Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

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Accueil > Équipes > Équipe MEIGE > Diffusion scientifique > Séminaires internes

Séminaires internes

Des séminaires internes informels (20 min de présentation, habituellement jeudi à 13h) sont régulièrement organisés dans l’équipe.

Pour des infos ou demandes, envoyer un courriel à  : Rémi Chassagne  .

Prochains séminaires :

- 2023/01/09 Jeudi 13h00 - Thibault Leduque -

La liste plus complète des séminaires à venir et passés :

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Unspontaneous loss of balance

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ECOUFLU meeting

Le jeudi 24 mai, le séminaire interne sera annulé pour que l’équipe MEIGE puisse participer à la journée ECOUFLU.
Le texte de l’annonce :
Comme vous le savez peut-être, les membres du plateau ECOUFLU (...)

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Fine-structure contamination by internal waves

Oceanic fine structure has been studied since the development of CTD and microstructure profilers allowed to resolve the vertical scales of temperature and salinity in the ocean. In the context (...)

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Large Eddy Simulation of a Stably stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer

In the present talk, Large Eddy Simulation of a Stably stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer is performed. we focus on the specific role played by Görtler vortices in katabatic flows. A downslope (...)

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Experimental modelling of bistability in mid-latitude atmospheric jets

Bistability, a striking property of some climate features, can be obtained in purely hydrodynamic systems in turbulent regimes and can be explained in terms of statistical mechanics. Here, we (...)

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Impact des ondes de relief dans la circulation océanique

The Southern Ocean (SO) is home to some of the strongest of the world’s ocean currents. Recent observations and numerical experiments suggest that a fraction of the energy of SO currents is (...)

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Searching for Goertler rolls in a gravity flow : some preliminary tests

Gravity flows are ubiquitous in several geophysical and industrail contexts and play an important role in turbulent kinetic energy transfer, as well as in turbulent transport and mixing with (...)

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Internal wave–boundary layer coupling for a disc oscillating in a density-stratified fluid

A horizontal circular disc oscillating in a density-stratified fluid radiates internal gravity waves. Viscosity affects both the propagation of the waves through the fluid and their generation at (...)

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Part 2. Statiscal mechanics of 2D flows

2D turbulence is naturally defined as a turbulent flow depending only on two space coordinates x,y or qlternqtively qs flow confined to a surface (which does not need to be plane, for instance a (...)

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Statistical Mechanics of 2-D flows

2D turbulence is naturally defined as a turbulent flow depending only on two space coordinates x,y or qlternqtively qs flow confined to a surface (which does not need to be plane, for instance a (...)

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