SPHERIC International Workshop. Galway, Ireland.
Jougla, T., Thysen, J. - H., & Flór, J. - B. (2018). On the interaction between fronts and vortices. In EGU, Vienne, NP6.2: Recent developments in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Waves, Turbulence, Transport and Intermittency (Vol. 20, 15435). Vienne, Austria.
Kharche, S., Moro, J. - P., Baudet, C., Rousset, B., Fuchs, A., Peinke, J., et al. (2018). Turbulent velocity measurements in high Reynolds cryogenic helium facilities at Service des Basses Températures (SBT). In Proceedings of ICEC 27 – ICMC 2018. Oxford, United Kingdom.
Lagauzère, M. (2018). Acquisition de données et traitement du signal sous LabVIEW. In Journée LabVIEW 2018. Lyon, France.
Lagauzère, M. (2018). Pilotage multi axes.Motorisation pour déplacement de sondes de conductivité sur la plateforme Coriolis. In AlpesVIEW 2018. Grenoble, France.
Lallart, A., Garnier, P., Lorenceau, E., Cartellier, A. H., & Charlaix, E. (2018). Cleaning Surfaces from Nanoparticles with Polymer Film: Impact of the Polymer Stripping. In 20th Surface Preparation and Cleaning Conference. Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.
Mathieu, A., Nagel, T., Bonamy, C., Chauchat, J., Cheng, Z., Liu, X., et al. (2018). Application of a Eulerian two-phase flow model to scour processes. In River Flow 2018 – Ninth International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (Vol. 40). Lyon-Villeurbanne, France.
Mezui, Y., Cartellier, A. H., & Obligado, M. (2018). Characterization of bubbles clusters in bubble column. In Dispersed Two-Phase Flows 2018, SHF colloquium. Toulouse, France.
Michallet, H., Vieira Lima Matias Da Rocha, M., & Silva, P. A. (2018). Migration de la barre de déferlement par effet des ondes longues. In XV èmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil. La Rochelle, France.
Moreau, G. P. A. (2018). Du 10Gb/s dans un réseau FTTO. In Les Journées Systèmes – JOSY FTTO. Grenoble, France.
Moreau, G. P. A., Feltin, G., & Berthoud, F. (2018). Impacts écologiques et développement durable dans la FTTO. In Les Journées Systèmes – JOSY FTTO. Grenoble, France.
Moreau, G. P. A., Mathieu, A., Bonamy, C., Chauchat, J., & Sommeria, J. (2018). OpenData pour la simulation et les expérimentations au LEGI. In Interopérabilité et pérennisation des données de la recherche : comment FAIR En pratique ? Retours d’expérience. Paris, France.
Oudart, T., Larroudé, P., Paquier, A. - É., Meulé, S., Le Bouteiller, C., & Rouanet, E. (2018). Numerical approach for Flow/Vegetation interaction with 3D SPH Model. In Sixth International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts (ICEC-2018). Caen, France.
Paquette, Y., Fivel, M. C., Ghigliotti, G., Johnsen, E., & Franc, J. - P. (2018). Fluid-Structure Interaction in Cavitation Erosion. In 10th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2018). Baltimore, United States.
Parent, C., Verplanck, N., Achard, J. - L., Boizot, F., Charles, R., & Fouillet, Y. (2018). A stand-alone and portable microfluidic platform for quantitative multi-step assays. In 20th annual Nanotech 2018 Conference. Anaheim, United States.
Parent, C., Verplanck, N., Achard, J. - L., Cubizolles, M., Nonglaton, G., Boizot, F., et al. (2018). A stand-alone and portable microfluidic platform for quantitative immunoassays with an integrated calibration. In MicroTAS 2018. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Podbevšek, D., Ayela, F., Colombet, D., & Ledoux, G. (2018). Direct evidence of hydroxyl radicals formation downstream two-phase cavitating microflows. In μFlu’18, 5th European Conference on Microfluidics. Strasbourg, France.
Podbevšek, D., Ayela, F., Colombet, D., & Ledoux, G. (2018). Luminescence based temperature measurements in micro cavitating flow. In μFlu’18, 5th European Conference on Microfluidics. Strasbourg, France.
Podbevšek, D., Colombet, D., Ayela, F., Lai, T., & Martini, M. (2018). Luminescence based measurements in micro cavitating flow. In CAV 2018, 10th international symposium on cavitation. Baltimore, United States.
Qiu, X., Bouchiat, V., Colombet, D., & Ayela, F. (2018). Green graphen production by hydrocavitating labs-on-a-chip. In GDR MicroNanoFluidics. Grenoble, France.
Qiu, X., Bouchiat, V., Colombet, D., & Ayela, F. (2018). Liquid phase exfoliation of graphene in a hydrocavitating microchannel. In μFlu’18, 5th European Conference on Microfluidics. Strasbourg, France.
Qiu, X., Bouchiat, V., Colombet, D., & Ayela, F. (2018). Liquid phase exfoliation of graphene in cavitating ‘labs-on-a-chip’. In Advanced Materials World Congress. Singapore, Malaysia.
Quentin, B., Tauveron, N., & Caney, N. (2018). Etude expérimentale d’un ORC compact pour la conversion de chaleur basse température en électricité. In Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique. Pau, France.
Quentin, B., Tauveron, N., & Caney, N. (2018). Experimental study of a compact ORC for low grade heat conversion to electricity. In Engine ORC Consortium. Lyon, France.
Raimundo, P. M., Obligado, M., Cartellier, A. H., Beneventi, D., Forret, A., & Augier, F. (2018). Hydrodynamics of bubble columns in the heterogeneous regime: mechanisms, scale-up and modeling. In CHISA 2018 23rd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering. Prague, Czech Republic.
Rastello, M., Michallet, H., & Marié, J. - L. (2018). Sediment erosion in zero-mean-shear turbulence. In Hydrology Days. Fort-Collins, United States.
Rueda Villegas, L., Colombet, D., Cockx, A., Cazin, S., Legendre, D., & Guiraud, P. (2018). Analyse d’images pour améliorer l’étude expérimentale d’écoulements diphasique dispersés denses. In Gdr Morphea. Toulouse, France.
Rueda Villegas, L., Colombet, D., Cockx, A., Cazin, S., Legendre, D., & Guiraud, P. (2018). Improvements of image processing for the analysis of dispersed two-phase flows. In European Conference on Fluid Particle Separation. Lyon, France.
Sahut, G., Ghigliotti, G., Marty, P., & Balarac, G. (2018). Numerical Simulation of Boiling. In DTPF – Dispersed Two-Phase Flows. Toulouse, France.
Sarkar, P., Ghigliotti, G., Fivel, M. C., & Franc, J. - P. (2018). Fluid-Structure Interaction model for collapsing cavitation bubble near deformable solid boundaries. In 10th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2018). Baltimore, United States.
Sarkar, P., Ghigliotti, G., Fivel, M. C., & Franc, J. - P. (2018). Numerical investigation of the dynamics of pressure loading on a solid boundary from a collapsing cavitation bubble. In 10th International Symposium on Cavitation – CAV2018. Baltimore, United States.
Sochinskii, A., Colombet, D., Ayela, F., Medrano Muñoz, M., Luchier, N., & Duval, J. M. (2018). Hydrodynamic experimental and numerical study of micro-fabricated regenerators. In NEGF 18, 3th European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows. strasbourg, France.
Tardu, S. F., Doche, O. L., & Bauer, F. (2018). Buffer layer dynamics in wall bounded flows. In iTi 2018 Conference on Turbulence. University Center of Bertinoro, Italy.
Ylönen, M., Saarenrinne, P., Miettinen, J., Franc, J. - P., & Fivel, M. C. (2018). Cavitation Bubble Collapse Monitoring by Acoustic Emission in Laboratory Testing. In 10th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2018). Baltimore, United States.

Ph.D. Theses

Bouajila, S. (2018). Analyse expérimentale et numérique des écoulements à charge partielle dans les turbines Francis – Étude des vortex inter-aubes. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Carrat, J. - B. (2018). Quantification expérimentale et numérique de l’agressivité de cavitation. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Hassaini, R. (2018). Etude de la turbulence d’ondes élastiques et gravito-capillaires : de l’idéal théorique aux conditions réelles ? Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Jougla, T. (2018). On the emergence and evolution of jets and vortices in turbulent planetary atmospheres. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes ; University of Saint Andrews, .
Kledy, M. (2018). Développement d’une méthode de mesure des champs de vitesse et de température liquide en écoulement diphasique bouillant en conditions réacteurs ou simulantes. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Kunhappan, D. (2018). Numerical modeling of long flexible fibers in inertial flows. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Nagel, T. (2018). Numerical study of multi-scale flow-sediment-structure interactions using a multiphase approach. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Pham, H. L. (2018). Operation of biofilters : a numerical approach to some couplings between hydrodynamic and biofilm growth Modeling. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Qiu, X. (2018). Procédé d’exfoliation du graphite en phase liquide dans des laboratoires sur puce. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Raja, K. J. (2018). Internal waves and mean flow in the presence of topography. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Sochinskii, A. (2018). Premier pas vers la miniaturisation des cryoréfrigérateurs spatiaux. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .
Tran, H. Y. (2018). Modeling long term shoreline evolution and coastal erosion. Ph.D. thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, .

Book Contributions

Bouajila, S., Brammer, J., Flores, E., Ségoufin, C., & Maître, T. (2018). Modelization and Simulation of Francis Turbine Inter-blade Vortices in Partial Load Conditions. In Gourbesville P., Cunge J., Caignaert G. (eds) Advances in Hydroinformatics. Springer Water. Springer, Singapore.
Fivel, M. C., & Franc, J. - P. (2018). Cavitation Erosion. In G. E. Totten (Ed.), ASM Handbook, Volume 18: Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology (pp. 290–301).
Jacquet, C., Fortes Patella, R., Balarac, L., & Houdeline, J. - B. (2018). Hybrid RANS/LES approach: an accurate methodology to predict S-shape region of reversible pump-turbines. In Advances in Hydroinformatics – SimHydro 2017 (Vol. Chapter 68, pp. 947–963). Springer.